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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) To have basic theoretical knowledge in dialysis program.
P.1.1) To be able to remember dialysis application steps in a correct order and explain their importance
P.1.2) To be able to explain the anatomy and physiology of the kidney
P.1.3) To be able to apply dialysis process steps correctly
P.1.4) To be able to analyze the complications seen in the dialysis patient and establish a cause and effect relationship
P.1.5) To be able to develop new approaches according to the adequacy level of hemodialysis
P.1.6) To be able to evaluate the alarms of the machine during dialysis and make suggestions for the problem
P.1.7) Knows the diagnosis, treatment and care processes of systemic diseases.
P.1.8) To be able to master medical terminology related to dialysis technician
P.1.9) To have scientific theoretical knowledge about basic medical sciences and to be able to apply them in clinic
P2) Takes responsibility in sterilization and disinfection studies in line with the basic theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis program
P.2.1) To be able to explain the importance of the knowledge acquired in the field of infectious diseases and microbiology
P.2.2) Explain the importance of sterilization and disinfection
P.2.3) To be able to sterilization and disinfection of contaminated materials
P.2.4) To be able to reveal the difference between sterilization and disinfection
P.2.5) To be able to produce new approaches to sterilization and disinfection
P.2.6) To be able to draw conclusions from scientific studies on sterilization and disinfection in dialysis units
P.2.7) To know the meaning of terms at the level of basic knowledge and skills and to be able to transfer them through written and oral communication
P3) Carries out a given task independently using the basic knowledge in the field of dialysis program and has basic institutional knowledge
P.3.1) Knowing acute and chronic renal failure
P.3.2) To have the knowledge and skills to educate the patient about peritoneal dialysis application
P.3.3) Explain the importance of early intervention in acute renal failure
P.3.4) Ability to set the dialysis machine without assistance
P.3.5) To be able to find the relationship between complications such as itching and cramps that develop during dialysis and dialysis application
P.3.6) Knows how to care for secondary chronic diseases that develop outside of renal failure
P.3.7) Criticize where the problem originates in case of inadequate dialysis
P.3.8) To be able to consult with other professions about complications that may develop in dialysis, to be able to direct different professional groups
P4) Knows the authority and responsibilities of the dialysis technician profession, knows the concepts of professional ethics and morality
P.4.1) To know the duties, powers and responsibilities of dialysis technicians
P.4.2) To be able to explain professional responsibilities
P.4.3) To be able to fulfill the responsibilities of his/her duty within the framework of professional ethics
P.4.4) To be able to analyze and reveal the problems when faced with an unethical situation
P.4.5) To be able to produce an approach to the problem when faced with an ethical dilemma arising from the profession
P.4.6) To be able to criticize the dialysis profession and the members of this profession in terms of their authority and responsibilities
P.4.7) To produce solutions with teammates in the face of problems encountered in the field and applications
P5) To be aware of the medical, social and psychological problems of dialysis patients, to have the knowledge and equipment to help patients
P.5.1) To be able to say the definition of dialysis patient
P.5.2) To be able to explain the medical process of the hemodialysis patient and the social and psychological problems of this process
P.5.3) To be able to identify psycho-social problems arising from the dialysis process and to solve the problem
P.5.4) To be able to reveal different and new approaches by following new approaches related to dialysis
P.5.5) To be able to develop new ideas in care by integrating the emerging innovations related to dialysis diagnosis and treatment process with the existing process
P.5.6) To be able to approach critically to the problems occurring in dialysis patients
P.5.7) Diyaliz hastalarının tıbbi tedavileri ile alakalı bilgileri teknoloji, mobil uygulama programları veya teknolojideki son kullanılan platformlardan takip eder.
P6) Have knowledge about vascular access routes
P.6.1) Knowing the anatomical location of parenteral access routes
P.6.2) Using the patient's vascular access in the most hygienic conditions, taking into account the risk of infection
P.6.3) Adequate application of parenteral access routes
P.6.4) Having the necessary knowledge and equipment to protect the vascular access
P.6.5) To be able to evaluate problems related to vascular access routes
P7) Continuously improves professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings/courses.
P.7.1) To be able to explain the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses.
P.7.2) To be able to comprehend the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.3) To be able to adapt professional knowledge and skills to new situations by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.4) To be able to analyze the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.5) To be able to design activities to continuously improve professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings/courses
P.7.6) To be able to make suggestions about the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P8) Uses Turkish in accordance with the rules and effectively, follows the national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.1) To be able to express Turkish effectively and in accordance with its rules
P.8.2) To be able to explain the importance of using Turkish effectively and in accordance with the rules and following the innovations in the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.3) To be able to use Turkish in accordance with the rules and effectively, to be able to prepare homework by scanning the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.4) To be able to find common points in national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.5) To be able to produce unique ideas by using the information in the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.6) To be able to evaluate the currency and reliability of the sources in the national and international literature related to the field
P9) Expresses at least two different out-of-field courses that contribute to the general culture of the individual by establishing a connection between them
P.9.1) To find the difference between different disciplines
P.9.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning
P.9.3) To be able to make comparisons between national and international values in art and design
P.9.4) To be able to organize collaboration with different disciplines
P.9.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning
P.9.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches
P.9.7) Recognize their material and moral values and believe that they need to work harder for their future
P10) Plans, implements, monitors and evaluates professional projects, research and activities for the social environment with a sense of social responsibility.
P.10.1) To be able to define the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which he/she lives with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.2) To be able to assimilate the professional projects, researches and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.3) To be able to apply professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.4) To be able to distinguish the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.5) To be able to plan professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.6) To be able to follow and evaluate professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.7) Toplumsal sorumluluk bilinciyle içinde bulunduğu sosyal çevre için gerekli olan mesleki proje, araştırma ve etkinliklerle ilgili bilgileri yaşam boyu öğrenme bilincine sahip olma
P11) Organizes the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health in line with the awareness of quality and accreditation in health institutions, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health.
P.11.1) To be able to learn about the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.2) To be able to understand the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues.
P.11.3) To be able to integrate the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health with quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.4) To be able to analyze the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.5) To be able to develop strategies on activities related to the field of health and technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.6) To be able to criticize the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues from different perspectives
P12) To be able to transfer the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the field of dialysis to the practice in the field
P.12.1) To be able to explain the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education
P.12.2) To be able to assimilate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education in practice in the field
P.12.3) To be able to integrate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education into practice in the field
P.12.4) To be able to reveal the similarities and differences between the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education and the practice in the field
P.12.5) To be able to develop strategies by combining the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education with learning experiences related to practice in the field
P.12.6) To be able to critically evaluate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in the field of dialysis education
P13) Has a basic knowledge of first aid and can apply it in emergency situations
P.13.1) To be able to explain general first aid concepts
P.13.2) To be able to integrate the knowledge and skills learned in the basic first aid course into practice
P.13.3) To know the symptoms and causes of shock, coma, fainting and to be able to apply life-saving interventions in these situations
P.13.4) To be able to evaluate the patient as a result of basic first aid practice
P.13.5) to be able to apply first aid in different situations
P14) In line with the individual's interests and abilities, he/she will have the ability to use the information he/she will obtain from different disciplines in a personal sense.
P.14.1) To be able to make sense of the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.14.2) To be able to explain the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.14.3) To be able to use the knowledge obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities in his/her own field
P.14.4) To be able to analyze the results of the application by using the information obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.14.5) To be able to create a new structure by combining information from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities and the information in his/her own field
P.14.6) To be able to evaluate the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) To have basic theoretical knowledge in dialysis program.
P.1.1) To be able to remember dialysis application steps in a correct order and explain their importance
P.1.2) To be able to explain the anatomy and physiology of the kidney
P.1.3) To be able to apply dialysis process steps correctly
P.1.4) To be able to analyze the complications seen in the dialysis patient and establish a cause and effect relationship
P.1.5) To be able to develop new approaches according to the adequacy level of hemodialysis
P.1.6) To be able to evaluate the alarms of the machine during dialysis and make suggestions for the problem
P.1.7) Knows the diagnosis, treatment and care processes of systemic diseases.
P.1.8) To be able to master medical terminology related to dialysis technician
P.1.9) To have scientific theoretical knowledge about basic medical sciences and to be able to apply them in clinic
P3) Carries out a given task independently using the basic knowledge in the field of dialysis program and has basic institutional knowledge
P.3.1) Knowing acute and chronic renal failure
P.3.2) To have the knowledge and skills to educate the patient about peritoneal dialysis application
P.3.3) Explain the importance of early intervention in acute renal failure
P.3.4) Ability to set the dialysis machine without assistance
P.3.5) To be able to find the relationship between complications such as itching and cramps that develop during dialysis and dialysis application
P.3.6) Knows how to care for secondary chronic diseases that develop outside of renal failure
P.3.7) Criticize where the problem originates in case of inadequate dialysis
P.3.8) To be able to consult with other professions about complications that may develop in dialysis, to be able to direct different professional groups
P4) Knows the authority and responsibilities of the dialysis technician profession, knows the concepts of professional ethics and morality
P.4.1) To know the duties, powers and responsibilities of dialysis technicians
P.4.2) To be able to explain professional responsibilities
P.4.3) To be able to fulfill the responsibilities of his/her duty within the framework of professional ethics
P.4.4) To be able to analyze and reveal the problems when faced with an unethical situation
P.4.5) To be able to produce an approach to the problem when faced with an ethical dilemma arising from the profession
P.4.6) To be able to criticize the dialysis profession and the members of this profession in terms of their authority and responsibilities
P.4.7) To produce solutions with teammates in the face of problems encountered in the field and applications
P6) Have knowledge about vascular access routes
P.6.1) Knowing the anatomical location of parenteral access routes
P.6.2) Using the patient's vascular access in the most hygienic conditions, taking into account the risk of infection
P.6.3) Adequate application of parenteral access routes
P.6.4) Having the necessary knowledge and equipment to protect the vascular access
P.6.5) To be able to evaluate problems related to vascular access routes
P7) Continuously improves professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings/courses.
P.7.1) To be able to explain the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses.
P.7.2) To be able to comprehend the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.3) To be able to adapt professional knowledge and skills to new situations by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.4) To be able to analyze the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.5) To be able to design activities to continuously improve professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings/courses
P.7.6) To be able to make suggestions about the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P10) Plans, implements, monitors and evaluates professional projects, research and activities for the social environment with a sense of social responsibility.
P.10.1) To be able to define the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which he/she lives with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.2) To be able to assimilate the professional projects, researches and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.3) To be able to apply professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.4) To be able to distinguish the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.5) To be able to plan professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.6) To be able to follow and evaluate professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.7) Toplumsal sorumluluk bilinciyle içinde bulunduğu sosyal çevre için gerekli olan mesleki proje, araştırma ve etkinliklerle ilgili bilgileri yaşam boyu öğrenme bilincine sahip olma
P11) Organizes the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health in line with the awareness of quality and accreditation in health institutions, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health.
P.11.1) To be able to learn about the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.2) To be able to understand the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues.
P.11.3) To be able to integrate the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health with quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.4) To be able to analyze the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.5) To be able to develop strategies on activities related to the field of health and technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.6) To be able to criticize the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues from different perspectives
P12) To be able to transfer the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the field of dialysis to the practice in the field
P.12.1) To be able to explain the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education
P.12.2) To be able to assimilate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education in practice in the field
P.12.3) To be able to integrate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education into practice in the field
P.12.4) To be able to reveal the similarities and differences between the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education and the practice in the field
P.12.5) To be able to develop strategies by combining the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education with learning experiences related to practice in the field
P.12.6) To be able to critically evaluate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in the field of dialysis education
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P2) Takes responsibility in sterilization and disinfection studies in line with the basic theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis program
P.2.1) To be able to explain the importance of the knowledge acquired in the field of infectious diseases and microbiology
P.2.2) Explain the importance of sterilization and disinfection
P.2.3) To be able to sterilization and disinfection of contaminated materials
P.2.4) To be able to reveal the difference between sterilization and disinfection
P.2.5) To be able to produce new approaches to sterilization and disinfection
P.2.6) To be able to draw conclusions from scientific studies on sterilization and disinfection in dialysis units
P.2.7) To know the meaning of terms at the level of basic knowledge and skills and to be able to transfer them through written and oral communication
P5) To be aware of the medical, social and psychological problems of dialysis patients, to have the knowledge and equipment to help patients
P.5.1) To be able to say the definition of dialysis patient
P.5.2) To be able to explain the medical process of the hemodialysis patient and the social and psychological problems of this process
P.5.3) To be able to identify psycho-social problems arising from the dialysis process and to solve the problem
P.5.4) To be able to reveal different and new approaches by following new approaches related to dialysis
P.5.5) To be able to develop new ideas in care by integrating the emerging innovations related to dialysis diagnosis and treatment process with the existing process
P.5.6) To be able to approach critically to the problems occurring in dialysis patients
P.5.7) Diyaliz hastalarının tıbbi tedavileri ile alakalı bilgileri teknoloji, mobil uygulama programları veya teknolojideki son kullanılan platformlardan takip eder.
P7) Continuously improves professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings/courses.
P.7.1) To be able to explain the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses.
P.7.2) To be able to comprehend the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.3) To be able to adapt professional knowledge and skills to new situations by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.4) To be able to analyze the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P.7.5) To be able to design activities to continuously improve professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings/courses
P.7.6) To be able to make suggestions about the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by attending in-house, national and international trainings / courses
P8) Uses Turkish in accordance with the rules and effectively, follows the national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.1) To be able to express Turkish effectively and in accordance with its rules
P.8.2) To be able to explain the importance of using Turkish effectively and in accordance with the rules and following the innovations in the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.3) To be able to use Turkish in accordance with the rules and effectively, to be able to prepare homework by scanning the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.4) To be able to find common points in national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.5) To be able to produce unique ideas by using the information in the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.6) To be able to evaluate the currency and reliability of the sources in the national and international literature related to the field
P9) Expresses at least two different out-of-field courses that contribute to the general culture of the individual by establishing a connection between them
P.9.1) To find the difference between different disciplines
P.9.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning
P.9.3) To be able to make comparisons between national and international values in art and design
P.9.4) To be able to organize collaboration with different disciplines
P.9.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning
P.9.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches
P.9.7) Recognize their material and moral values and believe that they need to work harder for their future
P10) Plans, implements, monitors and evaluates professional projects, research and activities for the social environment with a sense of social responsibility.
P.10.1) To be able to define the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which he/she lives with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.2) To be able to assimilate the professional projects, researches and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.3) To be able to apply professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.4) To be able to distinguish the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.5) To be able to plan professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.6) To be able to follow and evaluate professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.7) Toplumsal sorumluluk bilinciyle içinde bulunduğu sosyal çevre için gerekli olan mesleki proje, araştırma ve etkinliklerle ilgili bilgileri yaşam boyu öğrenme bilincine sahip olma
P11) Organizes the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health in line with the awareness of quality and accreditation in health institutions, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health.
P.11.1) To be able to learn about the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.2) To be able to understand the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues.
P.11.3) To be able to integrate the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health with quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.4) To be able to analyze the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.5) To be able to develop strategies on activities related to the field of health and technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.6) To be able to criticize the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues from different perspectives
P12) To be able to transfer the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the field of dialysis to the practice in the field
P.12.1) To be able to explain the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education
P.12.2) To be able to assimilate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education in practice in the field
P.12.3) To be able to integrate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education into practice in the field
P.12.4) To be able to reveal the similarities and differences between the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education and the practice in the field
P.12.5) To be able to develop strategies by combining the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education with learning experiences related to practice in the field
P.12.6) To be able to critically evaluate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in the field of dialysis education
P13) Has a basic knowledge of first aid and can apply it in emergency situations
P.13.1) To be able to explain general first aid concepts
P.13.2) To be able to integrate the knowledge and skills learned in the basic first aid course into practice
P.13.3) To know the symptoms and causes of shock, coma, fainting and to be able to apply life-saving interventions in these situations
P.13.4) To be able to evaluate the patient as a result of basic first aid practice
P.13.5) to be able to apply first aid in different situations
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P5) To be aware of the medical, social and psychological problems of dialysis patients, to have the knowledge and equipment to help patients
P.5.1) To be able to say the definition of dialysis patient
P.5.2) To be able to explain the medical process of the hemodialysis patient and the social and psychological problems of this process
P.5.3) To be able to identify psycho-social problems arising from the dialysis process and to solve the problem
P.5.4) To be able to reveal different and new approaches by following new approaches related to dialysis
P.5.5) To be able to develop new ideas in care by integrating the emerging innovations related to dialysis diagnosis and treatment process with the existing process
P.5.6) To be able to approach critically to the problems occurring in dialysis patients
P.5.7) Diyaliz hastalarının tıbbi tedavileri ile alakalı bilgileri teknoloji, mobil uygulama programları veya teknolojideki son kullanılan platformlardan takip eder.
P6) Have knowledge about vascular access routes
P.6.1) Knowing the anatomical location of parenteral access routes
P.6.2) Using the patient's vascular access in the most hygienic conditions, taking into account the risk of infection
P.6.3) Adequate application of parenteral access routes
P.6.4) Having the necessary knowledge and equipment to protect the vascular access
P.6.5) To be able to evaluate problems related to vascular access routes
P8) Uses Turkish in accordance with the rules and effectively, follows the national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.1) To be able to express Turkish effectively and in accordance with its rules
P.8.2) To be able to explain the importance of using Turkish effectively and in accordance with the rules and following the innovations in the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.3) To be able to use Turkish in accordance with the rules and effectively, to be able to prepare homework by scanning the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.4) To be able to find common points in national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.5) To be able to produce unique ideas by using the information in the national and international literature related to the field
P.8.6) To be able to evaluate the currency and reliability of the sources in the national and international literature related to the field
P9) Expresses at least two different out-of-field courses that contribute to the general culture of the individual by establishing a connection between them
P.9.1) To find the difference between different disciplines
P.9.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning
P.9.3) To be able to make comparisons between national and international values in art and design
P.9.4) To be able to organize collaboration with different disciplines
P.9.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning
P.9.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches
P.9.7) Recognize their material and moral values and believe that they need to work harder for their future
P10) Plans, implements, monitors and evaluates professional projects, research and activities for the social environment with a sense of social responsibility.
P.10.1) To be able to define the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which he/she lives with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.2) To be able to assimilate the professional projects, researches and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.3) To be able to apply professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.4) To be able to distinguish the professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.5) To be able to plan professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.6) To be able to follow and evaluate professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which it is located with the awareness of social responsibility
P.10.7) Toplumsal sorumluluk bilinciyle içinde bulunduğu sosyal çevre için gerekli olan mesleki proje, araştırma ve etkinliklerle ilgili bilgileri yaşam boyu öğrenme bilincine sahip olma
P11) Organizes the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health in line with the awareness of quality and accreditation in health institutions, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health.
P.11.1) To be able to learn about the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.2) To be able to understand the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues.
P.11.3) To be able to integrate the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health with quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.4) To be able to analyze the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues
P.11.5) To be able to develop strategies on activities related to the field of health and technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health
P.11.6) To be able to criticize the activities related to the field of health and the technology used in health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and promotion, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and community health issues from different perspectives
P12) To be able to transfer the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the field of dialysis to the practice in the field
P.12.1) To be able to explain the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education
P.12.2) To be able to assimilate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education in practice in the field
P.12.3) To be able to integrate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education into practice in the field
P.12.4) To be able to reveal the similarities and differences between the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education and the practice in the field
P.12.5) To be able to develop strategies by combining the theoretical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of dialysis education with learning experiences related to practice in the field
P.12.6) To be able to critically evaluate the theoretical and theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in the field of dialysis education
P14) In line with the individual's interests and abilities, he/she will have the ability to use the information he/she will obtain from different disciplines in a personal sense.
P.14.1) To be able to make sense of the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.14.2) To be able to explain the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.14.3) To be able to use the knowledge obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities in his/her own field
P.14.4) To be able to analyze the results of the application by using the information obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.14.5) To be able to create a new structure by combining information from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities and the information in his/her own field
P.14.6) To be able to evaluate the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities