Master Of Occupational Health And Safety With Thesis (Interdisciplinary)
The success status of students in courses is determined by the relevant faculty members and the effects of mid-term exams and studies, end-of-term exams and/or assignments, laboratory reports, short-term exams and similar practices on the success grade. One of the following grades is given for each course taken by students. Grades and coefficients are as follows:
Point range Given grade Coefficient
90-100A 4.0
85-89 A- 3.7
80-84 B+ 3.3
75-79 B 3.0
70-74 B- 2.7
65-69 C+ 2.3
60-64 C 2.0
55-59 C- 1.7
50-54 D+ 1.3
40-49 D 1.0
0-39 FF 0.0
0 FX
0 FG
FF: Took the exam, failed.
FX: Not entitled to take the exam due to absenteeism, failed.
FG: Failed to take the exam despite having the right to do so.
S= Sufficient
P= Continuing
U= Insufficient
S grade is given if the courses that do not require letter grades are passed.
P grade is given if the thesis studies are successfully continued.
U grade is given if the courses and thesis studies that do not require letter grades are failed.
S, P, U and T grades are not included in the grade point average calculations.
A student's general weighted grade point average must be at least 2.50 to graduate from a master's program and 3.00 to graduate from a doctoral program.
The passing grade is B- in master's programs and B in doctoral programs. However, if the student's general weighted grade point average is at least 2.50 in master's and at least 3.00 in doctoral programs when he/she completes his/her course obligations, C grades in master's and B- grades in doctoral programs are conditional passing grades.
If the student who has completed the required course load has a GPA below 2.50 in master's programs and below 3.00 in doctoral programs, the student may repeat the courses he/she has previously taken and passed in order to achieve the required graduation GPA, provided that the study period specified for the program is not exceeded.
The number of exams or studies to be held in a course and the type of exam or study are decided by the faculty member responsible for the course.
The students' attendance status, participation in midterm and final exams, if any, and their contribution to the semester letter grade; the midterm exams, homework, practical and similar studies they are responsible for, their contribution to the semester letter grade, and the conditions for participating in the semester final exam, if any, are determined by the faculty member teaching the course and announced to the students at the beginning of the semester.
Students who are unsuccessful in their courses or who want to increase their GPA are given the right to take a make-up exam. The grade of a student who takes a make-up exam in order to increase his/her grade is taken into account, whichever is higher, from the grade he/she receives in the end-of-term/end-of-year exam and the grade he/she receives in the make-up exam.