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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) Transferring contemporary social work theories to practice
P.1.1) Establishes the relationship between theory and practice.
P.1.2) Uses the theories of human and social sciences as well as the information obtained from social work practices in social work interventions.
P.1.3) Uses the knowledge of advanced generalist social work perspective in social work practice for different client groups.
P.1.4) Analyzes the theoretical debates and practices on the agenda of society and the world in the fields of social work.
P2) Conducting social work research based on quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
P.2.1) Has knowledge about advanced research methods and techniques.
P.2.2) Conducts a literature review on the selected topic and plans the research design.
P.2.3) Analyzes qualitative and quantitative data with advanced statistical knowledge.
P.2.4) Organize, interpret and report the findings obtained from research.
P.2.5) Creates intra-organizational and inter-organizational databases in the fields of social services and uses these data in evaluating practices and creating strategies for the future.
P.2.6) Researches and critically examines social issues.
P3) Behaving according to ethical obligations and managing complex ethical issues
P.3.1) Know and assume ethical responsibilities towards his/her profession, clients, colleagues, other professionals he/she works with, the institution he/she works for and the society.
P.3.2) Transfer the ethical principles and values of social work to advanced social work practice.
P.3.3) Question professional practices within the framework of ethical obligations.
P.3.4) Distinguish ethical and unethical behavior in professional practice.
P.3.5) Checks the accuracy of what they do in professional practice and takes measures to regulate when necessary.
P.3.6) Uses technology in social work practices within the framework of ethical rules.
P4) Developing a professional identity and acting accordingly
P.4.1) Behaves in accordance with professional roles, principles and rules and pays attention to professional boundaries.
P.4.2) Willingness and willingness to demonstrate a professional demeanor in behavior, appearance and communication.
P.4.3) Internalizes the knowledge, skills and values of social work and shows commitment to them.
P.4.4) Distinguish between personal and professional values.
P.4.5) Uses supervision and consultation in professional practice.
P5) Assuming responsibility in institutional settings
P.5.1) Assumes responsibility for unforeseen complex situations (crisis, etc.) in organizational environments and produces constructive solutions.
P.5.2) Assumes a leadership role in teams in studies related to social service fields.
P.5.3) Collaborates with colleagues and other professional groups for effective service delivery.
P6) Adopting anti-oppression practice
P.6.1) Analyzes the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination.
P.6.2) Performs anti-oppression social work practices for individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and society.
P.6.3) Accepting sociocultural diversity as a positive value, they implement their practices in harmony with other social work values.
P7) Defending and promoting human rights and social and economic justice
P.7.1) Advocates for human rights.
P.7.2) Observes social justice in social work practices and contributes to the development of social justice.
P.7.3) Interpret and produce policies that advance human rights and social, racial, economic and environmental justice.
P.7.4) Evaluate their professional practice on the basis of human rights, social and economic justice concepts.
P.7.5) Başvuru sahiplerinin sosyal hizmetlere erişimini sağlamayı kendine görev edinmiştir.
P8) To implement advanced generalist social work intervention for individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and society from a bio-psycho-social perspective
P.8.1) Independently performs generalist social work practice with client groups with different socio-cultural characteristics.
P.8.2) Examines and relates relationships both between individuals and between individuals and social systems.
P.8.3) Demonstrate effective oral communication and use written communication when working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and society.
P.8.4) Connect with risk groups.
P.8.5) Form professional decisions on the basis of creative and critical thinking.
P9) Developing strategies, policies, plans and programs related to social service areas
P.9.1) Plans institutional services for applicants and develops new programs.
P.9.2) Interprets the legislation that the organization he / she works for and transfers it to practice.
P.9.3) Evaluates how social welfare policies affect the provision of social services.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) Transferring contemporary social work theories to practice
P.1.1) Establishes the relationship between theory and practice.
P.1.2) Uses the theories of human and social sciences as well as the information obtained from social work practices in social work interventions.
P.1.3) Uses the knowledge of advanced generalist social work perspective in social work practice for different client groups.
P.1.4) Analyzes the theoretical debates and practices on the agenda of society and the world in the fields of social work.
P2) Conducting social work research based on quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
P.2.1) Has knowledge about advanced research methods and techniques.
P.2.2) Conducts a literature review on the selected topic and plans the research design.
P.2.3) Analyzes qualitative and quantitative data with advanced statistical knowledge.
P.2.4) Organize, interpret and report the findings obtained from research.
P.2.5) Creates intra-organizational and inter-organizational databases in the fields of social services and uses these data in evaluating practices and creating strategies for the future.
P.2.6) Researches and critically examines social issues.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P3) Behaving according to ethical obligations and managing complex ethical issues
P.3.1) Know and assume ethical responsibilities towards his/her profession, clients, colleagues, other professionals he/she works with, the institution he/she works for and the society.
P.3.2) Transfer the ethical principles and values of social work to advanced social work practice.
P.3.3) Question professional practices within the framework of ethical obligations.
P.3.4) Distinguish ethical and unethical behavior in professional practice.
P.3.5) Checks the accuracy of what they do in professional practice and takes measures to regulate when necessary.
P.3.6) Uses technology in social work practices within the framework of ethical rules.
P4) Developing a professional identity and acting accordingly
P.4.1) Behaves in accordance with professional roles, principles and rules and pays attention to professional boundaries.
P.4.2) Willingness and willingness to demonstrate a professional demeanor in behavior, appearance and communication.
P.4.3) Internalizes the knowledge, skills and values of social work and shows commitment to them.
P.4.4) Distinguish between personal and professional values.
P.4.5) Uses supervision and consultation in professional practice.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P5) Assuming responsibility in institutional settings
P.5.1) Assumes responsibility for unforeseen complex situations (crisis, etc.) in organizational environments and produces constructive solutions.
P.5.2) Assumes a leadership role in teams in studies related to social service fields.
P.5.3) Collaborates with colleagues and other professional groups for effective service delivery.
P6) Adopting anti-oppression practice
P.6.1) Analyzes the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination.
P.6.2) Performs anti-oppression social work practices for individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and society.
P.6.3) Accepting sociocultural diversity as a positive value, they implement their practices in harmony with other social work values.
P7) Defending and promoting human rights and social and economic justice
P.7.1) Advocates for human rights.
P.7.2) Observes social justice in social work practices and contributes to the development of social justice.
P.7.3) Interpret and produce policies that advance human rights and social, racial, economic and environmental justice.
P.7.4) Evaluate their professional practice on the basis of human rights, social and economic justice concepts.
P.7.5) Başvuru sahiplerinin sosyal hizmetlere erişimini sağlamayı kendine görev edinmiştir.
P8) To implement advanced generalist social work intervention for individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and society from a bio-psycho-social perspective
P.8.1) Independently performs generalist social work practice with client groups with different socio-cultural characteristics.
P.8.2) Examines and relates relationships both between individuals and between individuals and social systems.
P.8.3) Demonstrate effective oral communication and use written communication when working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and society.
P.8.4) Connect with risk groups.
P.8.5) Form professional decisions on the basis of creative and critical thinking.
P9) Developing strategies, policies, plans and programs related to social service areas
P.9.1) Plans institutional services for applicants and develops new programs.
P.9.2) Interprets the legislation that the organization he / she works for and transfers it to practice.
P.9.3) Evaluates how social welfare policies affect the provision of social services.