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Graduation Requirements

The master's program with thesis consists of a total of 120 ECTS, 60 ECTS for the courses and seminar and 60 ECTS for the master's thesis.
In order to graduate from the master's program with thesis, the student, together with the thesis advisor, will be required to provide at least one of the following conditions for the scientific work produced from the thesis or related field of science.
a) To have been presented orally or as a poster in National/International refereed scientific Symposiums/Congresses and to have been published in the proceedings booklet,
b) Having at least 1 article published or accepted for publication in national/international refereed scientific journals,
c) Participation as a scholar in a national/international project,
d) Having applied for a patent/utility model/design.
Students are required to submit the document(s) showing that they have met at least one of these conditions to the Graduate School together with the Thesis Defense form.
A graduate student who fails to meet one of the above conditions will not be able to take the thesis defense exam.