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Course Details
Vocational School of Medical Services
Programme of Child Development
Course Details
Course Code Course Name Year Period Semester T+A+L Credit ECTS
02421006 Therapeutic Humor 1 Spring 2 2+0+0 3 3
Course Type Elective
Course Cycle Associate (Short Cycle) (TQF-HE: Level 5 / QF-EHEA: Short Cycle / EQF-LLL: Level 5)
Course Language Turkish
Methods and Techniques Sunum
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Prerequisites Yok
Coordinator -
Instructor(s) Lect. Emine ARSLAN KILIÇOĞLU
Instructor Assistant(s) -
Course Instructor(s)
Name and Surname Room E-Mail Address Internal Meeting Hours
Lect. Emine ARSLAN KILIÇOĞLU B-129 [email protected] 7682 Tuesday
Course Content
Hastanede yatan çocukların tanımı ve sınıflandırılması, Akut ve kronik hasta çocukların özellikleri, Çocukların gelişim özelliklerine ve hastalık özelliklerine göre hastane ortamın hazırlanması, Hasta çocukları hastane yaşantısına hazırlamaya ilişkin yöntemler, Hasta çocuklarda karşılaşılan sorunlar, Hastanede yatan çocukların ruhsal durumları, Hasta çocukların ailelerine yönelik rehberlik çalışmaları, Hasta çocukların eğitimleri, Hastanede çocuk-aile-sağlık personeli ilişkisi, Hasta çocukların özelliklerine uygun eğitim programlarının planlanması ve uygulanması, Hasta çocukların evde bakımına ilişkin uygulamalar konularını kapsamaktadır.
Objectives of the Course
The aim of this course is to provide students with the skills to prepare children to hospital life and to guide them to families, child-family-health personnel interaction, studies to be done for children in hospital and education of sick children.
Contribution of the Course to Field Teaching
Basic Vocational Courses
Specialization / Field Courses
Support Courses X
Transferable Skills Courses X
Humanities, Communication and Management Skills Courses X
Relationships between Course Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Program Learning Outcomes Level
P10 Uses Turkish effectively and in accordance with its rules, and follows national and international literature related to her/his field. 5
P12 Expresses the connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the individual's general culture. 4
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes Outcome Relationship Measurement Method **
O1 Ability to organize collaboration with different disciplines. P.12.4 1
O2 Ability to explain issues related to lifelong learning. P.12.5 1
O3 Ability to design innovative applications with current approaches. P.12.6 1
O4 Ability to express Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively. P.10.1 1
** Written Exam: 1, Oral Exam: 2, Homework: 3, Lab./Exam: 4, Seminar/Presentation: 5, Term Paper: 6, Application: 7
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Definition and classification of children in hospital
2 Characteristics of acute and chronic patients
3 Preparing hospital environment according to developmental characteristics and disease characteristics of children
4 Methods to prepare patient children to hospital life
5 Problems encountered in sick children
6 Mental States of children in hospital
7 Mental States of children in hospital
8 midterm exam
9 Guidance studies for families of sick children
10 The education of sick children
11 Relationship between child-Family-Health relations in hospital
12 Planning of appropriate educational programs for the characteristics of sick children
13 Implementation of appropriate education programs according to the characteristics of sick children
14 Practices for home care of sick children
15 Practices for home care of sick children
16 Final Exam
Textbook or Material
Resources White Star, N. 1999. Health information. Ya - PA publications, Istanbul
White Star, N. 1999. Health information. Ya - PA publications, Istanbul
Evaluation Method and Passing Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Practice - -
Field Study - -
Course Specific Internship (If Any) - -
Homework - -
Presentation - -
Projects - -
Seminar - -
Quiz - -
Listening - -
Midterms 1 40 (%)
Final Exam 1 40 (%)
Total 80 (%)
ECTS / Working Load Table
Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Week Number and Time 14 2 28
Out-of-Class Study Time (Pre-study, Library, Reinforcement) 14 2 28
Midterms 1 12 12
Quiz 0 0 0
Homework 0 0 0
Practice 0 0 0
Laboratory 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Workshop 0 0 0
Presentation/Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
Fieldwork 0 0 0
Final Exam 1 12 12
Other 0 0 0
Total Work Load: 80
Total Work Load / 30 2,67
Course ECTS Credits: 3
Course - Learning Outcomes Matrix
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Learning Outcomes P10 P12
O1 Ability to express Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively. 5 -
O2 Ability to organize collaboration with different disciplines. - 4
O3 Ability to explain issues related to lifelong learning. - 4
O4 Ability to design innovative applications with current approaches. - 4