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Course Details
İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi
Programme of Sociology
Course Details
Course Code Course Name Year Period Semester T+A+L Credit ECTS
03230008 Socio-Economic Structure of Turkey 2 Autumn 3 3+0+0 2 5
Course Type Compulsory
Course Cycle Bachelor's (First Cycle) (TQF-HE: Level 6 / QF-EHEA: Level 1 / EQF-LLL: Level 6)
Course Language Turkish
Methods and Techniques -
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Prerequisites -
Coordinator -
Instructor(s) Asst. Prof. Berkay ÇETİN
Instructor Assistant(s) -
Course Instructor(s)
Name and Surname Room E-Mail Address Internal Meeting Hours
Asst. Prof. Berkay ÇETİN C-131 [email protected] 7541
Course Content
Ders, öğrencilerin içinde bulundukları sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel şartların farkında olmalarının önemli olduğu düşüncesi üzerinde temellenmektedir. Ders kapsamında ağırlıklı olarak; Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ne sosyal yapının değişimi; Cumhuriyet döneminde Türkiye'nin toplumsal yapısının gelişme özellikleri; Türk modernleşmesinin özgül şartları; Türkiye'nin sosyo-demografik nüfus dağılımı; Türkiye'de toplumsal sınıflar ve toplumsal tabakalaşma, Türkiye'nin ekonomik yapısı ele alınmaktadır.
Objectives of the Course
The aim of the course; Turkey of today's students social, cultural, social and economic structure to ensure the comprehension of the historical context and thus understand current social problems of Turkey.
Contribution of the Course to Field Teaching
Basic Vocational Courses X
Specialization / Field Courses X
Support Courses
Transferable Skills Courses
Humanities, Communication and Management Skills Courses
Relationships between Course Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Program Learning Outcomes Level
P1 To gain sociological reasoning skills and to reveal and interpret social facts. 3
P2 Being knowledgeable about sociological concepts, theories, methods, and effectively using them in the research process and project development. 3
P3 Being able to relate sociology to other disciplines and having the ability to work with these disciplines. 4
P5 Being well-versed in contemporary sociological concepts, periodical changes, and field-specific knowledge. 2
P6 Having the ability to understand, analyze, and propose solutions for social developments. 4
P7 Evaluating the history and pioneers of the discipline of sociology. 2
P9 Analyzing and using information with a critical perspective and acting in accordance with societal values. 5
P10 Ability to express and make connections between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the individual's general culture. 1
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes Outcome Relationship Measurement Method **
O1 Remembering basic sociological concepts and theories. P.1.1 1
O2 Understand the basic principles of sociological reasoning. P.1.2 1
O3 Revealing social truths using sociological reasoning. P.1.3 1
O4 Analyzing social events and evaluating them from different perspectives. P.1.4 1
O5 Evaluating the accuracy of comments and explanations. P.1.5 1
O6 Creating original interpretations by looking at social realities from new perspectives. P.1.6 1
O7 Understanding how methods are applied and how field studies are carried out. P.2.2 1
O8 Remembering the main principles of sociology and other disciplines. P.3.1 1
** Written Exam: 1, Oral Exam: 2, Homework: 3, Lab./Exam: 4, Seminar/Presentation: 5, Term Paper: 6, Application: 7
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Introducing the course content to the students. Structure debates in sociology. The concept of social structure and theories of social structure. Definition of culture and its use in different sociological theories. Basic elements of culture. Basic social institutions in sociology.
2 Discussion on the foundations of Turkey's socio-economic structure. Turkish state tradition. General characteristics of pre-Islamic Turkish states. Turkish social structure in the Islamic period. The heritage transferred to the Republican period.
3 A continuation of the discussion on the historical legacy in the social structure of Republican Turkey. Binary structures and center-periphery tension
4 Turkey's population structure and population policies. Population registration system in the Ottoman Empire. Population structure and population policies in the Republic of Turkey.
5 Family in Turkey. Definition, importance and functions of family. Discussion of the Turkish family structure in the pre-Islamic, Islamic and Republican periods. The main problem areas and debates about the family in Turkey.
6 Politics in Turkey. Definition and function of the political institution. Politics in Steppe Turks. Political and social structure in the Ottoman Empire.
7 Continuing discussions on politics in Turkey. Modernization and democratization process in the Ottoman Empire. Proclamation of the Republic and democratization. Constitutions and military interventions in Turkey.
8 Economy in Turkey. Economy in Steppe Turks. Economy in the Ottoman period.
9 Continuing discussions on the economy in Turkey. Discussion on the economic structure and main problems in the early years of the Republic, the single party period, 1950s, 1960s, 1980s, 1990s and beyond.
10 Education in Turkey: Historical development of education. Education in the Islamic world and Turks in the Middle Ages. Tanzimat period innovation movements and education.
11 Turkish education system in the Republican period. Letter revolution. Nation schools. Turkish language and history studies. Village institutes. University reform and foreign professors.
12 Religious debates in Turkey. Religion and Belief in the Steppe Turks. Islam and Turks. Republican period and secularism.
13 A general evaluation of the studies on the social structure of Turkey in Turkish sociology.
14 A general evaluation of the studies on the social structure of Turkey in Turkish sociology.
Textbook or Material
Resources Nevin Güngör Ergan (ed.) (2018). Türkiye'nin Toplumsal Yapısı. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
Evaluation Method and Passing Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Attendance 14 70 (%)
Field Study - -
Homework - -
Presentation - -
Midterms 1 40 (%)
Final Exam 1 60 (%)
Total 170 (%)
ECTS / Working Load Table
Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Week Number and Time 14 3 42
Out-of-Class Study Time (Pre-study, Library, Reinforcement) 14 4 56
Midterms 1 8 8
Quiz 0 0 0
Homework 0 0 0
Practice 0 0 0
Laboratory 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Workshop 0 0 0
Presentation/Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
Fieldwork 0 0 0
Final Exam 1 14 14
Other 0 0 0
Total Work Load: 120
Total Work Load / 30 4
Course ECTS Credits: 4
Course - Learning Outcomes Matrix
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Learning Outcomes P1 P2 P3
O1 Remembering basic sociological concepts and theories. 3 3 -
O2 Understand the basic principles of sociological reasoning. 4 4 -
O3 Revealing social truths using sociological reasoning. 2 - 1
O4 Analyzing social events and evaluating them from different perspectives. - 4 2
O5 Evaluating the accuracy of comments and explanations. 4 - -
O6 Creating original interpretations by looking at social realities from new perspectives. - 3 -
O7 Understanding how methods are applied and how field studies are carried out. - - 2
O8 Remembering the main principles of sociology and other disciplines. - - 2