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Programme Learning Outcomes
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) To be able to gain accurate information about design principles and elements, to be able to explain theories and theorists in the field of art and design.
P.1.1) To be able to express basic art and design knowledge theoretically and practically.
P.1.2) To be able to solve design problems and produce original ideas.
P.1.3) To be able to apply basic art and design knowledge to their works.
P.1.4) To be able to express theories and theorists in the field of design.
P.1.5) To be able to interpret what they see and design with line.
P.1.6) To be able to analyse the texture and colour harmonies of the material used in design.
P2) To be able to interpret aesthetics and function in design processes by establishing the relationship between yesterday, today and tomorrow.
P.2.1) To be able to express in a context.
P.2.2) To be able to establish a connection between past, present and future in the field of design.
P.2.3) To be able to evaluate critically and analytically.
P.2.4) To be able to produce past effects / traces of today's designs with today's possibilities and possibilities.
P.2.5) To be able to categorise the differences between past and present.
P.2.6) To be able to express the past in the field of design.
P3) To be able to create innovative and original works by using abstract and concrete concepts in a visual way.
P.3.1) To be able to produce original works with basic art and design skills.
P.3.2) To be able to express a thought, a concept or a phenomenon creatively in a visual way.
P.3.3) To be able to explain an idea by using only figures.
P.3.4) To be able to recognise concrete and abstract concepts in graphic design works.
P.3.5) To be able to decide to use technical drawing and similar details in line with the need.
P.3.6) To be able to design products in desired size and volume.
P4) To be able to use computer software, technologies, techniques and innovations in the field effectively.
P.4.1) To be able to use related computer software and information and communication technologies effectively for design.
P.4.2) To be able to combine their designs with different materials.
P.4.3) To be able to present their designs through technological devices such as computer etc.
P.4.4) To be able to adapt the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.5) To be able to transfer the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.6) To be able to express the properties of print designs on different surfaces.
P5) Visualisation by establishing a relationship between art, culture, design and aesthetic issues.
P.5.1) To be able to present the main idea of a phenomenon in a visual way within the concept of design.
P.5.2) To be able to express the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.5.3) To be able to produce cultural assets (visual and linear) with graphical elements.
P.5.4) To be able to take part in the protection of historical and contemporary works of art.
P.5.5) To be able to evaluate cultural assets visually.
P.5.6) To be able to define aesthetic awareness.
P6) To be able to explain the historical and design ties of semiotics, mythology, iconography with universal culture.
P.6.1) To be able to distinguish the differences between periods.
P.6.2) To be able to explain the differences between periods.
P.6.3) To be able to define an idea, a concept or a phenomenon in the artistic and cultural environment of society.
P.6.4) Yeni tasarımları görsel yolla yaratıcı biçimde üretebilme.
P.6.5) To be able to distinguish cultural assets that are the expression of society, art and technology.
P.6.6) Critical judgement.
P7) To be able to interpret and critically evaluate data using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of graphic design, to be able to define and analyse problems, to be able to plan the process based on research and evidence, to be able to solve design problems.
P.7.1) To be able to solve the problems arising as a result of the analysis.
P.7.2) To be able to define technical tools and equipment used in graphic design studies and applications.
P.7.3) To be able to develop all processes of a design
P.7.4) To be able to analyse the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.7.5) To be able to evaluate the knowledge and skills gained with a critical approach.
P.7.6) To be able to associate basic art and design skills with other fields.
P8) To be able to convey the right message and indicators to the target audience through the right communication channels by using photographic, typographic, illustrative, moving and interactive elements in the production and production process of two and three dimensional designs for traditional and new media.
P.8.1) To be able to apply graphic design products in two and three dimensions.
P.8.2) To be able to define the target audience, to produce original works related to the field and to evaluate the results.
P.8.3) To be able to present traditional elements with contemporary interpretations.
P.8.4) To be able to express themselves by communicating visually.
P.8.5) To be able to establish a connection while conveying his/her thoughts verbally and visually to specialised or non-specialised people
P.8.6) To be able to use the visual elements of design effectively with typographic elements.
P.8.7) To be able to interpret graphic designs to the cultural environment of the day with the support of developing and changing technology.
P.8.8) To be able to produce video using moving / still image programmes in different media environments
P9) To be able to use new media technologies and associate them with graphic design.
P.9.1) To be able to identify problems by making functional and visual analyses of design.
P.9.2) To be able to evaluate the problems by making functional and visual analyses of the design.
P.9.3) To be able to express a work within a certain concept.
P.9.4) To be able to organise a work within the limitations of a certain concept.
P.9.5) To be able to explain creative thinking.
P.9.6) Two and three dimensional production.
P10) To be able to work effectively in interdisciplinary / interdisciplinary teams on social and cultural issues related to the field of design, individually or as a team member, harmoniously and consciously.
P.10.1) To be able to work interdisciplinary in the field of art and design.
P.10.2) To be able to work harmoniously and productively alone, independently and/or in a group during the design process.
P.10.3) To be able to manage harmonious, productive and group work in the group during the design process.
P.10.4) To be able to act consciously in the group during the design process.
P.10.5) To be able to establish a connection between different applications.
P.10.6) To be able to finalise graphic design studies as a group activity.
P11) To be able to develop projects in the field of graphic design with the awareness of universal and social responsibility by considering the public interest and legal consequences on issues such as human rights, environmental problems, cultural diversity in professional studies in the field and to share them with the society with sensitivity.
P.11.1) To be able to explain space-based problems.
P.11.2) To be able to produce solutions to space-based problems.
P.11.3) To gain sensitivity to the environment they live in.
P.11.4) To be able to be active in project processes.
P.11.5) To be able to associate basic art and design with other fields.
P.11.6) To be able to combine design skills with other fields.
P12) To be able to follow scientific, social, economic, legal, political developments etc. To be able to follow social and technological developments.
P.12.1) To be able to discuss the psychological effects of design elements.
P.12.2) To be able to produce original and creative applications.
P.12.3) To be able to explain the problem.
P.12.4) To be able to apply the necessary techniques to solve the problem.
P.12.5) To be able to discuss the sociological effects of design elements.
P.12.6) To be able to discuss the economic effects of design elements.
P.12.7) To be able to discuss the political effects of design elements.
P13) To be able to communicate effectively and express himself consciously about the presentation by making his designs into a portfolio document.
P.13.1) To be able to organise graphic design elements necessary for an effective presentation.
P.13.2) To be able to express historical information about the field in oral and written form creatively.
P.13.3) To be able to communicate.
P.13.4) To be able to use Turkish effectively and correctly.
P.13.5) To be able to realise effective presentation skills consciously.
P.13.6) To be able to explain about the ability to prepare effective presentation
P14) To be able to explain scientific research methods.
P.14.1) To be able to organise the report.
P.14.2) To be able to prepare a report.
P.14.3) To be able to prepare an article.
P.14.4) To be able to defend an article.
P.14.5) To be able to organise a technical report.
P.14.6) To be able to express writing techniques by scanning the scientific field.
P15) To be able to express the issues of occupational health and safety, national and international professional ethics, legal regulations and procedures in the field of graphic design.
P.15.1) To be able to express the concept of art as a whole.
P.15.2) To be able to express the concept of design as a whole.
P.15.3) To be able to define the concept of science ethics as a whole.
P.15.4) To be able to interpret the concept of Professional Ethics as a whole.
P.15.5) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole.
P.15.6) To be able to evaluate the knowledge of intellectual property rights, design law and social law in the field of graphic design.
P16) To be able to develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning with the awareness of entrepreneurial and innovative approach by having knowledge, skills and experience about the work in business life.
P.16.1) To be able to prepare collaborative work with design areas working at different scales.
P.16.2) To be able to criticise their own work.
P.16.3) To be able to design the appropriate one by following the developing and changing technology.
P.16.4) To be able to collect and evaluate information about patents on the Internet.
P.16.5) To be able to explain the concepts of international co-operation, exchange and support mechanisms.
P.16.6) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P17) To be able to express by establishing a connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the general culture of the individual.
P.17.1) To be able to find the difference between different disciplines.
P.17.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.17.3) To be able to make comparisons between national and international values in art and design.
P.17.4) To be able to organise cooperation with different disciplines.
P.17.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning.
P.17.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches.
P18) To be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing in at least one foreign language (European Language Portfolio B1 General Level).
P.18.1) To be able to define English concepts related to the field.
P.18.2) To be able to explain English with words at B1 and B2 level.
P.18.3) To be able to exemplify a study in the field with English terms.
P.18.4) Tasarım ile ilgili İngilizce bir kaynağı kendi diline çevirebilme.
P.18.5) To be able to transfer a presentation in English.
P.18.6) To be able to use appropriate foreign language icons in design.
P19) To be able to use a foreign language at the general level A1-A1+ of the European Language Portfolio
P.19.1) To be able to use basic expressions at a simple level for daily life.
P.19.2) To be able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.19.3) To be able to introduce himself/herself in social environments, to ask and answer questions about personal information.
P.19.4) To be able to express his/her own past, his/her immediate environment and events at a simple level in written and oral form.
P.19.5) To be able to fill in simple forms encountered in daily life, to create short and simple notes.
P.19.6) To be able to read short and simple texts, to comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P20) To be able to explain the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey in general terms and to determine its position in world history.
P.20.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire.
P.20.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the National Struggle period.
P.20.3) To be able to convey the establishment process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives.
P.20.4) To be able to understand the basic motives of Turkey's political, socio-cultural and socio-economic structure.
P.20.5) To be able to analyse Turkey's foundation process and its position in the world history and to be able to understand a broad perspective.
P.20.6) To be able to summarise the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and location.
P21) To recognise the civilisation to which our nation belongs and to be able to act with professional ethics and to have a sense of social responsibility.
P.21.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility
P.21.2) To be able to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.21.3) To be able to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in working life
P.21.4) Carefully fulfil the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field To be able to analyse.
P.21.5) To be able to produce strategies suitable for professional ethics for the problems to be encountered
P.21.6) To be able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P22) To be competent in the detection and elimination of expression disorders that may occur in written and oral expression forms of Turkish language and the production of meaningful speech texts with correct sentences and scientific research methods.
P.22.1) To be able to explain the meaning and expression disorders
P.22.2) To be able to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.22.3) To be able to make original exemplification of correct and meaningful subjects in the language by eliminating the problems of pronunciation and pronunciation
P.22.4) To be able to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.22.5) Spelling and punctuation in written, oral and argumentative expression types of Turkish language
P.22.6) Scientific research methods (selection of the subject, limitation and related sources scanning) to be able to have knowledge about the research results to be written to have an idea about the subject and to be able to choose the right source
P23) To be able to select and use appropriate methods and tools with information about OHS in solving the problems encountered to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.23.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.23.2) To be able to comprehend the interactions between work and human health
P.23.3) To be able to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.23.4) To know what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.23.5) To be able to explain the measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.23.6) Measures to be taken by identifying and analysing risk factors in working environments explain
P.23.7) To be able to comprehend accident occurrence theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.23.8) To know the legislation and legal responsibilities related to occupational health and safety
P24) To be able to gain competence in solving problems encountered in academic and professional life by using information technologies effectively and efficiently
P.24.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.24.2) To be able to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software etc.) effectively and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.24.3) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies.
P.24.4) To be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and to be able to apply these principles.
P.24.5) To be able to write simple programmes by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.24.6) To understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and to be able to use these technologies to be able to evaluate the potential effects.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) To be able to gain accurate information about design principles and elements, to be able to explain theories and theorists in the field of art and design.
P.1.1) To be able to express basic art and design knowledge theoretically and practically.
P.1.2) To be able to solve design problems and produce original ideas.
P.1.3) To be able to apply basic art and design knowledge to their works.
P.1.4) To be able to express theories and theorists in the field of design.
P.1.5) To be able to interpret what they see and design with line.
P.1.6) To be able to analyse the texture and colour harmonies of the material used in design.
P2) To be able to interpret aesthetics and function in design processes by establishing the relationship between yesterday, today and tomorrow.
P.2.1) To be able to express in a context.
P.2.2) To be able to establish a connection between past, present and future in the field of design.
P.2.3) To be able to evaluate critically and analytically.
P.2.4) To be able to produce past effects / traces of today's designs with today's possibilities and possibilities.
P.2.5) To be able to categorise the differences between past and present.
P.2.6) To be able to express the past in the field of design.
P3) To be able to create innovative and original works by using abstract and concrete concepts in a visual way.
P.3.1) To be able to produce original works with basic art and design skills.
P.3.2) To be able to express a thought, a concept or a phenomenon creatively in a visual way.
P.3.3) To be able to explain an idea by using only figures.
P.3.4) To be able to recognise concrete and abstract concepts in graphic design works.
P.3.5) To be able to decide to use technical drawing and similar details in line with the need.
P.3.6) To be able to design products in desired size and volume.
P4) To be able to use computer software, technologies, techniques and innovations in the field effectively.
P.4.1) To be able to use related computer software and information and communication technologies effectively for design.
P.4.2) To be able to combine their designs with different materials.
P.4.3) To be able to present their designs through technological devices such as computer etc.
P.4.4) To be able to adapt the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.5) To be able to transfer the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.6) To be able to express the properties of print designs on different surfaces.
P5) Visualisation by establishing a relationship between art, culture, design and aesthetic issues.
P.5.1) To be able to present the main idea of a phenomenon in a visual way within the concept of design.
P.5.2) To be able to express the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.5.3) To be able to produce cultural assets (visual and linear) with graphical elements.
P.5.4) To be able to take part in the protection of historical and contemporary works of art.
P.5.5) To be able to evaluate cultural assets visually.
P.5.6) To be able to define aesthetic awareness.
P6) To be able to explain the historical and design ties of semiotics, mythology, iconography with universal culture.
P.6.1) To be able to distinguish the differences between periods.
P.6.2) To be able to explain the differences between periods.
P.6.3) To be able to define an idea, a concept or a phenomenon in the artistic and cultural environment of society.
P.6.4) Yeni tasarımları görsel yolla yaratıcı biçimde üretebilme.
P.6.5) To be able to distinguish cultural assets that are the expression of society, art and technology.
P.6.6) Critical judgement.
P7) To be able to interpret and critically evaluate data using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of graphic design, to be able to define and analyse problems, to be able to plan the process based on research and evidence, to be able to solve design problems.
P.7.1) To be able to solve the problems arising as a result of the analysis.
P.7.2) To be able to define technical tools and equipment used in graphic design studies and applications.
P.7.3) To be able to develop all processes of a design
P.7.4) To be able to analyse the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.7.5) To be able to evaluate the knowledge and skills gained with a critical approach.
P.7.6) To be able to associate basic art and design skills with other fields.
P8) To be able to convey the right message and indicators to the target audience through the right communication channels by using photographic, typographic, illustrative, moving and interactive elements in the production and production process of two and three dimensional designs for traditional and new media.
P.8.1) To be able to apply graphic design products in two and three dimensions.
P.8.2) To be able to define the target audience, to produce original works related to the field and to evaluate the results.
P.8.3) To be able to present traditional elements with contemporary interpretations.
P.8.4) To be able to express themselves by communicating visually.
P.8.5) To be able to establish a connection while conveying his/her thoughts verbally and visually to specialised or non-specialised people
P.8.6) To be able to use the visual elements of design effectively with typographic elements.
P.8.7) To be able to interpret graphic designs to the cultural environment of the day with the support of developing and changing technology.
P.8.8) To be able to produce video using moving / still image programmes in different media environments
P9) To be able to use new media technologies and associate them with graphic design.
P.9.1) To be able to identify problems by making functional and visual analyses of design.
P.9.2) To be able to evaluate the problems by making functional and visual analyses of the design.
P.9.3) To be able to express a work within a certain concept.
P.9.4) To be able to organise a work within the limitations of a certain concept.
P.9.5) To be able to explain creative thinking.
P.9.6) Two and three dimensional production.
P10) To be able to work effectively in interdisciplinary / interdisciplinary teams on social and cultural issues related to the field of design, individually or as a team member, harmoniously and consciously.
P.10.1) To be able to work interdisciplinary in the field of art and design.
P.10.2) To be able to work harmoniously and productively alone, independently and/or in a group during the design process.
P.10.3) To be able to manage harmonious, productive and group work in the group during the design process.
P.10.4) To be able to act consciously in the group during the design process.
P.10.5) To be able to establish a connection between different applications.
P.10.6) To be able to finalise graphic design studies as a group activity.
P11) To be able to develop projects in the field of graphic design with the awareness of universal and social responsibility by considering the public interest and legal consequences on issues such as human rights, environmental problems, cultural diversity in professional studies in the field and to share them with the society with sensitivity.
P.11.1) To be able to explain space-based problems.
P.11.2) To be able to produce solutions to space-based problems.
P.11.3) To gain sensitivity to the environment they live in.
P.11.4) To be able to be active in project processes.
P.11.5) To be able to associate basic art and design with other fields.
P.11.6) To be able to combine design skills with other fields.
P12) To be able to follow scientific, social, economic, legal, political developments etc. To be able to follow social and technological developments.
P.12.1) To be able to discuss the psychological effects of design elements.
P.12.2) To be able to produce original and creative applications.
P.12.3) To be able to explain the problem.
P.12.4) To be able to apply the necessary techniques to solve the problem.
P.12.5) To be able to discuss the sociological effects of design elements.
P.12.6) To be able to discuss the economic effects of design elements.
P.12.7) To be able to discuss the political effects of design elements.
P14) To be able to explain scientific research methods.
P.14.1) To be able to organise the report.
P.14.2) To be able to prepare a report.
P.14.3) To be able to prepare an article.
P.14.4) To be able to defend an article.
P.14.5) To be able to organise a technical report.
P.14.6) To be able to express writing techniques by scanning the scientific field.
P15) To be able to express the issues of occupational health and safety, national and international professional ethics, legal regulations and procedures in the field of graphic design.
P.15.1) To be able to express the concept of art as a whole.
P.15.2) To be able to express the concept of design as a whole.
P.15.3) To be able to define the concept of science ethics as a whole.
P.15.4) To be able to interpret the concept of Professional Ethics as a whole.
P.15.5) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole.
P.15.6) To be able to evaluate the knowledge of intellectual property rights, design law and social law in the field of graphic design.
P16) To be able to develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning with the awareness of entrepreneurial and innovative approach by having knowledge, skills and experience about the work in business life.
P.16.1) To be able to prepare collaborative work with design areas working at different scales.
P.16.2) To be able to criticise their own work.
P.16.3) To be able to design the appropriate one by following the developing and changing technology.
P.16.4) To be able to collect and evaluate information about patents on the Internet.
P.16.5) To be able to explain the concepts of international co-operation, exchange and support mechanisms.
P.16.6) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P17) To be able to express by establishing a connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the general culture of the individual.
P.17.1) To be able to find the difference between different disciplines.
P.17.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.17.3) To be able to make comparisons between national and international values in art and design.
P.17.4) To be able to organise cooperation with different disciplines.
P.17.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning.
P.17.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches.
P19) To be able to use a foreign language at the general level A1-A1+ of the European Language Portfolio
P.19.1) To be able to use basic expressions at a simple level for daily life.
P.19.2) To be able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.19.3) To be able to introduce himself/herself in social environments, to ask and answer questions about personal information.
P.19.4) To be able to express his/her own past, his/her immediate environment and events at a simple level in written and oral form.
P.19.5) To be able to fill in simple forms encountered in daily life, to create short and simple notes.
P.19.6) To be able to read short and simple texts, to comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P20) To be able to explain the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey in general terms and to determine its position in world history.
P.20.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire.
P.20.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the National Struggle period.
P.20.3) To be able to convey the establishment process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives.
P.20.4) To be able to understand the basic motives of Turkey's political, socio-cultural and socio-economic structure.
P.20.5) To be able to analyse Turkey's foundation process and its position in the world history and to be able to understand a broad perspective.
P.20.6) To be able to summarise the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and location.
P21) To recognise the civilisation to which our nation belongs and to be able to act with professional ethics and to have a sense of social responsibility.
P.21.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility
P.21.2) To be able to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.21.3) To be able to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in working life
P.21.4) Carefully fulfil the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field To be able to analyse.
P.21.5) To be able to produce strategies suitable for professional ethics for the problems to be encountered
P.21.6) To be able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P22) To be competent in the detection and elimination of expression disorders that may occur in written and oral expression forms of Turkish language and the production of meaningful speech texts with correct sentences and scientific research methods.
P.22.1) To be able to explain the meaning and expression disorders
P.22.2) To be able to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.22.3) To be able to make original exemplification of correct and meaningful subjects in the language by eliminating the problems of pronunciation and pronunciation
P.22.4) To be able to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.22.5) Spelling and punctuation in written, oral and argumentative expression types of Turkish language
P.22.6) Scientific research methods (selection of the subject, limitation and related sources scanning) to be able to have knowledge about the research results to be written to have an idea about the subject and to be able to choose the right source
P23) To be able to select and use appropriate methods and tools with information about OHS in solving the problems encountered to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.23.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.23.2) To be able to comprehend the interactions between work and human health
P.23.3) To be able to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.23.4) To know what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.23.5) To be able to explain the measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.23.6) Measures to be taken by identifying and analysing risk factors in working environments explain
P.23.7) To be able to comprehend accident occurrence theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.23.8) To know the legislation and legal responsibilities related to occupational health and safety
P24) To be able to gain competence in solving problems encountered in academic and professional life by using information technologies effectively and efficiently
P.24.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.24.2) To be able to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software etc.) effectively and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.24.3) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies.
P.24.4) To be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and to be able to apply these principles.
P.24.5) To be able to write simple programmes by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.24.6) To understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and to be able to use these technologies to be able to evaluate the potential effects.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P1) To be able to gain accurate information about design principles and elements, to be able to explain theories and theorists in the field of art and design.
P.1.1) To be able to express basic art and design knowledge theoretically and practically.
P.1.2) To be able to solve design problems and produce original ideas.
P.1.3) To be able to apply basic art and design knowledge to their works.
P.1.4) To be able to express theories and theorists in the field of design.
P.1.5) To be able to interpret what they see and design with line.
P.1.6) To be able to analyse the texture and colour harmonies of the material used in design.
P2) To be able to interpret aesthetics and function in design processes by establishing the relationship between yesterday, today and tomorrow.
P.2.1) To be able to express in a context.
P.2.2) To be able to establish a connection between past, present and future in the field of design.
P.2.3) To be able to evaluate critically and analytically.
P.2.4) To be able to produce past effects / traces of today's designs with today's possibilities and possibilities.
P.2.5) To be able to categorise the differences between past and present.
P.2.6) To be able to express the past in the field of design.
P3) To be able to create innovative and original works by using abstract and concrete concepts in a visual way.
P.3.1) To be able to produce original works with basic art and design skills.
P.3.2) To be able to express a thought, a concept or a phenomenon creatively in a visual way.
P.3.3) To be able to explain an idea by using only figures.
P.3.4) To be able to recognise concrete and abstract concepts in graphic design works.
P.3.5) To be able to decide to use technical drawing and similar details in line with the need.
P.3.6) To be able to design products in desired size and volume.
P4) To be able to use computer software, technologies, techniques and innovations in the field effectively.
P.4.1) To be able to use related computer software and information and communication technologies effectively for design.
P.4.2) To be able to combine their designs with different materials.
P.4.3) To be able to present their designs through technological devices such as computer etc.
P.4.4) To be able to adapt the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.5) To be able to transfer the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.6) To be able to express the properties of print designs on different surfaces.
P5) Visualisation by establishing a relationship between art, culture, design and aesthetic issues.
P.5.1) To be able to present the main idea of a phenomenon in a visual way within the concept of design.
P.5.2) To be able to express the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.5.3) To be able to produce cultural assets (visual and linear) with graphical elements.
P.5.4) To be able to take part in the protection of historical and contemporary works of art.
P.5.5) To be able to evaluate cultural assets visually.
P.5.6) To be able to define aesthetic awareness.
P6) To be able to explain the historical and design ties of semiotics, mythology, iconography with universal culture.
P.6.1) To be able to distinguish the differences between periods.
P.6.2) To be able to explain the differences between periods.
P.6.3) To be able to define an idea, a concept or a phenomenon in the artistic and cultural environment of society.
P.6.4) Yeni tasarımları görsel yolla yaratıcı biçimde üretebilme.
P.6.5) To be able to distinguish cultural assets that are the expression of society, art and technology.
P.6.6) Critical judgement.
P7) To be able to interpret and critically evaluate data using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of graphic design, to be able to define and analyse problems, to be able to plan the process based on research and evidence, to be able to solve design problems.
P.7.1) To be able to solve the problems arising as a result of the analysis.
P.7.2) To be able to define technical tools and equipment used in graphic design studies and applications.
P.7.3) To be able to develop all processes of a design
P.7.4) To be able to analyse the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.7.5) To be able to evaluate the knowledge and skills gained with a critical approach.
P.7.6) To be able to associate basic art and design skills with other fields.
P8) To be able to convey the right message and indicators to the target audience through the right communication channels by using photographic, typographic, illustrative, moving and interactive elements in the production and production process of two and three dimensional designs for traditional and new media.
P.8.1) To be able to apply graphic design products in two and three dimensions.
P.8.2) To be able to define the target audience, to produce original works related to the field and to evaluate the results.
P.8.3) To be able to present traditional elements with contemporary interpretations.
P.8.4) To be able to express themselves by communicating visually.
P.8.5) To be able to establish a connection while conveying his/her thoughts verbally and visually to specialised or non-specialised people
P.8.6) To be able to use the visual elements of design effectively with typographic elements.
P.8.7) To be able to interpret graphic designs to the cultural environment of the day with the support of developing and changing technology.
P.8.8) To be able to produce video using moving / still image programmes in different media environments
P9) To be able to use new media technologies and associate them with graphic design.
P.9.1) To be able to identify problems by making functional and visual analyses of design.
P.9.2) To be able to evaluate the problems by making functional and visual analyses of the design.
P.9.3) To be able to express a work within a certain concept.
P.9.4) To be able to organise a work within the limitations of a certain concept.
P.9.5) To be able to explain creative thinking.
P.9.6) Two and three dimensional production.
P13) To be able to communicate effectively and express himself consciously about the presentation by making his designs into a portfolio document.
P.13.1) To be able to organise graphic design elements necessary for an effective presentation.
P.13.2) To be able to express historical information about the field in oral and written form creatively.
P.13.3) To be able to communicate.
P.13.4) To be able to use Turkish effectively and correctly.
P.13.5) To be able to realise effective presentation skills consciously.
P.13.6) To be able to explain about the ability to prepare effective presentation
P14) To be able to explain scientific research methods.
P.14.1) To be able to organise the report.
P.14.2) To be able to prepare a report.
P.14.3) To be able to prepare an article.
P.14.4) To be able to defend an article.
P.14.5) To be able to organise a technical report.
P.14.6) To be able to express writing techniques by scanning the scientific field.
P19) To be able to use a foreign language at the general level A1-A1+ of the European Language Portfolio
P.19.1) To be able to use basic expressions at a simple level for daily life.
P.19.2) To be able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.19.3) To be able to introduce himself/herself in social environments, to ask and answer questions about personal information.
P.19.4) To be able to express his/her own past, his/her immediate environment and events at a simple level in written and oral form.
P.19.5) To be able to fill in simple forms encountered in daily life, to create short and simple notes.
P.19.6) To be able to read short and simple texts, to comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P20) To be able to explain the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey in general terms and to determine its position in world history.
P.20.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire.
P.20.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the National Struggle period.
P.20.3) To be able to convey the establishment process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives.
P.20.4) To be able to understand the basic motives of Turkey's political, socio-cultural and socio-economic structure.
P.20.5) To be able to analyse Turkey's foundation process and its position in the world history and to be able to understand a broad perspective.
P.20.6) To be able to summarise the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and location.
P21) To recognise the civilisation to which our nation belongs and to be able to act with professional ethics and to have a sense of social responsibility.
P.21.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility
P.21.2) To be able to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.21.3) To be able to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in working life
P.21.4) Carefully fulfil the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field To be able to analyse.
P.21.5) To be able to produce strategies suitable for professional ethics for the problems to be encountered
P.21.6) To be able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P22) To be competent in the detection and elimination of expression disorders that may occur in written and oral expression forms of Turkish language and the production of meaningful speech texts with correct sentences and scientific research methods.
P.22.1) To be able to explain the meaning and expression disorders
P.22.2) To be able to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.22.3) To be able to make original exemplification of correct and meaningful subjects in the language by eliminating the problems of pronunciation and pronunciation
P.22.4) To be able to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.22.5) Spelling and punctuation in written, oral and argumentative expression types of Turkish language
P.22.6) Scientific research methods (selection of the subject, limitation and related sources scanning) to be able to have knowledge about the research results to be written to have an idea about the subject and to be able to choose the right source
P23) To be able to select and use appropriate methods and tools with information about OHS in solving the problems encountered to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.23.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.23.2) To be able to comprehend the interactions between work and human health
P.23.3) To be able to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.23.4) To know what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.23.5) To be able to explain the measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.23.6) Measures to be taken by identifying and analysing risk factors in working environments explain
P.23.7) To be able to comprehend accident occurrence theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.23.8) To know the legislation and legal responsibilities related to occupational health and safety
P24) To be able to gain competence in solving problems encountered in academic and professional life by using information technologies effectively and efficiently
P.24.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.24.2) To be able to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software etc.) effectively and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.24.3) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies.
P.24.4) To be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and to be able to apply these principles.
P.24.5) To be able to write simple programmes by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.24.6) To understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and to be able to use these technologies to be able to evaluate the potential effects.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P1) To be able to gain accurate information about design principles and elements, to be able to explain theories and theorists in the field of art and design.
P.1.1) To be able to express basic art and design knowledge theoretically and practically.
P.1.2) To be able to solve design problems and produce original ideas.
P.1.3) To be able to apply basic art and design knowledge to their works.
P.1.4) To be able to express theories and theorists in the field of design.
P.1.5) To be able to interpret what they see and design with line.
P.1.6) To be able to analyse the texture and colour harmonies of the material used in design.
P2) To be able to interpret aesthetics and function in design processes by establishing the relationship between yesterday, today and tomorrow.
P.2.1) To be able to express in a context.
P.2.2) To be able to establish a connection between past, present and future in the field of design.
P.2.3) To be able to evaluate critically and analytically.
P.2.4) To be able to produce past effects / traces of today's designs with today's possibilities and possibilities.
P.2.5) To be able to categorise the differences between past and present.
P.2.6) To be able to express the past in the field of design.
P3) To be able to create innovative and original works by using abstract and concrete concepts in a visual way.
P.3.1) To be able to produce original works with basic art and design skills.
P.3.2) To be able to express a thought, a concept or a phenomenon creatively in a visual way.
P.3.3) To be able to explain an idea by using only figures.
P.3.4) To be able to recognise concrete and abstract concepts in graphic design works.
P.3.5) To be able to decide to use technical drawing and similar details in line with the need.
P.3.6) To be able to design products in desired size and volume.
P4) To be able to use computer software, technologies, techniques and innovations in the field effectively.
P.4.1) To be able to use related computer software and information and communication technologies effectively for design.
P.4.2) To be able to combine their designs with different materials.
P.4.3) To be able to present their designs through technological devices such as computer etc.
P.4.4) To be able to adapt the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.5) To be able to transfer the gains in the fields of basic art and design knowledge to what they have learnt.
P.4.6) To be able to express the properties of print designs on different surfaces.
P5) Visualisation by establishing a relationship between art, culture, design and aesthetic issues.
P.5.1) To be able to present the main idea of a phenomenon in a visual way within the concept of design.
P.5.2) To be able to express the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.5.3) To be able to produce cultural assets (visual and linear) with graphical elements.
P.5.4) To be able to take part in the protection of historical and contemporary works of art.
P.5.5) To be able to evaluate cultural assets visually.
P.5.6) To be able to define aesthetic awareness.
P6) To be able to explain the historical and design ties of semiotics, mythology, iconography with universal culture.
P.6.1) To be able to distinguish the differences between periods.
P.6.2) To be able to explain the differences between periods.
P.6.3) To be able to define an idea, a concept or a phenomenon in the artistic and cultural environment of society.
P.6.4) Yeni tasarımları görsel yolla yaratıcı biçimde üretebilme.
P.6.5) To be able to distinguish cultural assets that are the expression of society, art and technology.
P.6.6) Critical judgement.
P7) To be able to interpret and critically evaluate data using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of graphic design, to be able to define and analyse problems, to be able to plan the process based on research and evidence, to be able to solve design problems.
P.7.1) To be able to solve the problems arising as a result of the analysis.
P.7.2) To be able to define technical tools and equipment used in graphic design studies and applications.
P.7.3) To be able to develop all processes of a design
P.7.4) To be able to analyse the theoretical knowledge related to the field.
P.7.5) To be able to evaluate the knowledge and skills gained with a critical approach.
P.7.6) To be able to associate basic art and design skills with other fields.
P8) To be able to convey the right message and indicators to the target audience through the right communication channels by using photographic, typographic, illustrative, moving and interactive elements in the production and production process of two and three dimensional designs for traditional and new media.
P.8.1) To be able to apply graphic design products in two and three dimensions.
P.8.2) To be able to define the target audience, to produce original works related to the field and to evaluate the results.
P.8.3) To be able to present traditional elements with contemporary interpretations.
P.8.4) To be able to express themselves by communicating visually.
P.8.5) To be able to establish a connection while conveying his/her thoughts verbally and visually to specialised or non-specialised people
P.8.6) To be able to use the visual elements of design effectively with typographic elements.
P.8.7) To be able to interpret graphic designs to the cultural environment of the day with the support of developing and changing technology.
P.8.8) To be able to produce video using moving / still image programmes in different media environments
P9) To be able to use new media technologies and associate them with graphic design.
P.9.1) To be able to identify problems by making functional and visual analyses of design.
P.9.2) To be able to evaluate the problems by making functional and visual analyses of the design.
P.9.3) To be able to express a work within a certain concept.
P.9.4) To be able to organise a work within the limitations of a certain concept.
P.9.5) To be able to explain creative thinking.
P.9.6) Two and three dimensional production.
P10) To be able to work effectively in interdisciplinary / interdisciplinary teams on social and cultural issues related to the field of design, individually or as a team member, harmoniously and consciously.
P.10.1) To be able to work interdisciplinary in the field of art and design.
P.10.2) To be able to work harmoniously and productively alone, independently and/or in a group during the design process.
P.10.3) To be able to manage harmonious, productive and group work in the group during the design process.
P.10.4) To be able to act consciously in the group during the design process.
P.10.5) To be able to establish a connection between different applications.
P.10.6) To be able to finalise graphic design studies as a group activity.
P11) To be able to develop projects in the field of graphic design with the awareness of universal and social responsibility by considering the public interest and legal consequences on issues such as human rights, environmental problems, cultural diversity in professional studies in the field and to share them with the society with sensitivity.
P.11.1) To be able to explain space-based problems.
P.11.2) To be able to produce solutions to space-based problems.
P.11.3) To gain sensitivity to the environment they live in.
P.11.4) To be able to be active in project processes.
P.11.5) To be able to associate basic art and design with other fields.
P.11.6) To be able to combine design skills with other fields.
P13) To be able to communicate effectively and express himself consciously about the presentation by making his designs into a portfolio document.
P.13.1) To be able to organise graphic design elements necessary for an effective presentation.
P.13.2) To be able to express historical information about the field in oral and written form creatively.
P.13.3) To be able to communicate.
P.13.4) To be able to use Turkish effectively and correctly.
P.13.5) To be able to realise effective presentation skills consciously.
P.13.6) To be able to explain about the ability to prepare effective presentation
P15) To be able to express the issues of occupational health and safety, national and international professional ethics, legal regulations and procedures in the field of graphic design.
P.15.1) To be able to express the concept of art as a whole.
P.15.2) To be able to express the concept of design as a whole.
P.15.3) To be able to define the concept of science ethics as a whole.
P.15.4) To be able to interpret the concept of Professional Ethics as a whole.
P.15.5) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole.
P.15.6) To be able to evaluate the knowledge of intellectual property rights, design law and social law in the field of graphic design.
P16) To be able to develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning with the awareness of entrepreneurial and innovative approach by having knowledge, skills and experience about the work in business life.
P.16.1) To be able to prepare collaborative work with design areas working at different scales.
P.16.2) To be able to criticise their own work.
P.16.3) To be able to design the appropriate one by following the developing and changing technology.
P.16.4) To be able to collect and evaluate information about patents on the Internet.
P.16.5) To be able to explain the concepts of international co-operation, exchange and support mechanisms.
P.16.6) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P18) To be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing in at least one foreign language (European Language Portfolio B1 General Level).
P.18.1) To be able to define English concepts related to the field.
P.18.2) To be able to explain English with words at B1 and B2 level.
P.18.3) To be able to exemplify a study in the field with English terms.
P.18.4) Tasarım ile ilgili İngilizce bir kaynağı kendi diline çevirebilme.
P.18.5) To be able to transfer a presentation in English.
P.18.6) To be able to use appropriate foreign language icons in design.
P19) To be able to use a foreign language at the general level A1-A1+ of the European Language Portfolio
P.19.1) To be able to use basic expressions at a simple level for daily life.
P.19.2) To be able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.19.3) To be able to introduce himself/herself in social environments, to ask and answer questions about personal information.
P.19.4) To be able to express his/her own past, his/her immediate environment and events at a simple level in written and oral form.
P.19.5) To be able to fill in simple forms encountered in daily life, to create short and simple notes.
P.19.6) To be able to read short and simple texts, to comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P20) To be able to explain the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey in general terms and to determine its position in world history.
P.20.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire.
P.20.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the National Struggle period.
P.20.3) To be able to convey the establishment process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives.
P.20.4) To be able to understand the basic motives of Turkey's political, socio-cultural and socio-economic structure.
P.20.5) To be able to analyse Turkey's foundation process and its position in the world history and to be able to understand a broad perspective.
P.20.6) To be able to summarise the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and location.
P21) To recognise the civilisation to which our nation belongs and to be able to act with professional ethics and to have a sense of social responsibility.
P.21.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility
P.21.2) To be able to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.21.3) To be able to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in working life
P.21.4) Carefully fulfil the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field To be able to analyse.
P.21.5) To be able to produce strategies suitable for professional ethics for the problems to be encountered
P.21.6) To be able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P22) To be competent in the detection and elimination of expression disorders that may occur in written and oral expression forms of Turkish language and the production of meaningful speech texts with correct sentences and scientific research methods.
P.22.1) To be able to explain the meaning and expression disorders
P.22.2) To be able to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.22.3) To be able to make original exemplification of correct and meaningful subjects in the language by eliminating the problems of pronunciation and pronunciation
P.22.4) To be able to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.22.5) Spelling and punctuation in written, oral and argumentative expression types of Turkish language
P.22.6) Scientific research methods (selection of the subject, limitation and related sources scanning) to be able to have knowledge about the research results to be written to have an idea about the subject and to be able to choose the right source
P23) To be able to select and use appropriate methods and tools with information about OHS in solving the problems encountered to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.23.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.23.2) To be able to comprehend the interactions between work and human health
P.23.3) To be able to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.23.4) To know what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.23.5) To be able to explain the measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.23.6) Measures to be taken by identifying and analysing risk factors in working environments explain
P.23.7) To be able to comprehend accident occurrence theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.23.8) To know the legislation and legal responsibilities related to occupational health and safety
P24) To be able to gain competence in solving problems encountered in academic and professional life by using information technologies effectively and efficiently
P.24.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.24.2) To be able to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software etc.) effectively and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.24.3) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies.
P.24.4) To be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and to be able to apply these principles.
P.24.5) To be able to write simple programmes by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.24.6) To understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and to be able to use these technologies to be able to evaluate the potential effects.