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Course Details
İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi
Programme of Sociology
Course Details
Course Code Course Name Year Period Semester T+A+L Credit ECTS
03231004 Sociology of Environmental and Ecology 2 Autumn 3 3+0+0 3 4
Course Type Elective
Course Cycle Bachelor's (First Cycle) (TQF-HE: Level 6 / QF-EHEA: Level 1 / EQF-LLL: Level 6)
Course Language Turkish
Methods and Techniques -
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Prerequisites -
Coordinator -
Instructor(s) Asst. Prof. İlknur EKİZ ATAŞER
Instructor Assistant(s) -
Course Instructor(s)
Name and Surname Room E-Mail Address Internal Meeting Hours
Asst. Prof. İlknur EKİZ ATAŞER C-132 [email protected] 7680 Tuesday
Course Content
Bu dersin amacı öğrencilerin; insan-çevre ilişkileri konusunda coğrafi bir yaklaşım kazanması konusunda alt yapı oluşturmak ve insanın yaşamsal fonksiyonları ve çevreyi kullanım sırasında kullandığı yöntem, yaşadığımız çevrenin amacı ve taşıma kapasitesinin üzerinde kullanımı halinde ortaya çıkabilecek olası çevresel sorunlar hakkında (neden-sonuç ilişkisi içinde) değerlendirmelerde bulunabilmesi için gerekli bilgi ve farkındalığı yaratmaktır.
Objectives of the Course
This course is aimed at students; to establish an infrastructure for gaining a geographical approach to human-environment relationships and to use human vital functions and the way the environment is used in order to be able to make evaluations about the environmental problems we are experiencing (in the cause-and-effect relationship) knowledge and awareness.
Contribution of the Course to Field Teaching
Basic Vocational Courses
Specialization / Field Courses X
Support Courses X
Transferable Skills Courses
Humanities, Communication and Management Skills Courses
Relationships between Course Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Program Learning Outcomes Level
P1 To gain sociological reasoning skills and to reveal and interpret social facts. 4
P2 Being knowledgeable about sociological concepts, theories, methods, and effectively using them in the research process and project development. 4
P3 Being able to relate sociology to other disciplines and having the ability to work with these disciplines. 3
P4 Developing proficiency in foreign languages and acquiring basic skills in using computers and software. 2
P5 Being well-versed in contemporary sociological concepts, periodical changes, and field-specific knowledge. 5
P6 Having the ability to understand, analyze, and propose solutions for social developments. 5
P7 Evaluating the history and pioneers of the discipline of sociology. 4
P8 Possessing the skills to work in various settings, including public and private sectors, think tanks, and projects. 2
P9 Analyzing and using information with a critical perspective and acting in accordance with societal values. 5
P10 Ability to express and make connections between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the individual's general culture. 3
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes Outcome Relationship Measurement Method **
O1 Analyzing social events and evaluating them from different perspectives. P.1.4 1
O2 Creating original interpretations by looking at social realities from new perspectives. P.1.6 1
O3 Understanding how methods are applied and how field studies are carried out. P.2.2 1
O4 Integrating and using sociology knowledge with other disciplines. P.3.3 1
O5 Developing original projects or solutions by building bridges between different disciplines. P.3.6 1
O6 Using foreign language knowledge and program skills to solve social problems. P.4.3 6
O7 Analyzing current sociological concepts and periodic changes. P.5.4 1
O8 Analyzing social developments and understanding the underlying causes of events. P.6.4 1
O9 Evaluating the positive and negative aspects of social developments. P.6.5 1
O10 Relating the thoughts of pioneer sociologists to current sociological problems. P.7.3 1
O11 Analyzing the requirements of the public, private sector, think tanks and projects. P.8.4 1
O12 Understanding how information and data become meaningful in a social context. P.9.2 1
O13 Assessing social values and assessing their impact on sustainability. P.9.5 1
O14 Ability to find the difference between different disciplines. P.10.1 1
O15 Ability to organize collaboration with different disciplines. P.10.4 1
** Written Exam: 1, Oral Exam: 2, Homework: 3, Lab./Exam: 4, Seminar/Presentation: 5, Term Paper: 6, Application: 7
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Derse giriş, dersin işlenişi ile ilgili genel bilgi ve kaynakların önerilmesi. Çevre, ekoloji, insan ekolojisi ve insan çevre etkileşimi kavramlarının tanımlanması
2 Çevre nedir? Çevreyi oluşturan doğal ve beşeri elemanları nelerdir? İnsan-çevre ilişkilerinin açıklayan kuramlar, çevresel determinizm, possibilizm, büyümenin sınırları modeli - çevre araştırmalarında kullanılan yöntemler ve coğrafya ilişkisi
3 Ekosistem nedir? Ekosistemin özelliği, alt birimleri ve doğal dengenin varlığı ve devamı açısından önemi
4 Canlı yaşamın temeli Madde ve Enerji Döngüsü ile destekleyici diğer çevresel döngüler (karbon, oksijen, azot ve fosfor döngüsü)
5 Biyolojik çeşitlilik kavramı ve ekosistemin varlığı ve devamlılığı açısından önemi
6 Nüfus Artışı- Ekonomik Kalkınma ve Çevre İkilemi
7 Ara sınav
8 Kentleşme ve Çevre
9 Sanayileşme ve Çevre
10 Doğal Kaynakların Kullanımı ve Çevre
11 Enerji ve Çevre
12 Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları ve Sürdürülebilirlik
13 AB ve Türkiye Çevre Politikaları
14 Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi (ÇED) Uygulamaları ve Türkiye
Textbook or Material
Resources KELEŞ Ruşen - HAMAMCI Can, 2005, İnsan Çevre Toplum, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.
Evaluation Method and Passing Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Attendance - -
Field Study - -
Homework - -
Presentation - -
Midterms 1 40 (%)
Final Exam 1 60 (%)
Total 100 (%)
ECTS / Working Load Table
Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Week Number and Time 14 3 42
Out-of-Class Study Time (Pre-study, Library, Reinforcement) 2 2 4
Midterms 1 3 3
Quiz 1 1 1
Homework 1 4 4
Practice 0 0 0
Laboratory 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Workshop 1 10 10
Presentation/Seminar Preparation 1 3 3
Fieldwork 5 10 50
Final Exam 1 3 3
Other 0 0 0
Total Work Load: 120
Total Work Load / 30 4
Course ECTS Credits: 4
Course - Learning Outcomes Matrix
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Learning Outcomes P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
O1 Analyzing social events and evaluating them from different perspectives. 4 - - - - - - - - -
O2 Creating original interpretations by looking at social realities from new perspectives. 4 - - - - - - - - -
O3 Understanding how methods are applied and how field studies are carried out. - 4 - - - - - - - -
O4 Integrating and using sociology knowledge with other disciplines. - - 3 - - - - - - -
O5 Developing original projects or solutions by building bridges between different disciplines. - - 3 - - - - - - -
O6 Using foreign language knowledge and program skills to solve social problems. - - - 2 - - - - - -
O7 Analyzing current sociological concepts and periodic changes. - - - - 5 - - - - -
O8 Analyzing social developments and understanding the underlying causes of events. - - - - - 5 - - - -
O9 Evaluating the positive and negative aspects of social developments. - - - - - 5 - - - -
O10 Relating the thoughts of pioneer sociologists to current sociological problems. - - - - - - 4 - - -
O11 Analyzing the requirements of the public, private sector, think tanks and projects. - - - - - - - 2 - -
O12 Understanding how information and data become meaningful in a social context. - - - - - - - - 4 -
O13 Assessing social values and assessing their impact on sustainability. - - - - - - - - 5 -
O14 Ability to find the difference between different disciplines. - - - - - - - - - 3
O15 Ability to organize collaboration with different disciplines. - - - - - - - - - 3