P1) To have current, theoretical and practical knowledge about International Trade and Logistics and to be able to use them in academic and professional contexts.
P.1.1) Öğrenciler uluslararası ekonomideki karşılaştırmalı üstünlük, döviz kurları, ticaret dengeleri ve uluslararası sermaye akışları gibi temel kavramları tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.1.1) Can remember and express basic concepts, theories and frameworks related to issues covering the field of international trade and logistics while preparing a graduation project. |
P.1.2) Öğrenciler, tedarik zinciri yönetimi ve uluslararası ticarette lojistik, envanter yönetimi, ticari uyumluluk ve küresel kaynak kullanımı gibi temel kavramları ve terminolojiyi tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.1.3) Öğrenciler, ithalat/ihracat prosedürleri, ticaret düzenlemeleri, tarifeler ve ticaret belgeleri gibi uluslararası ticaret işlemleriyle ilgili temel kavram ve terimleri tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.1.4) Öğrenciler gümrük tarifeleri, vergiler, ticarete uygunluk ve ithalat/ihracat düzenlemeleri gibi gümrük mevzuatıyla ilgili temel terim ve kavramları tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.1.5) Can explain the role of marketing in both consumer and business contexts and define how marketing strategies align with the firm's objectives. |
P.1.6) Students will be able to define global marketing concepts and terminology. |
P.1.7) Students will be able to explain the fundamental elements of global marketing strategies and how these strategies are developed. |
P.1.8) Öğrenciler, gümrüklü antrepo, serbest ticaret bölgeleri ve tercihli ticaret anlaşmaları gibi gümrük mevzuatıyla ilgili ileri düzey terim ve kavramları hatırlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.1.9) Öğrenciler, küresel tedarik zinciri, yük taşımacılığı, çok modlu taşımacılık ve Incoterms gibi uluslararası lojistikle ilgili temel terim ve kavramları tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.1.10) Öğrenciler, tedarik zinciri yönetimi, ihracat-ithalat prosedürleri, Incoterms ve nakliye taşımacılığı gibi uluslararası ticaret ve lojistikteki temel kavramları ve terminolojiyi tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.1.11) Students will be able to identify and define key concepts and terminology related to competitive intelligence, such as SWOT analysis, competitive benchmarking, and market analysis. |
P.1.12) Etkili iletişim stratejilerini belirlemek ve kültürel farklılıkların iletişim üzerindeki etkisini anlamak için iş iletişimi vaka çalışmalarını analiz edebilir. |
P.1.13) y understanding the legal framework of international trade, students evaluate the basic legal concepts and principles encountered in commercial relations at national and international levels and gain the competence to integrate this knowledge into current trade practices. |
P.1.14) By combining academic knowledge of commercial law with professional practices, students develop the ability to solve legal challenges encountered in international trade and logistics sectors and produce effective solutions. |
P.1.15) Students have the opportunity to experience current practices and operational processes in the sector by applying the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in the field of international trade and logistics in a real business environment during the internship. |
P.1.16) By observing practices in international trade and logistics processes during the internship, students learn how to use their academic knowledge in a professional context and gain the ability to apply this knowledge effectively in the business environment. |
P.1.17) Students will be able to define the basic concepts and principles of industrial marketing and explain how these principles are applied in business strategies. |
P.1.18) Defines the concept and types of entrepreneurship within the framework of entrepreneurship theory in its historical development. |
P.1.19) Define the basic components and functions of marketing information systems. |
P.1.20) Explain the importance of MIS in supporting marketing strategies and operations. |
P.1.21) Students will be able to identify and define fundamental concepts and terms related to export marketing, such as export strategy, market entry modes, and international trade regulations. |
P.1.22) Öğrenciler hedef pazar seçimi, fiyatlandırma stratejileri ve dağıtım kanalları dahil olmak üzere bir ihracat pazarlama planı geliştirmede yer alan süreçleri ve faktörleri açıklayabileceklerdir. |
P2) To be able to conduct scientific research in the field of International Trade and Logistics, including problem identification, data collection, analysis and reporting processes, and to be able to transfer the findings in written and oral form.
P.2.1) Araştırma yöntemleri ile ilgili temel kavramları tanımlama ve hatırlama |
P.2.1) Students understand the key determinants of facility siting decisions and learn how to use analytical models to assist in decision making |
P.2.2) Nitel ve nicel temel araştırma tasarımlarını açıklama ve özetleme |
P.2.3) Öğrenciler mikroekonomik teorileri ve modelleri gerçek dünyadaki durumlara ve politika konularına uygulayabileceklerdir. |
P.2.3) May apply appropriate research methodologies and analytical techniques to investigate his/her chosen topic, collect and analyze data, and address identified research questions or business problems. |
P.2.4) Öğrenciler, Heckscher-Ohlin modeli, Ricardo modeli ve Mundell-Fleming modeli dahil olmak üzere uluslararası ticaret ve finansın temel teorilerini açıklayabilecektir. |
P.2.5) Öğrenciler, taşımacılık, depolama ve bilgi sistemlerinin rolleri de dahil olmak üzere küresel ölçekte tedarik zincirlerinin yönetilmesinde yer alan süreç ve stratejileri açıklayabilecektir. |
P.2.6) Öğrenciler, gümrük prosedürleri, ticarete uygunluk ve uluslararası nakliye dahil olmak üzere uluslararası ticareti düzenleyen prosedür ve yönetmelikleri açıklayabilecektir. |
P.2.7) Öğrenciler, uluslararası ticareti nasıl düzenlediği ve ulusal çıkarları nasıl koruduğu da dahil olmak üzere gümrük mevzuatının temel ilke ve amaçlarını açıklayabilecektir. |
P.2.8) Statistical data analysis programs such as SPSS can be used according to research questions and types of variables. |
P.2.9) Can analyze and solve a research problem by using the general steps of the research process. |
P.2.10) Can justify the purpose of the research by reviewing the literature related to a research problem and critically organize it to highlight the gap in the relevant literature, presenting this in an appropriate academic style. |
P.2.11) Öğrenciler, gümrük uygulamalarını düzenleyen yasal çerçeveler de dahil olmak üzere, gelişmiş gümrük düzenlemelerinin ve uluslararası ticaret yasalarının karmaşıklıklarını tanımlayabilecek ve açıklayabilecektir. |
P.2.12) İş bağlamlarıyla ilgili aritmetik, cebir ve temel geometri dahil olmak üzere temel matematiksel kavramları ve işlemleri hatırlayabilecek ve uygulayabilecektir. |
P.2.13) İş dünyasındaki temel matematiksel konuları ve uygulamaları yüzdesel, orantısal ve basit faiz hesaplamaları aracılığıyla açıklayabilir. |
P.2.14) Finansal hesaplamalar, envanter yönetimi ve fiyatlandırma stratejileri de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli iş senaryolarında karşılaşılan pratik sorunları çözmek için matematiksel teknikleri uygulayabilirler. |
P.2.15) Sayısal verileri ve mali tabloları analiz ederek eğilimleri, kalıpları ve ilişkileri belirleyebilecek ve iş dünyasında karar alma süreçlerine yönelik çıkarımları yorumlayabilir. |
P.2.16) Varsayımlar, sınırlamalar ve risk gibi faktörleri göz önünde bulundurarak, iş analizi ve karar verme süreçlerinde kullanılan matematiksel model ve yöntemlerin uygunluğunu ve doğruluğunu değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.2.17) Bütçeleme planları geliştirmek, finansal tahminler oluşturmak veya envanter yönetim sistemlerini optimize etmek gibi iş sorunlarına pratik çözümler tasarlamak için matematiksel ilkeleri kullanabileceklerdir. |
P.2.18) Öğrenciler, küresel tedarik zinciri, yük taşımacılığı, çok modlu taşımacılık ve Incoterms gibi uluslararası lojistikle ilgili temel terim ve kavramları tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.2.19) İş bağlamlarıyla ilgili aritmetik, cebir ve temel geometri dahil olmak üzere temel matematiksel kavramları ve işlemleri hatırlayabilecek ve uygulayabilecektir. |
P.2.20) İş dünyasındaki temel matematiksel konuları ve uygulamaları yüzdesel, orantısal ve basit faiz hesaplamaları aracılığıyla açıklayabilir. |
P.2.20) During the internship, students can identify current problems related to international trade and logistics, develop data collection, analysis and reporting skills to solve these problems and manage these processes effectively. |
P.2.21) Finansal hesaplamalar, envanter yönetimi ve fiyatlandırma stratejileri de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli iş senaryolarında karşılaşılan pratik sorunları çözmek için matematiksel teknikleri uygulayabilirler. |
P.2.22) Students gain the ability to express their research and analysis during their internship experiences through oral presentations, so they can effectively convey the knowledge they have acquired in the field of international trade and logistics in professional and academic environments. |
P.2.23) tudents will be able to apply export marketing tools and techniques to develop market entry strategies and promotional campaigns tailored for foreign markets. |
P.2.24) Students will be able to analyze the economic, political, and cultural factors that influence consumer behavior and market demand in global markets |
P3) To be able to make evaluations and express opinions on economic, administrative, financial and commercial issues.
P.3.1) Öğrenciler arz, talep, esneklik, marjinal maliyet ve fayda gibi temel mikroekonomik terimleri tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.3.1) Öğrenciler GSYİH, işsizlik oranı, enflasyon oranı ve faiz oranları gibi temel makroekonomik göstergeleri tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.3.1) By learning various basic economic, administrative, financial and commercial concepts related to business science and examining these situations, students develop the ability to think critically and provide constructive suggestions on these issues. |
P.3.1) Students gain the competence to evaluate business activities from economic, administrative, financial and commercial perspectives by using basic accounting concepts and to report these evaluations. |
P.3.1) Students analyze the financial situation of the business by interpreting financial statements and develop the ability to develop strategic suggestions for business management in line with these analyses. |
P.3.2) Öğrenciler, piyasaların nasıl işlediği ve fiyatların nasıl belirlendiği de dahil olmak üzere mikroekonominin temel ilkelerini açıklayabilecektir. |
P.3.4) Öğrenciler toplam talep ve arz, Keynesyen ve Klasik modeller ve iş çevrimi dahil olmak üzere makroekonominin temel modellerini ve teorilerini tanımlayabileceklerdir. |
P.3.5) Öğrenciler makroekonomik kavram ve modelleri gerçek dünyadaki ekonomik sorunlara ve politika tartışmalarına uygulayabileceklerdir. |
P.3.6) Öğrenciler uluslararası ekonomi teorilerini gerçek dünyadaki durumlara ve güncel küresel ekonomik konulara uygulayabileceklerdir. |
P.3.7) Can apply marketing theories and models to develop marketing plans that meet market needs by analyzing real-world business scenarios |
P.3.8) Students will be able to explain the principles and processes involved in international trade and logistics, including the roles of various stakeholders and the importance of trade compliance. |
P.3.9) Sayısal verileri ve mali tabloları analiz ederek eğilimleri, kalıpları ve ilişkileri belirleyebilecek ve iş dünyasında karar alma süreçlerine yönelik çıkarımları yorumlayabili |
P.3.10) Varsayımlar, sınırlamalar ve risk gibi faktörleri göz önünde bulundurarak, iş analizi ve karar verme süreçlerinde kullanılan matematiksel model ve yöntemlerin uygunluğunu ve doğruluğunu değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.3.11) By understanding the basic concepts in international finance, students gain the competence to analyze economic, financial and commercial issues and make comprehensive evaluations on these issues. |
P.3.12) By examining international financial markets and institutions, students develop the ability to effectively express opinions and offer strategic suggestions in these areas. |
P.3.14) Based on the perspective of commercial law, students analyze legal processes for resolving commercial disputes and gain the competence to propose fair and effective solutions within the framework provided by commercial law. |
P.3.15) By evaluating economic and financial consequences within the scope of commercial law, students analyze the legal characteristics of commercial contracts and gain the competence to determine the financial risks encountered in commercial relations. |
P.3.15) Öğrenciler, hükümetin farklı kolları ve mahkemelerin hiyerarşisi de dahil olmak üzere hukuk sisteminin yapısını ve işlevlerini açıklayabilecektir. |
P.3.18) Students will be able to identify and define basic legal concepts and terminology, such as statutes, case law, legal precedent, and the rule of law. |
P4) Monitor and evaluate the micro and macro actors involved in International Trade and Logistics processes, their activities, and their relationships and interactions with each other and with actors in other systems.
P.4.1) Öğrenciler fiyat kontrolleri, vergiler ve sübvansiyonlar da dahil olmak üzere piyasalara devlet müdahalesinin etkilerini analiz edebilecektir. |
P.4.1) By analyzing the micro and macro actors involved in international trade and logistics processes and their activities, students gain the ability to evaluate the functioning and effectiveness of these processes. |
P.4.1) Students gain the ability to evaluate the system by learning the basic functions of the business and the connections of these functions with the internal and external environment. |
P.4.2) Öğrenciler tam rekabet, tekel ve oligopol gibi farklı piyasa yapılarının verimlilik ve eşitlik etkilerini değerlendirebilecektir. |
P.4.3) Öğrenciler ekonomik olay ve politikaların nedenlerini ve etkilerini anlamak için ekonomik verileri ve eğilimleri analiz edebilecektir. |
P.4.4) Öğrenciler tarifeler, kotalar ve ticaret anlaşmaları gibi uluslararası ticaret politikalarının yerel ve küresel ekonomiler üzerindeki etkisini analiz edebilecektir. |
P.4.5) Öğrenciler, uluslararası ticaret operasyonlarını optimize etmek için tedarik zinciri yönetimi ilke ve tekniklerini uygulayabilecektir. |
P.4.6) Öğrenciler, gümrük prosedürleri, ticarete uygunluk ve uluslararası nakliye dahil olmak üzere uluslararası ticareti düzenleyen prosedür ve yönetmelikleri açıklayabilecektir. |
P.4.7) Öğrenciler gümrük mevzuatını uygulayabilecektir: Öğrenciler gümrük yönetmeliklerini ve prosedürlerini gerçek dünya senaryolarına uygulayabilecek ve yasal gerekliliklere uygunluğu sağlayabileceklerdir. |
P.4.8) Students will be able to analyze real-world business scenarios using global marketing theories and models to develop appropriate marketing strategies. |
P.4.9) Students will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of global marketing campaigns by analyzing market research data to identify trends, understand consumer behavior, and assess the competitive environment. |
P.4.10) Öğrenciler, uluslararası standartlara uygunluğu sağlayarak gelişmiş gümrük düzenlemelerini ve prosedürlerini karmaşık ticaret senaryolarına uygulayabilecektir. |
P.4.11) Öğrenciler, küresel tedarik zincirlerinin verimliliğini ve etkinliğini optimize etmek için lojistik yönetimi tekniklerini uygulayabilecektir. |
P.4.12) Students will be able to explain the principles and methodologies of competitive intelligence, including data collection, analysis techniques, and ethical considerations |
P.4.13) Öğrenciler, pazar bölümlendirmesi, birincil ve ikincil veriler ve kültürel analiz gibi uluslararası pazar araştırmasıyla ilgili temel kavramları ve terminolojiyi tanımlayabilecek ve tanımlayabilecektir. |
P.4.16) Students understand the role of production management in an organization |
P.4.17) Students will develop skills in managing relationships with industrial customers in the context of supply chain management and applying effective sales techniques. |
P.4.18) Analyzes environments that foster entrepreneurship. |
P.4.19) Assess the impact of MIS on marketing decision-making and strategy development. |
P5) Ability to work in coordination with different disciplines and cultures.
P.5.1) Öğrenciler farklı makroekonomik politikaların ekonomik istikrar ve büyümenin sağlanmasındaki etkinliğini değerlendirebilecektir. |
P.5.1) Students gain multicultural and interdisciplinary teamwork skills by effectively collaborating with individuals from different disciplines and cultures in marketing communication projects. |
P.5.1) By understanding diverse cultural and interdisciplinary perspectives, students develop competence in applying marketing communications strategies effectively in a global and multicultural context. |
P.5.1) To be able to present a broad perspective by analyzing Turkey's founding process and its position in world history. |
P.5.2) Öğrenciler döviz kuru dalgalanmalarının ve uluslararası mali politikaların küresel ekonomik istikrar üzerindeki sonuçlarını değerlendirebilecektir. |
P.5.3) Etkili iletişim stratejilerini belirlemek ve kültürel farklılıkların iletişim üzerindeki etkisini anlamak için iş iletişimi vaka çalışmalarını analiz edebilir. |
P.5.4) Students will be able to apply trade regulations, logistics management techniques, and best practices to real-world scenarios in international trade operations. |
P.5.5) Students will be able to apply competitive intelligence tools and techniques to gather and analyze information about Competitors and market conditions. |
P.5.6) Bütçeleme planları geliştirmek, finansal tahminler oluşturmak veya envanter yönetim sistemlerini optimize etmek gibi iş sorunlarına pratik çözümler tasarlamak için matematiksel ilkeleri kullanabileceklerdir. |
P.5.7) Öğrenciler, araştırma tasarımı, veri toplama yöntemleri ve veri analiz teknikleri de dahil olmak üzere uluslararası pazar araştırmasının ilkelerini ve metodolojilerini açıklayabilecektir. |
P.5.8) Çok kültürlü ortamlar da dahil olmak üzere dinleyicilerin ilgisini çekmek, onları etkili bir biçimde bilgilendirme için uygun araçları kullanarak profesyonel iş sunumları hazırlayabilir ve sunabilir. |
P.5.9) Profesyonel ortamlarda yaygın olarak kullanılan temel iş kelimelerini, terminolojiyi ve ifadeleri hatırlayabilir ve tanımlayabilir. |
P.5.10) Students develop problem-solving and creative solutions skills in multicultural environments by overcoming language and communication barriers in various interdisciplinary and intercultural interactions. |
P.5.13) Students gain the competence to create a common language and cooperate by communicating effectively with individuals from different disciplines and cultures. |
P.5.14) Students analyze how the reforms led by Atatürk strengthened communication between different disciplines and cultures and evaluate how they can apply these principles in their own fields. |
P.5.14) By understanding the cultural and historical roots of the Ahi tradition, students develop cooperation and communication skills in different cultural contexts. |
P.5.15) Students evaluate how to apply Ahi principles within the cultural diversity of today's business world and develop strategies to achieve common goals accordingly. |
P.5.16) Students gain the competence to cooperate with people from different disciplines and cultures and produce common solutions in the light of Atatürk's principles of modernity and national unity. |
P.5.19) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility. |
P.5.20) To be able to explain the meaning and expression disorders |
P.5.21) Students will be able to apply fundamental legal principles to analyze basic legal issues and cases. |
P.5.22) Students will be able to analyze legal texts, such as statutes, regulations, and case law, to understand their implications and applications. |
P6) To be able to plan and manage individual studies related to International Trade and Logistics and to take responsibility in group studies.
P.6.1) Students will be able to analyze competitive intelligence data to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a business environment. |
P.6.1) Students gain the ability to effectively manage and implement marketing communication plans in the field of international trade and logistics by developing and presenting these plans. |
P.6.1) Students develop the competence to take an active role and assume responsibility within the team by doing group work in the fields of international trade and logistics in marketing communication projects. |
P.6.1) Students understand the importance of productivity management and calculate total, multiple and partial factor productivity |
P.6.3) Can develop a comprehensive and well-organized research report of originality and academic rigor that effectively communicates project objectives, methodologies, findings, and recommendations. |
P.6.4) By taking an active role in group projects throughout the internship, students develop their cooperation and teamwork skills and gain the competence to take leadership and responsibility in group work. |
P.6.5) During the internship, students plan individual projects related to international trade and logistics and gain the ability to independently carry out and finalize these projects. |
P.6.8) Students will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of different export marketing strategies, such as direct exporting, indirect exporting, and partnerships, in various market conditions. |
P7) To be able to follow the theoretical and practical developments in issues related to International Trade and Logistics and to update their knowledge and skills in these matters.
P.7.1) Öğrenciler ticaret dengesizlikleri, döviz krizleri ve küresel finansal istikrarsızlık gibi uluslararası ekonomik zorlukları ele almak için politika önerileri geliştirebilecek ve oluşturabilecektir. |
P.7.1) Students learn the basics of facility organization and can use appropriate tools and techniques for different organizational alternatives for activities |
P.7.2) Students will be able to analyze the impact of global trade factors, economic, and logistical challenges on international trade operations and supply chains. |
P.7.3) Öğrenciler uluslararası pazarlara ilişkin verileri toplamak ve analiz etmek için pazar araştırma araçlarını ve tekniklerini uygulayabileceklerdir. |
P.7.3) Can explain the importance of the chosen research topic or business problem and demonstrate an understanding of the relevant literature, industry context and key issues involved. |
P.7.4) Students analyze current theoretical and practical developments in international trade and logistics, and gain the competence to update their knowledge and skills in these areas by using international finance tools. |
P.7.5) By understanding international finance theories, students acquire the ability to predict changes in the global market and develop international trade and logistics strategies accordingly. |
P.7.6) Designs a business plan to establish a new business based on entrepreneurship. |
P.7.9) Students will be able to develop and implement a comprehensive export marketing plan that includes market research, product adaptation, pricing strategies, and promotional activities. |
P8) To be able to access different information sources and make quantitative and qualitative analyzes by using software related to the field of international trade and logistics.
P.8.1) Öğrenciler Öğrenciler, çeşitli gümrük düzenlemelerinin ve ticaret politikalarının işletmeler ve uluslararası ticaret operasyonları üzerindeki etkisini analiz edebilecektir. |
P.8.1) Students understand production strategy and its importance for the firm |
P.8.2) Can critically evaluate research with qualitative or quantitative designs, including their core problems, hypotheses, findings, and conclusions. |
P.8.3) Students will be able to select appropriate statistical methods for a research problem and develop an analysis plan. |
P.8.4) Students will be able to critically evaluate the results of statistical analyses and discuss the validity of the findings |
P.8.5) Students will be able to develop their own statistical projects using collected data and present their findings. |
P.8.6) Öğrenciler, uluslararası ticaret kanunları ve gümrük düzenlemelerindeki değişikliklerin küresel tedarik zincirleri ve iş stratejileri üzerindeki etkilerini analiz edebileceklerdir. |
P.8.7) Students will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of different competitive intelligence strategies and make informed recommendations for business decision-making. |
P.8.8) Öğrenciler uluslararası pazardaki eğilimleri, fırsatları ve zorlukları belirlemek için pazar araştırması verilerini analiz edebilecektir. |
P.8.9) Using basic information technology tools, students can analyze quantitative and qualitative data in international trade and logistics, make inferences about these analyzes and take an active role in decision support processes. |
P.8.10) Students gain the ability to collect information from various digital data sources, manage data analysis and reporting processes using information technologies, in order to effectively use software used in international trade and logistics. |
P.8.11) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and To be able to explain the relationships between concepts. |
P.8.12) To be able to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) effectively and prepare professional documents with these tools. |
P.8.13) Utilize marketing information systems to collect and analyze market data. |
P.8.14) Evaluate the effectiveness of different data collection methods and technologies. |
P9) To be able to have the competence to conduct market and marketing research.
P.9.1) Can define the basic concepts related to research methods. |
P.9.1) Students gain the competence to analyze the needs and expectations of the target market by using market research methods in marketing communication projects. |
P.9.1) Students develop the ability to develop marketing strategies by interpreting market research results and integrate these strategies effectively into communication plans. |
P.9.2) Can explain and summarize the basic qualitative and quantitative research designs. |
P.9.3) They will be able to analyze market research data to identify trends, understand consumer behavior, and evaluate the competitive environment. |
P.9.4) Students will be able to define basic statistical terms and concepts. |
P.9.5) Students will be able to explain data collection and summarization techniques. |
P.9.6) Students will be able to perform various statistical analyses using real-world data. |
P.9.7) Students will be able to apply hypothesis tests on different data sets and interpret the results. |
P.9.8) Students will be able to develop and implement a comprehensive competitive intelligence plan to enhance a company's strategic positioning and performance. |
P.9.9) Öğrenciler pazar araştırması bulgularının güvenilirliğini ve geçerliliğini değerlendirebilecek ve pazara giriş stratejileri için bilinçli önerilerde bulunabilecektir. |
P.9.10) Students learn and gain the ability to apply data collection, analysis and interpretation techniques used in market and marketing research using basic information technology tools. |
P.9.11) Students can report and present market and marketing research using basic information technology tools. |
P.9.14) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies. |
P.9.15) Be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and be able to apply these principles. |
P.9.16) Students will be able to conduct market analysis and evaluate the data obtained using industrial marketing research methods and techniques. |
P10) To follow the developments in the field of international trade and logistics in Turkish and English.
P.10.1) Öğrenciler, küresel ticaret politikalarının, tarifelerin ve ticaret anlaşmalarının tedarik zinciri operasyonları ve performansı üzerindeki etkisini analiz edebilecektir. |
P.10.2) Öğrenciler, uluslararası ticaret politikalarının, tarifelerin ve ticaret anlaşmalarının iş operasyonları ve karar alma süreçleri üzerindeki etkisini analiz edebileceklerdir. |
P.10.3) Öğrenciler farklı gümrük prosedür ve politikalarının ticareti kolaylaştırma ve ulusal çıkarları korumadaki etkinliğini değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.10.3) Can evaluate and monitor current issues in his field from both practical and theoretical perspectives. |
P.10.4) Öğrenciler, çeşitli gümrük uyum stratejileri ve politikalarının riskleri azaltma ve yasal ticaret uygulamalarını sağlama konusundaki etkinliğini değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.10.5) Çok kültürlü ortamlar da dahil olmak üzere dinleyicilerin ilgisini çekmek, onları etkili bir biçimde bilgilendirme için uygun araçları kullanarak profesyonel iş sunumları hazırlayabilir ve sunabilir. |
P.10.6) Profesyonel ortamlarda yaygın olarak kullanılan temel iş kelimelerini, terminolojiyi ve ifadeleri hatırlayabilir ve tanımlayabilir. |
P.10.7) E-postalar, raporlar, teklifler ve sunumlar gibi çeşitli iş iletişimi formatlarının yapısını ve tarzını açıklayabilir ve bunların uygun bağlamlarını ve amaçlarını anlayabilir. |
P.10.8) Öğrenciler gümrük düzenlemeleri, ticaret anlaşmaları ve jeopolitik olaylar gibi çeşitli faktörlerin uluslararası lojistik operasyonları üzerindeki etkisini analiz edebilecektir. |
P.10.9) Students will be able to evaluate different logistics strategies and technologies for their effectiveness in optimizing international trade operations and meeting customer demands. |
P.10.10) Öğrenciler stratejik iş kararlarını desteklemek için kapsamlı bir uluslararası pazar araştırma planı tasarlayabilecek ve uygulayabilecektir. |
P.10.11) Profesyonel ortamlarda yaygın olarak kullanılan temel iş kelimelerini, terminolojiyi ve ifadeleri hatırlayabilir ve tanımlayabilir. |
P.10.12) Students will be able to follow and analyze developments in the field of international trade and logistics in both Turkish and English, and effectively summarize and discuss these developments in both languages |
P.10.14) Use of simple basic expressions for daily life. |
P.10.15) Being able to understand frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts. |
P.10.16) Ability to introduce oneself in social environments, ask and answer questions about personal information ability to give. |
P11) To be able to provide the necessary technical and social communication in Turkish and English with individual and institutional actors involved in international trade and logistics processes.
P.11.1) Farklı mesleki senaryolara göre uyarlanmış e-postalar, notlar ve raporlar dahil olmak üzere açık, özlü ve etkili iş belgeleri yazmak için iş İngilizcesi becerilerini uygulayabilir. |
P.11.1) To be able to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and oral expression problems |
P.11.1) To be able to make original examples of correct and meaningful topics in language by eliminating the problems of pronunciation and pronunciation |
P.11.1) To be able to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language |
P.11.1) o be able to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of Turkish language |
P.11.2) Kendisinin ve başkalarının iş iletişimlerinin etkinliğini değerlendirebilecek, yapıcı geri bildirim sağlayabilecek ve netlik, ton ve profesyonellik açısından iyileştirilmesi gereken alanları belirleyebilir. |
P.11.3) Kendisinin ve başkalarının iş iletişimlerinin etkinliğini değerlendirebilecek, yapıcı geri bildirim sağlayabilecek ve netlik, ton ve profesyonellik açısından iyileştirilmesi gereken alanları belirleyebilir |
P.11.4) Farklı mesleki senaryolara göre uyarlanmış e-postalar, notlar ve raporlar dahil olmak üzere açık, özlü ve etkili iş belgeleri yazmak için iş İngilizcesi becerilerini uygulayabilir. |
P.11.5) By understanding the language and cultural differences encountered in the context of international trade and logistics, students develop the ability to manage these differences and develop appropriate strategies in communication. |
P.11.6) Using written and verbal communication skills in Turkish and English, students can prepare reports in the field of international trade and logistics and present these reports in professional environments. |
P.11.7) Expressing one's own past, immediate surroundings and events in written and verbal form at a simple level. ability |
P.11.8) Ability to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life and create short and simple notes. |
P.11.9) Ability to read short and simple texts and comprehend simple contents in written texts such as advertisements and posters. |
P.11.10) The enterprise can construct its ideas on the basis of creativity and present its ideas to the business environment with a corporate language and flow. |
P12) Ability to act with professional responsibility awareness and make fair, transparent and ethical decisions in international trade and logistics processes by adhering to ethical principles in accordance with international trade, logistics and customs legislation.
P.12.1) Students can define and explain fundamental terms related to marketing ethics. |
P.12.1) Students gain the competence to solve the ethical and professional problems they encounter during the graduation thesis process in line with moral values and fulfill their professional responsibilities. |
P.12.1) Students gain the competence to make decisions in line with ethical principles in marketing communication campaigns and develop strategies in line with the principles of honesty and transparency. |
P.12.1) Students act with professional responsibility awareness and develop the ability to observe social values and social responsibility in marketing communication activities. |
P.12.1) By understanding the ethical dilemmas and professional responsibilities they encounter in the business world, students gain the competence to make correct decisions in line with moral values and implement these decisions. |
P.12.1) Students develop the ability to observe professional ethical standards and apply these standards in business life by adhering to the principles of honesty, justice and social responsibility in business activities. |
P.12.1) By understanding accounting ethical principles, students gain the ability to recognize and solve moral problems they may encounter in business activities. |
P.12.1) Students develop the competence to manage financial reporting processes and take responsibility in these processes by adhering to the principles of honesty, transparency and accountability in accounting practices. |
P.12.1) To be able to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life. |
P.12.1) To be able to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in working life. |
P.12.1) To be able to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field. |
P.12.1) To be able to produce strategies appropriate to professional ethics for the problems they will encounter. |
P.12.2) Students can evaluate marketing strategies within an ethical framework and propose alternative solutions. |
P.12.3) Students can analyze the consequences of ethical decisions in various marketing scenarios and critically evaluate their impact. |
P.12.4) During the graduation thesis process, students act with moral values and professional responsibility awareness and gain the ability to carry out their academic and professional studies within the framework of ethical rules. |
P.12.5) By understanding Ataturk's principles of patriotism and justice, students discuss and evaluate how to apply their professional responsibilities and ethical standards in line with these values. |
P.12.6) By taking Atatürk's principles of modernity and human rights as an example, students develop the competence to make decisions in line with moral values in business life and social responsibilities. |
P.12.7) Students evaluate the effects of information technologies in the business world and society and develop awareness of being able to fulfill their professional responsibilities by using these technologies responsibly. |
P.12.10) Students learn how to act as responsible individuals in business life and society by understanding professional ethical rules and social responsibilities within the framework of the Ahi philosophy. |
P.12.11) Students evaluate the challenges encountered in business life from a moral perspective, taking into account ethical values within the framework of the vision of civilization, and gain the competence to make ethical decisions accordingly. |
P.12.12) By understanding the Ahi tradition, students analyze how they can apply the moral values and professional responsibility awareness of this tradition in today's business world. |
P.12.15) Students become aware of the ethical use and security of information technologies and gain the competence to make ethical decisions accordingly. |
P.12.19) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire. |
P.12.20) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the National Struggle period. |
P.12.21) To be able to convey the founding process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives. |
P.12.22) To be able to understand the basic motives of Turkey's political, socio-cultural and socio-economic structure. |
P.12.27) To be able to write simple programs by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level. |
P.12.28) To understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and to be able to use these technologies be able to evaluate the potential impacts. |
P.12.29) Öğrenciler, güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini değerlendirerek farklı hukuki argümanları ve pozisyonları değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.12.30) Students will be able to develop and present well-reasoned legal arguments and opinions on various legal issues. |
P13) Being aware of the global and local economic, social, legal and environmental consequences of field practices and the responsibilities that these consequences impose on oneself and other actors in the field.
P.13.1) Öğrenciler karmaşık mikroekonomik kavramları temsil etmek ve sonuçları tahmin etmek için ekonomik modeller ve diyagramlar oluşturabilecektir. |
P.13.1) To be able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things. |
P.13.2) Öğrenciler gelecekteki ekonomik eğilimleri ve politika sonuçlarını tahmin etmek için kendi ekonomik modellerini ve senaryolarını geliştirip oluşturabileceklerdir. |
P.13.3) Öğrenciler, çeşitli uluslararası ticaret senaryolarında farklı tedarik zinciri yönetimi stratejilerinin etkinliğini değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.13.4) Öğrenciler, farklı uluslararası ticaret operasyonları stratejilerinin ve uygulamalarının etkinliğini ve verimliliğini değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.13.5) Öğrenciler, çeşitli gümrük uyum stratejileri ve politikalarının riskleri azaltma ve yasal ticaret uygulamalarını sağlama konusundaki etkinliğini değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.13.6) Students will be able to design and implement innovative solutions and strategies to address complex challenges in international trade and logistics, such as supply chain disruptions, compliance issues, and sustainability concerns. |
P.13.7) Students evaluate the effects of field practices at global and local levels by reconciling them with Ataturk's principles such as patriotism, justice and modernity, and develop the ability to make sense of their responsibilities towards other actors in their field. |
P.13.8) Students evaluate the economic, social, legal and environmental consequences of field practices within the framework of Ataturk's principles and reforms, and gain understanding and awareness of the responsibilities these consequences impose on themselves and society. |
P.13.9) By analyzing the global and local economic impacts of international financial transactions, students evaluate how social and environmental responsibilities can be integrated into financial decision-making processes. |
P.13.10) By examining the legal framework of international finance practices, students understand the effects of legal regulations and standards in this field on businesses and society and gain the competence to make responsible financial decisions in this context. |
P.13.11) By evaluating the economic impacts and social responsibilities encountered in business life and society within the framework of the Ahi tradition, students become conscious of these issues and gain the competence to exhibit responsible behavior. |
P.13.12) Students develop strategies to manage economic and environmental impacts in line with Ahi principles and by applying these strategies, they gain the competence to act responsibly in cooperation with other actors in their fields. |
P.13.13) By understanding the social dimensions of commercial law, students evaluate the effects of commercial activities on social welfare and justice and investigate ways to minimize or use these effects positively. |
P.13.14) By learning the basic concepts of commercial law, students gain knowledge about legal obligations in international trade and logistics activities. |
P.13.15) With basic and up-to-date information on entrepreneurship, she determines how to access entrepreneurial support and makes predictions about changes and paradigm shifts in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. |
P14) To be able to have strategic management skills to make suggestions on issues such as goals, objectives, mission, vision, target market, positioning, business portfolio design, market and marketing performance measurement related to the organization and to make medium and long-term plans related to these suggestions.
P.14.1) Öğrenciler, uluslararası ticaretteki aksaklıklar, uyum sorunları ve sürdürülebilirlik endişeleri gibi zorlukları ele almak için yenilikçi tedarik zinciri çözümleri tasarlayabilecek ve uygulayabilecektir. |
P.14.1) Students gain the competence to analyze the strategic elements of the organization they work in, such as purpose, target, mission, vision, target market and positioning, to offer improvement suggestions and create strategic plans on these issues. |
P.14.1) Students gain knowledge about strategic business management by gaining knowledge about the fundamental phenomenons of Business |
P.14.1) Students gain the competence to analyze the goals, objectives, mission and vision of the organization and develop strategic suggestions by using accounting data in the process of determining business strategies and goals. |
P.14.1) Using accounting information, students develop the ability to determine the target market of the business, design positioning strategies, manage business portfolio and measure marketing performance, and gain the competence to make medium and long-term planning in these processes. |
P.14.1) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and location. |
P.14.1) To be able to have knowledge about scientific research methods (selecting the topic, limiting and scanning the relevant sources), to have an idea about the writing of research results and to choose the right source |
P.14.1) Students understand the differences between production systems |
P.14.2) Öğrenciler, ticaret engelleri, uyum sorunları ve lojistik kısıtlamalar gibi zorlukları ele alan etkili uluslararası ticaret operasyon planları tasarlayabilecek ve uygulayabileceklerdir. |
P.14.3) Öğrenciler, gümrük gereksinimlerini karşılamak ve sorunsuz uluslararası ticaret işlemlerini kolaylaştırmak için uyum stratejileri ve dokümantasyon tasarlayabilecek ve geliştirebileceklerdir. |
P.14.3) Can evaluate the implications of research findings for business practice, evaluate the strengths and limitations of their work, and provide recommendations for future research or practical applications. |
P.14.4) Can define fundamental marketing concepts and terminology, including the marketing mix (4Ps), market segmentation, targeting, and positioning |
P.14.5) They can design and propose comprehensive marketing strategies and campaigns that include elements such as product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution channels. |
P.14.6) Can critically evaluate the effectiveness of various marketing strategies and campaigns by considering factors such as market conditions, target audience, and return on investment. |
P.14.7) Students will be able to design global marketing plans and determine how these plans meet the needs of the target market. |
P.14.8) Students will be able to critically assess how well global marketing strategies align with the overall objectives of the firm. |
P.14.9) Students will be able to develop innovative global marketing campaigns and strategies and plan how these strategies will be implemented in various market conditions. |
P.14.10) Öğrenciler Öğrenciler, karmaşık uluslararası ticaret zorluklarını ve mevzuat gerekliliklerini ele alan kapsamlı gümrük uyum programları tasarlayabilecek ve uygulayabileceklerdir. |
P.14.11) Öğrenciler Öğrenciler, küresel tedarik zincirlerini yönetme ve müşteri taleplerini karşılamadaki etkinlikleri açısından farklı lojistik stratejilerini ve teknolojilerini değerlendirebileceklerdir. |
P.14.15) Students gain the competence to offer suggestions with effective communication skills in the processes of determining the purpose, target, mission and vision of the business and can explain in Turkish how to integrate these suggestions into strategic planning. |
P.14.15) Students will acquire the necessary foreign language skills to analyze and make recommendations regarding their organizations' goals, missions, visions, target markets, positioning, portfolio design and marketing performance measurement. |
P.14.16) By making comprehensive analyzes on target market determination, positioning strategies and business portfolio design, students measure the market and marketing performance of the organization they work for and offer improvement suggestions. |
P.14.17) Students will be able to develop industrial marketing strategies and adapt these strategies to suit the objectives of the business. |
P.14.18) Develop a comprehensive marketing information system plan that integrates data collection, management, and analysis to address specific business challenges. |