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Learning & Teaching Methods

The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Master’s Program is an interdisciplinary program aimed at training competent professionals in the field. To equip students with both theoretical and practical skills, various teaching and learning methods are employed:

  1. Lectures: Core concepts, theories, and legal regulations are conveyed by expert faculty members through lectures, where active participation from students is encouraged.

  2. Case Studies and Discussions: Real-world examples of workplace accidents and occupational diseases are analyzed. Students assess the causes and consequences of these incidents, developing their ability to perform risk assessments and propose solutions.

  3. Projects and Assignments: Individual and group projects allow students to research current issues in OHS and propose solutions. These projects help students integrate theory with practice and enhance their problem-solving skills.

  4. Simulations and Practical Training: Virtual and real-world simulations are used to teach practical skills, such as risk analysis, emergency management, and the implementation of preventive measures in occupational health and safety.

  5. Seminars and Conferences: Participation in seminars and conferences with industry professionals helps students stay updated on recent developments and fosters interaction with the professional world.

  6. Fieldwork and Internship Programs: Observational visits and internships in workplaces allow students to explore OHS practices on-site, providing them with hands-on experience and insights into the real-world application of their theoretical knowledge.

  7. Continuous Feedback and Evaluation: Throughout the educational process, students' performance is evaluated through projects and exams, with regular feedback to support their development.

These methods contribute to the training of professionals who are scientifically informed, capable of generating practical solutions, and prepared to make a meaningful impact in the field of occupational health and safety.