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Course List and Credits
Semester 0 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
HZR Hazırlık 0+0+0 Compulsory 0
Total ECTS: 0
Semester 1 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
ENG112 English I 2+2+0 Compulsory 2
FIZ112 Physics I 3+1+0 Compulsory 6
INS122 Probability and Statistics 3+0+0 Compulsory 5
INS125 Technical Drawing 1+2+0 Compulsory 4
KIM112 Introductory Chemistry for Engineers 3+1+0 Compulsory 5
MAT112 Calculus I 4+0+0 Compulsory 6
ORY101 Orientation of Engineering 1+2+0 Compulsory 2
Total ECTS: 30
Semester 2 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
ENG212 English II 2+2+0 Compulsory 2
FIZ212 Physics II 3+1+0 Compulsory 6
INS221 Static 4+0+0 Compulsory 6
INS222 Basic Computer Sciences 2+2+0 Compulsory 3
INS224 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 1+2+0 Compulsory 4
INS227 Geology for Civil Engineers 3+0+0 Compulsory 3
MAT212 Calculus II 4+0+0 Compulsory 6
Total ECTS: 30
Semester 3 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
INS321 Resistance I 4+0+0 Compulsory 5
INS322 Hydrology 3+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS324 Engineering Materials 3+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS327 Architectural Structural Design 3+0+0 Compulsory 3
MAT312 Linear Algebra 4+0+0 Compulsory 5
US3 Elective Course III 3+0+0 Elective 3
Total ECTS: 24
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
99901990 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
99901999 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS011 İspanyolca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS012 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS013 İspanyolca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS014 Spanish IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS021 Almanca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS022 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS023 Almanca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS024 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS025 Almanca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS031 Fransızca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS032 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS033 Fransızca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS034 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS035 Fransızca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS041 Rusça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS042 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS043 Rusça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS044 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS045 Rusça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS051 Çince I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS052 Chinese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS053 Çince III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS054 Chinese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS061 Farsça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS062 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS063 Farsça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS064 Farsça IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS071 Japonca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS072 Japanese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS073 Japonca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS074 Japanese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS081 Arapça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS082 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS085 Arapça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US10 Applied Entrepreneurship 2+2+0 Elective 3
US106 Forty Hadith Shah 2+0+0 Elective 3
US109 German III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US11 Entrepreneurship 2+0+0 Elective 3
US110 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US111 German V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US112 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US113 Japenese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US114 Japenese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US115 Japenese V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US116 Japenese VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US117 Russian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US118 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US119 Russian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US12 Foundations of Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US120 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US121 Arabic III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US122 Arabic IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US123 Arabic V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US124 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US125 Persian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US126 Persian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US127 Persian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US128 Persian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US129 French III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US13 Human Rights 2+0+0 Elective 3
US130 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US131 French V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US132 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US133 Technology, Globalization and Sustainable Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US134 Cinema and Sociology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US135 Design Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US136 Actuary First Aid Interviews 2+0+0 Elective 3
US137 Contemporary Economics and Institutions Critique 2+0+0 Elective 3
US138 City Aesthetics and Mevlevi Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US139 Volleyball Referee 2+0+0 Elective 3
US14 Academic Research, Writing and Evaluation Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US140 Energy Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US141 Energy Legislation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US142 Productivity Analysis in Firms 2+0+0 Elective 3
US143 Development of Industry in Turkey 2+0+0 Elective 3
US144 Editing and Writing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US146 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US147 Export Marketing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US148 Business Intelligence 2+0+0 Elective 3
US15 Learning to Learn 2+0+0 Elective 3
US150 Traffic Accidents and Psychosocial Support 2+0+0 Elective 3
US151 Modeling 2+0+0 Elective 3
US152 ABC of First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US153 Active Life Principles 2+0+0 Elective 3
US158 Arabic 4.2 2+0+0 Elective 3
US159 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US16 Automotive Industry History 2+0+0 Elective 3
US160 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US161 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US162 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US163 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US164 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Zorunlu Seçmeli 3
US165 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US166 International Market Entry Strategies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US167 Turkish Cultural Geography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US168 Integrated Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US169 History and Development of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2+0+0 Elective 3
US17 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US170 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US171 Turkish Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US172 Risk management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US174 Innovation Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US175 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US176 Industry 4.0 2+0+0 Elective 3
US177 Spanish I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US178 Japanese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US179 Management and Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US18 Back Side of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US180 Turkey Fiscal Policy Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US181 Understanding Anxiety 2+0+0 Elective 3
US182 Robotics Technologies and Applications (English) 2+0+0 Elective 3
US183 Simple Encryption Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US184 Brand Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US185 Improving Baby Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US186 Football Game Rules 2+0+0 Elective 3
US187 Industry 4.0 - National Technology Move 2+0+0 Elective 3
US188 Information Technologies and Financial Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US189 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US19 Consumer Society and Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US190 Solar Energy Technologies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US191 Spanish III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US193 Chinese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US198 Ortadoğuda İnanç ve Kimlikler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US20 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US200 Data Analysis and Machine Learning 2+0+0 Elective 3
US201 Finansal Raporlama İlkeleri ve Mali Analiz 2+0+0 Elective 3
US203 Latex ile Döküman Hazırlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US204 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US205 Akademik Türkçe 2+0+0 Elective 3
US206 Blockchain Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US207 Türk İşaret Dili 2+0+0 Elective 3
US208 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US209 Finansal Uygulamalar ve Finansal Araçlar 3+0+0 Elective 3
US21 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US210 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 3+0+0 Elective 3
US211 Enerji Verimliliği 3+0+0 Elective 3
US212 Kariyer Planlama 3+0+0 Elective 3
US213 Çince II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US214 İktisadi Doktrinler ve Ekonomik Krizler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US215 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US216 Akıllı ve Sürdürülebilir Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US217 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US218 İş Hayatına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US219 3 Boyutlu Üretim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US22 Environmental Legislation for Businesses 2+0+0 Elective 3
US220 Bulut Teknolojileri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US221 Pandemi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US222 Afet ve Kriz Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US223 Tütün ve Madde Bağımlılığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US224 Sosyal Medya Pazarlaması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US225 Adım Adım Beytülmakdis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US226 Sporcu Sağlığı ve Rehabilitasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US227 Ekonomi Okur Yazarlığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US228 Türkiye Enerji Piyasasına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US229 Sigortacılık ve Risk Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US23 Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US230 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US24 Main Topics and Main Values in the Qur'an 2+0+0 Elective 3
US25 Stress Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US257 Sociology of Values 2+0+0 Elective 3
US258 Product Development For Islamic Bank 2+0+0 Elective 3
US259 Media Literacy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US26 Creative Drama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US261 Accounting For Islamic Financial Transaction 2+0+0 Elective 3
US262 Civil Society Studies and Project Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US263 Tax Evasion and Informal Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US264 A Sip of Life with NLP 2+0+0 Elective 3
US265 Hydrogen Production Technologies and Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US266 Intellectual Property Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US267 Culture and Civilization in Classical Turkish Poetry 2+0+0 Elective 3
US268 Ben Bilmem Genim Bilir 2+0+0 Elective 3
US27 Our City and Our Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US270 Ekonomi Güvenliği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US272 Political Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US273 Alternative Treatment Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US28 Museum and Museology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US29 Globalization and Energy Policies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US298 Yapısal Tasarım Optimizasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US299 Veri Bilimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US30 Turkish Foreign Policy During the Republican Period 2+0+0 Elective 3
US301 İslam İbadet Esasları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US302 Liderlik Eğitimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US303 Finansal Okuryazarlık 2+0+0 Elective 3
US304 Aile Şirketleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US305 İletişim ve Davranış Modelleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US307 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası 2+0+0 Elective 3
US308 Sivil toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası Diplomasisi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US309 Yapay Zeka ve Makina Öğrenmesi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US31 City, Change and Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US311 Islamic Capital Markets 2+0+0 Elective 3
US312 Business English 2+0+0 Elective 3
US313 Islamic Financial System 2+0+0 Elective 3
US314 Karşılaştırmalı Medeniyetler ve Ekonomi Tarihi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US315 Uluslararası İlişkilerin Jeopolitiği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US316 Veri Analizi ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US317 Child Rights and Family Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US319 Corporate Governance with Global Macroeconomic Trends 2+0+0 Elective 3
US32 Konya City and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US33 History of Turkish Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US34 History and Philosophy of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US35 Ottoman Text Reading 2+0+0 Elective 3
US36 Painting Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US37 Original Print Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US38 Photography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US39 Graphic Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US40 Marbling Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US41 Miniature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US42 Wall Picture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US420 Tekno Girişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US43 Artifact Analysis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US44 Healthy Nutrition and Nutrition Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US45 Consumer Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US46 Healthy Living and Exercise 2+0+0 Elective 3
US47 First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US48 Stress Management Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US49 Persian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US50 Events in 1915 and So-called Genocide 2+0+0 Elective 3
US51 City Aesthetics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US52 Selections From Arabic Literature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US53 Character Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US54 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US55 Japenese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US555 Paraşüt - Yetenek 2+0+0 Elective 3
US56 Russian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US57 Arabic I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US58 French I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US60 English Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US61 Critical Thinking 2+0+0 Elective 3
US62 Individual Application to the Constitutional Court 2+0+0 Elective 3
US63 Human Anatomy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US64 Human Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US65 Renewable Energy Sources 2+0+0 Elective 3
US66 Robotics Technologies and Applications 2+0+0 Elective 3
US666 Paraşüt - Kariyer Planlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US67 Ney Opening Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US68 Software / Software and Coding for Everyone 2+0+0 Elective 3
US69 Office Ergonomics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US70 Technology and Philosophy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US71 Past Daily Science and Technology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US73 Globalization and Innovation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US74 Electronic Trade 2+0+0 Elective 3
US75 Converter Leadership Model Personalities 2+0+0 Elective 3
US76 Sunumi Darbeller from Ottoman 2+0+0 Elective 3
US77 Drops From Our Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US777 Paraşüt - Kültür Sanat 2+0+0 Elective 3
US78 Current Logistics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US79 Strategic Marketing Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US80 Ottoman Institutions and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US82 Mass Communication and Perception Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US84 Advertisement Advertisement and Concept Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US85 Marbling Decaorations on Ceramic 2+0+0 Elective 3
US86 Forensic Medicine Painting 2+0+0 Elective 3
US87 Yoga 2+0+0 Elective 3
US88 World of Genes 2+0+0 Elective 3
US888 Paraşüt - Gönüllülük 2+0+0 Elective 3
US89 Family and Child Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US90 Sports and Sportsman Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US91 Health Care 2+0+0 Elective 3
US92 Health Institution Application 2+0+0 Elective 3
US93 Ergonegic Assistants and Doping 2+0+0 Elective 3
US94 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US95 Japenese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US96 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US97 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US98 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US99 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US999 General Activity 2+0+0 Elective 3
Semester 4 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
AHİ102 Professional Ethics and Ahi Order 3+0+0 Compulsory 3
INS421 Resistance II 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS422 Dynamics 3+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS423 Construction Materials 3+1+0 Compulsory 4
INS424 Fluid Mechanics 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS425 Topography 2+1+0 Compulsory 3
MAT412 Differential Equations 4+0+0 Compulsory 5
US4 Elective Course IV 3+0+0 Elective 3
Total ECTS: 30
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
99901990 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
99901999 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS011 İspanyolca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS012 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS013 İspanyolca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS014 Spanish IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS021 Almanca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS022 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS023 Almanca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS024 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS025 Almanca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS031 Fransızca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS032 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS033 Fransızca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS034 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS035 Fransızca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS041 Rusça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS042 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS043 Rusça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS044 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS045 Rusça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS051 Çince I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS052 Chinese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS053 Çince III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS054 Chinese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS061 Farsça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS062 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS063 Farsça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS064 Farsça IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS071 Japonca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS072 Japanese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS073 Japonca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS074 Japanese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS081 Arapça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS082 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS085 Arapça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US10 Applied Entrepreneurship 2+2+0 Elective 3
US106 Forty Hadith Shah 2+0+0 Elective 3
US109 German III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US11 Entrepreneurship 2+0+0 Elective 3
US110 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US111 German V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US112 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US113 Japenese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US114 Japenese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US115 Japenese V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US116 Japenese VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US117 Russian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US118 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US119 Russian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US12 Foundations of Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US120 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US121 Arabic III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US122 Arabic IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US123 Arabic V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US124 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US125 Persian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US126 Persian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US127 Persian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US128 Persian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US129 French III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US13 Human Rights 2+0+0 Elective 3
US130 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US131 French V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US132 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US133 Technology, Globalization and Sustainable Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US134 Cinema and Sociology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US135 Design Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US136 Actuary First Aid Interviews 2+0+0 Elective 3
US137 Contemporary Economics and Institutions Critique 2+0+0 Elective 3
US138 City Aesthetics and Mevlevi Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US139 Volleyball Referee 2+0+0 Elective 3
US14 Academic Research, Writing and Evaluation Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US140 Energy Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US141 Energy Legislation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US142 Productivity Analysis in Firms 2+0+0 Elective 3
US143 Development of Industry in Turkey 2+0+0 Elective 3
US144 Editing and Writing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US146 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US147 Export Marketing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US148 Business Intelligence 2+0+0 Elective 3
US15 Learning to Learn 2+0+0 Elective 3
US150 Traffic Accidents and Psychosocial Support 2+0+0 Elective 3
US151 Modeling 2+0+0 Elective 3
US152 ABC of First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US153 Active Life Principles 2+0+0 Elective 3
US158 Arabic 4.2 2+0+0 Elective 3
US159 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US16 Automotive Industry History 2+0+0 Elective 3
US160 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US161 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US162 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US163 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US164 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Zorunlu Seçmeli 3
US165 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US166 International Market Entry Strategies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US167 Turkish Cultural Geography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US168 Integrated Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US169 History and Development of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2+0+0 Elective 3
US17 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US170 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US171 Turkish Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US172 Risk management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US174 Innovation Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US175 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US176 Industry 4.0 2+0+0 Elective 3
US177 Spanish I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US178 Japanese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US179 Management and Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US18 Back Side of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US180 Turkey Fiscal Policy Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US181 Understanding Anxiety 2+0+0 Elective 3
US182 Robotics Technologies and Applications (English) 2+0+0 Elective 3
US183 Simple Encryption Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US184 Brand Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US185 Improving Baby Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US186 Football Game Rules 2+0+0 Elective 3
US187 Industry 4.0 - National Technology Move 2+0+0 Elective 3
US188 Information Technologies and Financial Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US189 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US19 Consumer Society and Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US190 Solar Energy Technologies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US191 Spanish III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US193 Chinese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US198 Ortadoğuda İnanç ve Kimlikler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US20 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US200 Data Analysis and Machine Learning 2+0+0 Elective 3
US201 Finansal Raporlama İlkeleri ve Mali Analiz 2+0+0 Elective 3
US203 Latex ile Döküman Hazırlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US204 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US205 Akademik Türkçe 2+0+0 Elective 3
US206 Blockchain Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US207 Türk İşaret Dili 2+0+0 Elective 3
US208 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US209 Finansal Uygulamalar ve Finansal Araçlar 3+0+0 Elective 3
US21 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US210 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 3+0+0 Elective 3
US211 Enerji Verimliliği 3+0+0 Elective 3
US212 Kariyer Planlama 3+0+0 Elective 3
US213 Çince II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US214 İktisadi Doktrinler ve Ekonomik Krizler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US215 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US216 Akıllı ve Sürdürülebilir Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US217 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US218 İş Hayatına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US219 3 Boyutlu Üretim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US22 Environmental Legislation for Businesses 2+0+0 Elective 3
US220 Bulut Teknolojileri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US221 Pandemi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US222 Afet ve Kriz Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US223 Tütün ve Madde Bağımlılığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US224 Sosyal Medya Pazarlaması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US225 Adım Adım Beytülmakdis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US226 Sporcu Sağlığı ve Rehabilitasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US227 Ekonomi Okur Yazarlığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US228 Türkiye Enerji Piyasasına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US229 Sigortacılık ve Risk Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US23 Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US230 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US24 Main Topics and Main Values in the Qur'an 2+0+0 Elective 3
US25 Stress Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US250 Beytülmakdis: Let's Know More 2+0+0 Elective 3
US251 Technology addiction 2+0+0 Elective 3
US252 Microsoft Office Applications 2+0+0 Elective 3
US254 Sustainability and Environment 2+0+0 Elective 3
US255 Finance History 2+0+0 Elective 3
US256 Game Theory 2+0+0 Elective 3
US257 Sociology of Values 2+0+0 Elective 3
US258 Product Development For Islamic Bank 2+0+0 Elective 3
US259 Media Literacy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US26 Creative Drama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US261 Accounting For Islamic Financial Transaction 2+0+0 Elective 3
US262 Civil Society Studies and Project Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US263 Tax Evasion and Informal Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US264 A Sip of Life with NLP 2+0+0 Elective 3
US265 Hydrogen Production Technologies and Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US266 Intellectual Property Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US267 Culture and Civilization in Classical Turkish Poetry 2+0+0 Elective 3
US268 Ben Bilmem Genim Bilir 2+0+0 Elective 3
US27 Our City and Our Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US270 Ekonomi Güvenliği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US272 Political Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US273 Alternative Treatment Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US28 Museum and Museology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US29 Globalization and Energy Policies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US298 Yapısal Tasarım Optimizasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US299 Veri Bilimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US30 Turkish Foreign Policy During the Republican Period 2+0+0 Elective 3
US301 İslam İbadet Esasları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US302 Liderlik Eğitimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US303 Finansal Okuryazarlık 2+0+0 Elective 3
US304 Aile Şirketleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US305 İletişim ve Davranış Modelleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US307 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası 2+0+0 Elective 3
US308 Sivil toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası Diplomasisi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US309 Yapay Zeka ve Makina Öğrenmesi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US31 City, Change and Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US311 Islamic Capital Markets 2+0+0 Elective 3
US312 Business English 2+0+0 Elective 3
US313 Islamic Financial System 2+0+0 Elective 3
US314 Karşılaştırmalı Medeniyetler ve Ekonomi Tarihi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US315 Uluslararası İlişkilerin Jeopolitiği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US316 Veri Analizi ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US317 Child Rights and Family Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US319 Corporate Governance with Global Macroeconomic Trends 2+0+0 Elective 3
US32 Konya City and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US33 History of Turkish Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US333 Parachute 2+0+0 Elective 3
US34 History and Philosophy of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US35 Ottoman Text Reading 2+0+0 Elective 3
US36 Painting Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US37 Original Print Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US38 Photography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US39 Graphic Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US40 Marbling Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US41 Miniature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US42 Wall Picture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US420 Tekno Girişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US43 Artifact Analysis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US44 Healthy Nutrition and Nutrition Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US45 Consumer Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US46 Healthy Living and Exercise 2+0+0 Elective 3
US47 First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US48 Stress Management Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US49 Persian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US50 Events in 1915 and So-called Genocide 2+0+0 Elective 3
US51 City Aesthetics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US52 Selections From Arabic Literature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US53 Character Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US54 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US55 Japenese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US555 Paraşüt - Yetenek 2+0+0 Elective 3
US56 Russian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US57 Arabic I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US58 French I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US60 English Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US61 Critical Thinking 2+0+0 Elective 3
US62 Individual Application to the Constitutional Court 2+0+0 Elective 3
US63 Human Anatomy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US64 Human Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US65 Renewable Energy Sources 2+0+0 Elective 3
US66 Robotics Technologies and Applications 2+0+0 Elective 3
US666 Paraşüt - Kariyer Planlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US67 Ney Opening Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US68 Software / Software and Coding for Everyone 2+0+0 Elective 3
US69 Office Ergonomics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US70 Technology and Philosophy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US71 Past Daily Science and Technology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US73 Globalization and Innovation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US74 Electronic Trade 2+0+0 Elective 3
US75 Converter Leadership Model Personalities 2+0+0 Elective 3
US76 Sunumi Darbeller from Ottoman 2+0+0 Elective 3
US77 Drops From Our Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US777 Paraşüt - Kültür Sanat 2+0+0 Elective 3
US78 Current Logistics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US79 Strategic Marketing Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US80 Ottoman Institutions and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US82 Mass Communication and Perception Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US84 Advertisement Advertisement and Concept Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US85 Marbling Decaorations on Ceramic 2+0+0 Elective 3
US86 Forensic Medicine Painting 2+0+0 Elective 3
US87 Yoga 2+0+0 Elective 3
US88 World of Genes 2+0+0 Elective 3
US888 Paraşüt - Gönüllülük 2+0+0 Elective 3
US89 Family and Child Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US90 Sports and Sportsman Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US91 Health Care 2+0+0 Elective 3
US92 Health Institution Application 2+0+0 Elective 3
US93 Ergonegic Assistants and Doping 2+0+0 Elective 3
US94 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US95 Japenese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US96 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US97 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US98 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US99 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US999 General Activity 2+0+0 Elective 3
Semester 5 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
INS513 Transportation Engineering 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS520 Hydromechanics 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS521 Soil Mechanics 3+2+0 Compulsory 4
INS522 Structural Analysis I 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS526 Reinforced Concrete I 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS531 Summer Internship I 0+0+0 Compulsory 3
A31 Group A Technical Elective Course 3+0+0 Elective 4
US5 Elective Course V 0+0+0 Elective 3
Total ECTS: 30
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
99901990 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
99901999 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS011 İspanyolca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS012 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS013 İspanyolca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS014 Spanish IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS021 Almanca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS022 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS023 Almanca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS024 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS025 Almanca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS031 Fransızca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS032 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS033 Fransızca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS034 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS035 Fransızca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS041 Rusça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS042 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS043 Rusça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS044 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS045 Rusça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS051 Çince I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS052 Chinese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS053 Çince III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS054 Chinese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS061 Farsça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS062 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS063 Farsça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS064 Farsça IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS071 Japonca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS072 Japanese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS073 Japonca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS074 Japanese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS081 Arapça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS082 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS085 Arapça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
INS523 Elevation Center 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS525 Building Science and Technology 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS527 Wooden Constructions 3+0+0 Zorunlu Seçmeli 4
INS529 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 3+0+0 Elective 4
US10 Applied Entrepreneurship 2+2+0 Elective 3
US106 Forty Hadith Shah 2+0+0 Elective 3
US109 German III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US11 Entrepreneurship 2+0+0 Elective 3
US110 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US111 German V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US112 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US113 Japenese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US114 Japenese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US115 Japenese V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US116 Japenese VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US117 Russian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US118 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US119 Russian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US12 Foundations of Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US120 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US121 Arabic III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US122 Arabic IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US123 Arabic V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US124 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US125 Persian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US126 Persian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US127 Persian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US128 Persian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US129 French III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US13 Human Rights 2+0+0 Elective 3
US130 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US131 French V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US132 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US133 Technology, Globalization and Sustainable Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US134 Cinema and Sociology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US135 Design Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US136 Actuary First Aid Interviews 2+0+0 Elective 3
US137 Contemporary Economics and Institutions Critique 2+0+0 Elective 3
US138 City Aesthetics and Mevlevi Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US139 Volleyball Referee 2+0+0 Elective 3
US14 Academic Research, Writing and Evaluation Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US140 Energy Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US141 Energy Legislation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US142 Productivity Analysis in Firms 2+0+0 Elective 3
US143 Development of Industry in Turkey 2+0+0 Elective 3
US144 Editing and Writing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US146 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US147 Export Marketing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US148 Business Intelligence 2+0+0 Elective 3
US15 Learning to Learn 2+0+0 Elective 3
US150 Traffic Accidents and Psychosocial Support 2+0+0 Elective 3
US151 Modeling 2+0+0 Elective 3
US152 ABC of First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US153 Active Life Principles 2+0+0 Elective 3
US158 Arabic 4.2 2+0+0 Elective 3
US159 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US16 Automotive Industry History 2+0+0 Elective 3
US160 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US161 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US162 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US163 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US164 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Zorunlu Seçmeli 3
US165 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US166 International Market Entry Strategies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US167 Turkish Cultural Geography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US168 Integrated Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US169 History and Development of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2+0+0 Elective 3
US17 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US170 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US171 Turkish Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US172 Risk management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US174 Innovation Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US175 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US176 Industry 4.0 2+0+0 Elective 3
US177 Spanish I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US178 Japanese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US179 Management and Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US18 Back Side of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US180 Turkey Fiscal Policy Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US181 Understanding Anxiety 2+0+0 Elective 3
US182 Robotics Technologies and Applications (English) 2+0+0 Elective 3
US183 Simple Encryption Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US184 Brand Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US185 Improving Baby Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US186 Football Game Rules 2+0+0 Elective 3
US187 Industry 4.0 - National Technology Move 2+0+0 Elective 3
US188 Information Technologies and Financial Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US189 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US19 Consumer Society and Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US190 Solar Energy Technologies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US191 Spanish III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US193 Chinese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US198 Ortadoğuda İnanç ve Kimlikler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US20 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US200 Data Analysis and Machine Learning 2+0+0 Elective 3
US201 Finansal Raporlama İlkeleri ve Mali Analiz 2+0+0 Elective 3
US203 Latex ile Döküman Hazırlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US204 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US205 Akademik Türkçe 2+0+0 Elective 3
US206 Blockchain Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US207 Türk İşaret Dili 2+0+0 Elective 3
US208 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US209 Finansal Uygulamalar ve Finansal Araçlar 3+0+0 Elective 3
US21 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US210 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 3+0+0 Elective 3
US211 Enerji Verimliliği 3+0+0 Elective 3
US212 Kariyer Planlama 3+0+0 Elective 3
US213 Çince II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US214 İktisadi Doktrinler ve Ekonomik Krizler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US215 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US216 Akıllı ve Sürdürülebilir Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US217 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US218 İş Hayatına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US219 3 Boyutlu Üretim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US22 Environmental Legislation for Businesses 2+0+0 Elective 3
US220 Bulut Teknolojileri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US221 Pandemi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US222 Afet ve Kriz Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US223 Tütün ve Madde Bağımlılığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US224 Sosyal Medya Pazarlaması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US225 Adım Adım Beytülmakdis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US226 Sporcu Sağlığı ve Rehabilitasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US227 Ekonomi Okur Yazarlığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US228 Türkiye Enerji Piyasasına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US229 Sigortacılık ve Risk Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US23 Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US230 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US24 Main Topics and Main Values in the Qur'an 2+0+0 Elective 3
US25 Stress Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US257 Sociology of Values 2+0+0 Elective 3
US258 Product Development For Islamic Bank 2+0+0 Elective 3
US259 Media Literacy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US26 Creative Drama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US261 Accounting For Islamic Financial Transaction 2+0+0 Elective 3
US262 Civil Society Studies and Project Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US263 Tax Evasion and Informal Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US264 A Sip of Life with NLP 2+0+0 Elective 3
US265 Hydrogen Production Technologies and Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US266 Intellectual Property Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US267 Culture and Civilization in Classical Turkish Poetry 2+0+0 Elective 3
US268 Ben Bilmem Genim Bilir 2+0+0 Elective 3
US27 Our City and Our Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US270 Ekonomi Güvenliği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US272 Political Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US273 Alternative Treatment Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US28 Museum and Museology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US29 Globalization and Energy Policies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US298 Yapısal Tasarım Optimizasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US299 Veri Bilimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US30 Turkish Foreign Policy During the Republican Period 2+0+0 Elective 3
US301 İslam İbadet Esasları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US302 Liderlik Eğitimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US303 Finansal Okuryazarlık 2+0+0 Elective 3
US304 Aile Şirketleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US305 İletişim ve Davranış Modelleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US307 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası 2+0+0 Elective 3
US308 Sivil toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası Diplomasisi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US309 Yapay Zeka ve Makina Öğrenmesi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US31 City, Change and Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US311 Islamic Capital Markets 2+0+0 Elective 3
US312 Business English 2+0+0 Elective 3
US313 Islamic Financial System 2+0+0 Elective 3
US314 Karşılaştırmalı Medeniyetler ve Ekonomi Tarihi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US315 Uluslararası İlişkilerin Jeopolitiği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US316 Veri Analizi ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US317 Child Rights and Family Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US319 Corporate Governance with Global Macroeconomic Trends 2+0+0 Elective 3
US32 Konya City and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US33 History of Turkish Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US34 History and Philosophy of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US35 Ottoman Text Reading 2+0+0 Elective 3
US36 Painting Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US37 Original Print Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US38 Photography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US39 Graphic Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US40 Marbling Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US41 Miniature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US42 Wall Picture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US420 Tekno Girişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US43 Artifact Analysis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US44 Healthy Nutrition and Nutrition Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US45 Consumer Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US46 Healthy Living and Exercise 2+0+0 Elective 3
US47 First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US48 Stress Management Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US49 Persian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US50 Events in 1915 and So-called Genocide 2+0+0 Elective 3
US51 City Aesthetics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US52 Selections From Arabic Literature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US53 Character Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US54 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US55 Japenese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US555 Paraşüt - Yetenek 2+0+0 Elective 3
US56 Russian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US57 Arabic I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US58 French I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US60 English Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US61 Critical Thinking 2+0+0 Elective 3
US62 Individual Application to the Constitutional Court 2+0+0 Elective 3
US63 Human Anatomy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US64 Human Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US65 Renewable Energy Sources 2+0+0 Elective 3
US66 Robotics Technologies and Applications 2+0+0 Elective 3
US666 Paraşüt - Kariyer Planlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US67 Ney Opening Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US68 Software / Software and Coding for Everyone 2+0+0 Elective 3
US69 Office Ergonomics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US70 Technology and Philosophy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US71 Past Daily Science and Technology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US73 Globalization and Innovation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US74 Electronic Trade 2+0+0 Elective 3
US75 Converter Leadership Model Personalities 2+0+0 Elective 3
US76 Sunumi Darbeller from Ottoman 2+0+0 Elective 3
US77 Drops From Our Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US777 Paraşüt - Kültür Sanat 2+0+0 Elective 3
US78 Current Logistics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US79 Strategic Marketing Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US80 Ottoman Institutions and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US82 Mass Communication and Perception Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US84 Advertisement Advertisement and Concept Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US85 Marbling Decaorations on Ceramic 2+0+0 Elective 3
US86 Forensic Medicine Painting 2+0+0 Elective 3
US87 Yoga 2+0+0 Elective 3
US88 World of Genes 2+0+0 Elective 3
US888 Paraşüt - Gönüllülük 2+0+0 Elective 3
US89 Family and Child Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US90 Sports and Sportsman Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US91 Health Care 2+0+0 Elective 3
US92 Health Institution Application 2+0+0 Elective 3
US93 Ergonegic Assistants and Doping 2+0+0 Elective 3
US94 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US95 Japenese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US96 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US97 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US98 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US99 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US999 General Activity 2+0+0 Elective 3
Semester 6 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
INS620 Engineering of Water Resources 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS622 Structural Analysis II 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS623 Principles of Steel Building Design I 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS626 Reinforced Concrete II 4+0+0 Compulsory 4
INS629 Foundation Engineering I 2+2+0 Compulsory 4
B31 Group B Technical Elective Course 3+0+0 Elective 3
INS630 Numerical Methods for Engineering 2+2+0 Elective 4
Total ECTS: 27
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
CSC302 Computer Networks 2+2+0 Elective 3
INS615 Barajlar ve Bağlamalar 3+0+0 Elective 3
INS617 Pumps in the Transmission Lines 3+0+0 Elective 3
INS621 Energy Methods and Building Systems 3+0+0 Elective 3
INS624 Traffic Engineering 3+0+0 Elective 3
INS625 Depression Based Design Principles 3+0+0 Elective 3
INS627 Prestressed Concrete 3+0+0 Elective 3
INS628 Structural Engineering and Construction Management 3+0+0 Elective 3
Semester 7 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
ATA101 Ataturk's Principle and Revalution History I 2+0+0 Compulsory 2
INS722 Reinforced Concrete Term Project 2+2+0 Compulsory 5
INS731 Summer Internship II 0+0+0 Compulsory 3
ISG101 Occupational Health and Safety I 2+0+0 Compulsory 2
TUR101 Turkish Language I 2+0+0 Compulsory 2
C41 Group C Technical Elective Course 3+0+0 Elective 4
D41 Group D Technical Elective Course 3+0+0 Elective 5
US7 Elective Course VII 3+0+0 Elective 3
Total ECTS: 26
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
99901990 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
99901999 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS011 İspanyolca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS012 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS013 İspanyolca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS014 Spanish IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS021 Almanca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS022 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS023 Almanca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS024 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS025 Almanca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS031 Fransızca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS032 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS033 Fransızca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS034 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS035 Fransızca V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS041 Rusça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS042 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS043 Rusça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS044 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS045 Rusça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS051 Çince I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS052 Chinese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS053 Çince III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS054 Chinese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS061 Farsça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS062 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS063 Farsça III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS064 Farsça IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS071 Japonca I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS072 Japanese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS073 Japonca III 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS074 Japanese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS081 Arapça I 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS082 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
DUS085 Arapça V 2+0+0 Elective 3
INS710 Engineering Ethics and Law 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS712 Design in Water Supply Engineering 2+1+0 Elective 5
INS713 Principles of Steel Building Design II 2+1+0 Elective 5
INS714 Analysis by Finite Element Method 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS715 Tunneling Techniques 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS720 Design and Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS721 Soil Dynamics 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS723 Design in Transport and Traffic Engineering 2+1+0 Elective 5
INS724 Building Systems 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS725 Design Principles of Masonry Structures 2+1+0 Elective 5
INS727 Computer Applications in Structural Engineering I 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS728 Foundation Engineering II 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS729 Open Channel Hydrogen 3+0+0 Elective 4
US10 Applied Entrepreneurship 2+2+0 Elective 3
US106 Forty Hadith Shah 2+0+0 Elective 3
US109 German III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US11 Entrepreneurship 2+0+0 Elective 3
US110 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US111 German V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US112 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US113 Japenese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US114 Japenese IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US115 Japenese V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US116 Japenese VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US117 Russian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US118 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US119 Russian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US12 Foundations of Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US120 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US121 Arabic III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US122 Arabic IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US123 Arabic V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US124 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US125 Persian III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US126 Persian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US127 Persian V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US128 Persian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US129 French III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US13 Human Rights 2+0+0 Elective 3
US130 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US131 French V 2+0+0 Elective 3
US132 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US133 Technology, Globalization and Sustainable Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US134 Cinema and Sociology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US135 Design Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US136 Actuary First Aid Interviews 2+0+0 Elective 3
US137 Contemporary Economics and Institutions Critique 2+0+0 Elective 3
US138 City Aesthetics and Mevlevi Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US139 Volleyball Referee 2+0+0 Elective 3
US14 Academic Research, Writing and Evaluation Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US140 Energy Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US141 Energy Legislation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US142 Productivity Analysis in Firms 2+0+0 Elective 3
US143 Development of Industry in Turkey 2+0+0 Elective 3
US144 Editing and Writing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US146 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US147 Export Marketing 2+0+0 Elective 3
US148 Business Intelligence 2+0+0 Elective 3
US15 Learning to Learn 2+0+0 Elective 3
US150 Traffic Accidents and Psychosocial Support 2+0+0 Elective 3
US151 Modeling 2+0+0 Elective 3
US152 ABC of First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US153 Active Life Principles 2+0+0 Elective 3
US158 Arabic 4.2 2+0+0 Elective 3
US159 French IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US16 Automotive Industry History 2+0+0 Elective 3
US160 Russian IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US161 German IV 2+0+0 Elective 3
US162 German VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US163 Russian VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US164 Arabic VI 2+0+0 Zorunlu Seçmeli 3
US165 French VI 2+0+0 Elective 3
US166 International Market Entry Strategies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US167 Turkish Cultural Geography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US168 Integrated Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US169 History and Development of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2+0+0 Elective 3
US17 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US170 Sports Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US171 Turkish Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US172 Risk management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US174 Innovation Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US175 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US176 Industry 4.0 2+0+0 Elective 3
US177 Spanish I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US178 Japanese III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US179 Management and Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US18 Back Side of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US180 Turkey Fiscal Policy Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US181 Understanding Anxiety 2+0+0 Elective 3
US182 Robotics Technologies and Applications (English) 2+0+0 Elective 3
US183 Simple Encryption Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US184 Brand Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US185 Improving Baby Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US186 Football Game Rules 2+0+0 Elective 3
US187 Industry 4.0 - National Technology Move 2+0+0 Elective 3
US188 Information Technologies and Financial Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US189 Spanish II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US19 Consumer Society and Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US190 Solar Energy Technologies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US191 Spanish III 2+0+0 Elective 3
US193 Chinese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US198 Ortadoğuda İnanç ve Kimlikler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US20 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US200 Data Analysis and Machine Learning 2+0+0 Elective 3
US201 Finansal Raporlama İlkeleri ve Mali Analiz 2+0+0 Elective 3
US203 Latex ile Döküman Hazırlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US204 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US205 Akademik Türkçe 2+0+0 Elective 3
US206 Blockchain Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US207 Türk İşaret Dili 2+0+0 Elective 3
US208 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US209 Finansal Uygulamalar ve Finansal Araçlar 3+0+0 Elective 3
US21 Cosmetics World 2+0+0 Elective 3
US210 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 3+0+0 Elective 3
US211 Enerji Verimliliği 3+0+0 Elective 3
US212 Kariyer Planlama 3+0+0 Elective 3
US213 Çince II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US214 İktisadi Doktrinler ve Ekonomik Krizler 2+0+0 Elective 3
US215 Kurumsal Dijital İletişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US216 Akıllı ve Sürdürülebilir Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US217 Yeşil Lojistik 2+0+0 Elective 3
US218 İş Hayatına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US219 3 Boyutlu Üretim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US22 Environmental Legislation for Businesses 2+0+0 Elective 3
US220 Bulut Teknolojileri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US221 Pandemi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US222 Afet ve Kriz Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US223 Tütün ve Madde Bağımlılığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US224 Sosyal Medya Pazarlaması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US225 Adım Adım Beytülmakdis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US226 Sporcu Sağlığı ve Rehabilitasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US227 Ekonomi Okur Yazarlığı 2+0+0 Elective 3
US228 Türkiye Enerji Piyasasına Giriş 2+0+0 Elective 3
US229 Sigortacılık ve Risk Yönetimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US23 Management Systems 2+0+0 Elective 3
US230 Kişisel Verilerin Korunması 2+0+0 Elective 3
US24 Main Topics and Main Values in the Qur'an 2+0+0 Elective 3
US25 Stress Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US257 Sociology of Values 2+0+0 Elective 3
US258 Product Development For Islamic Bank 2+0+0 Elective 3
US259 Media Literacy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US26 Creative Drama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US261 Accounting For Islamic Financial Transaction 2+0+0 Elective 3
US262 Civil Society Studies and Project Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US263 Tax Evasion and Informal Economy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US264 A Sip of Life with NLP 2+0+0 Elective 3
US265 Hydrogen Production Technologies and Economics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US266 Intellectual Property Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US267 Culture and Civilization in Classical Turkish Poetry 2+0+0 Elective 3
US268 Ben Bilmem Genim Bilir 2+0+0 Elective 3
US27 Our City and Our Culture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US270 Ekonomi Güvenliği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US272 Political Communication 2+0+0 Elective 3
US273 Alternative Treatment Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US28 Museum and Museology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US29 Globalization and Energy Policies 2+0+0 Elective 3
US298 Yapısal Tasarım Optimizasyonu 2+0+0 Elective 3
US299 Veri Bilimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US30 Turkish Foreign Policy During the Republican Period 2+0+0 Elective 3
US301 İslam İbadet Esasları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US302 Liderlik Eğitimi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US303 Finansal Okuryazarlık 2+0+0 Elective 3
US304 Aile Şirketleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US305 İletişim ve Davranış Modelleri 2+0+0 Elective 3
US307 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası 2+0+0 Elective 3
US308 Sivil toplum Kuruluşları ve İş Dünyası Diplomasisi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US309 Yapay Zeka ve Makina Öğrenmesi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US31 City, Change and Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US311 Islamic Capital Markets 2+0+0 Elective 3
US312 Business English 2+0+0 Elective 3
US313 Islamic Financial System 2+0+0 Elective 3
US314 Karşılaştırmalı Medeniyetler ve Ekonomi Tarihi 2+0+0 Elective 3
US315 Uluslararası İlişkilerin Jeopolitiği 2+0+0 Elective 3
US316 Veri Analizi ve Uygulamaları 2+0+0 Elective 3
US317 Child Rights and Family Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US319 Corporate Governance with Global Macroeconomic Trends 2+0+0 Elective 3
US32 Konya City and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US33 History of Turkish Thought 2+0+0 Elective 3
US34 History and Philosophy of Science 2+0+0 Elective 3
US35 Ottoman Text Reading 2+0+0 Elective 3
US36 Painting Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US37 Original Print Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US38 Photography 2+0+0 Elective 3
US39 Graphic Image 2+0+0 Elective 3
US40 Marbling Art 2+0+0 Elective 3
US41 Miniature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US42 Wall Picture 2+0+0 Elective 3
US420 Tekno Girişim 2+0+0 Elective 3
US43 Artifact Analysis 2+0+0 Elective 3
US44 Healthy Nutrition and Nutrition Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US45 Consumer Law 2+0+0 Elective 3
US46 Healthy Living and Exercise 2+0+0 Elective 3
US47 First Aid 2+0+0 Elective 3
US48 Stress Management Methods 2+0+0 Elective 3
US49 Persian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US50 Events in 1915 and So-called Genocide 2+0+0 Elective 3
US51 City Aesthetics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US52 Selections From Arabic Literature 2+0+0 Elective 3
US53 Character Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US54 German I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US55 Japenese I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US555 Paraşüt - Yetenek 2+0+0 Elective 3
US56 Russian I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US57 Arabic I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US58 French I 2+0+0 Elective 3
US60 English Practice 2+0+0 Elective 3
US61 Critical Thinking 2+0+0 Elective 3
US62 Individual Application to the Constitutional Court 2+0+0 Elective 3
US63 Human Anatomy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US64 Human Physiology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US65 Renewable Energy Sources 2+0+0 Elective 3
US66 Robotics Technologies and Applications 2+0+0 Elective 3
US666 Paraşüt - Kariyer Planlama 2+0+0 Elective 3
US67 Ney Opening Techniques 2+0+0 Elective 3
US68 Software / Software and Coding for Everyone 2+0+0 Elective 3
US69 Office Ergonomics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US70 Technology and Philosophy 2+0+0 Elective 3
US71 Past Daily Science and Technology 2+0+0 Elective 3
US73 Globalization and Innovation 2+0+0 Elective 3
US74 Electronic Trade 2+0+0 Elective 3
US75 Converter Leadership Model Personalities 2+0+0 Elective 3
US76 Sunumi Darbeller from Ottoman 2+0+0 Elective 3
US77 Drops From Our Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US777 Paraşüt - Kültür Sanat 2+0+0 Elective 3
US78 Current Logistics 2+0+0 Elective 3
US79 Strategic Marketing Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US80 Ottoman Institutions and Civilization 2+0+0 Elective 3
US82 Mass Communication and Perception Management 2+0+0 Elective 3
US84 Advertisement Advertisement and Concept Development 2+0+0 Elective 3
US85 Marbling Decaorations on Ceramic 2+0+0 Elective 3
US86 Forensic Medicine Painting 2+0+0 Elective 3
US87 Yoga 2+0+0 Elective 3
US88 World of Genes 2+0+0 Elective 3
US888 Paraşüt - Gönüllülük 2+0+0 Elective 3
US89 Family and Child Education 2+0+0 Elective 3
US90 Sports and Sportsman Health 2+0+0 Elective 3
US91 Health Care 2+0+0 Elective 3
US92 Health Institution Application 2+0+0 Elective 3
US93 Ergonegic Assistants and Doping 2+0+0 Elective 3
US94 German II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US95 Japenese II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US96 Russian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US97 Arabic II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US98 Persian II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US99 French II 2+0+0 Elective 3
US999 General Activity 2+0+0 Elective 3
Semester 8 Courses
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
ATA102 Ataturk's Principle and Revolution History II 2+0+0 Compulsory 2
INS822 Design and Construction in Civil Engineering (Senior Design Project) 2+2+0 Compulsory 6
ISG102 Occupational Health and Safety II 2+0+0 Compulsory 2
SD400 Sektör Danışmanlığı 1+0+0 Compulsory 1
TUR102 Turkish Language II 2+0+0 Compulsory 2
E42 Group E Technical Elective Course 3+0+0 Elective 5
F42 Group F Technical Elective Course 3+0+0 Elective 4
Total ECTS: 22
Course Code Course Name T+A+L Course Type ECTS
INS810 Engineering Economy 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS814 Site Engineering and Building Logistics Management 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS816 Introduction to Soil Behavior Features 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS820 Design of Prefabricated Structures 2+1+0 Elective 5
INS821 Investigation and Reinforcement of Reinforced Concrete Structures 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS823 Computer Applications in Structural Engineering II 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS824 Groundwork Project 2+1+0 Elective 5
INS825 Rail Systems 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS826 Design of Wastewater and Urban Rain Water Collection Systems 2+1+0 Elective 5
INS827 Irrigation and Drainage 3+0+0 Elective 4
INS828 Geotechnical Investigations 3+0+0 Elective 4