The education plan prepares students to continue their education in the same discipline with the number of applied courses compatible with EUÇEP, laboratory applications, diversity of clinical practice areas, social activities, and the process of preparing seminars, presentations, and graduation thesis. The training program is reviewed every year in June in line with the knowledge and skills that students need to acquire. For each of the program outcomes, the collaborative learning method is used to ensure that all students acquire that outcome. Cooperative learning is an approach to learning a subject by working together, where students form small groups and help each other learn towards a common goal. With this method, students help each other learn about academic, social and psychomotor subjects; It is stated that they improve their communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills. It is stated that collaborative learning provides an active, non-competitive and non-individual learning approach to the learning-teaching process. In this regard, starting from the spring semester of the first year, clinical practice rotations are prepared according to the collaborative learning method, based on the main course average of the previous semester. In addition, they simultaneously complete homework, presentations and seminars on subjects that require group work. In addition, creating the curriculum to support the separate program output of the courses in the same elective pool ensures that all students acquire that output. Additionally, various and original teaching methods and techniques can be used by the course instructor. These methods are defined to be matched separately for each week in the weekly lesson plan in course information packages via OBS. Instructors can also use different teaching methods that are not defined in the system, depending on the content of the course.