Child Development
The success status of the students in the lectures is determined by the instructors concerned with the midterm examinations and studies and the effect of the final examinations and / or homeworks, laboratory reports, short exams and similar applications on the achievement grade. Students are given one of the following notes for each course they take. Notes and coefficients are as follows:
Score interval Grade Coefficient
90-100 A 4.0
85-89 A - 3.7
80-84 B + 3,3
75-79 B 3.0
70-74 B- 2,7
65-69 C + 2,3
60-64 C 2.0
55-59 C- 1,7
50-54 D + 1,3
40-49 D 1,0
0-39 FF 0.0
0 FX
0 FG
FF: Took the exam, and failed.
FX: No right to take the exam due to absenteeism, fail.
FG: Had the right to take the exam but did not take it, and failed.
I = Missing
S = Sufficient
P = Ongoing
U = Insufficient
T = Transfer
(2) I note; Students who are successful in the course of illness or other reasons are given to the students who can not complete the necessary studies for the course based on the documents to be given to the institute directorate within three working days from the end of the final exam. When a student receives a grade I, he must take a grade in fifteen days from the end of the final exam. Otherwise, I note becomes a note of FF. However, in the case of extension of the student's excuse, the institute board may extend the term until the next semester.
(3) S grade; letter grades are not successful.
(4) P notation; if thesis studies are carried out successfully.
(5) U note; letter grades are not required and thesis studies fail to be given.
(6) S, P, U and T grades; grade average accounts.