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About the Program

Although international trade is an activity that is affected by the political and social structure of countries, it also directly affects these structures. For this reason, the effects of the developments and the changing conjuncture create noticeable fluctuations in commercial activities, and due to the globalizing structure of the world, the trade system of one country can cause positive or negative effects in another country. As countries around the world develop intricate relationships with each other, the importance of the International Trade and Logistics undergraduate program increases day by day. Our program is built on meeting this requirement in the most accurate way, and through the courses in its curriculum, it has adopted the mission of graduating its students as creative managers and trade experts who can think analytically in the fields of international trade and logistics, have high application practice, are successful in risk management, and can produce optimal solutions.

The International Trade and Logistics undergraduate program trains managers who are capable of taking management and leadership responsibilities and who will direct the rapidly developing and growing industrial and commercial organizations of Turkey in terms of international trade and logistics activities. The International Trade and Logistics undergraduate program has a course distribution structure in which humanities and social sciences, social sciences, mathematics and basic science courses, as well as field-specific courses, are included in approximately equal proportions. The undergraduate program offered to students includes courses in the fields of economics, numerical methods, marketing, foreign trade, finance, accounting, operations research, management and organization, production management and law.

Many management opportunities in the sector await our students who graduate from our department and continue their career planning correctly. The fact that the number of trained and qualified personnel is low due to the innovation of the field provides our graduates with a great advantage in terms of employment. One of the most basic requirements of our department is a foreign language, and our students have the opportunity to improve themselves in various highly valid languages, especially English, and practice in this field at our university.