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Measurement & Evaluation Methods

The success status of the students in the courses is determined by the relevant faculty members, the effect of the intra-semester exams and studies and the final exams and/or assignments, laboratory reports, short-term exams and similar applications on the success grade. One of the following grades is given for each course students take. The grades and their coefficients are as follows:
December of points The Coefficient of the given grade
90-100 A 4.0
85-89 A- 3,7
80-84 B+ 3,3
75-79 B 3.0
70-74 B- 2,7
65-69 C+ 2,3
60-64 C 2.0
55-59 C- 1,7
50-54 D+1,3
40-49 D 1.0
0-39 FF 0.0
0 FX
0 FG
FF: He took the exam, failed.
FX: He has no right to take the exam due to absenteeism, he fails.
FG: Although he had the right to take the exam, he did not take it, he failed.
S= Sufficient
P= Ongoing
U= Insufficient
S grade is given if successful in courses that do not require letter grades.
P grade; It is given if the thesis studies are successfully continued.
The U grade is awarded in case of failure in courses and thesis studies that do not require letter grades.
S, P, U and T grades are not included in grade average calculations.
In order for a student to graduate from a master's program, the overall weighted grade point average must be at least 2.50, and 3.00 in order to graduate from a doctoral program.
The passing grade is B- in master's degree programs and B in doctoral programs. However, if the general weighted grade point average of the student is at least 2.50 in the master's degree and at least 3.00 in the doctorate when the student completes the course obligation, the C-grades in the master's degree and B-grades in the doctorate are conditional passing grades.
If the GPA of a student who has completed the required course load is below 2.50 in master's programs and below 3.00 in doctoral programs, the student can repeat the courses he has previously taken successfully in order to achieve the required graduation average, provided that it does not exceed the study period determined for the program.
The responsible faculty member of the course decides how many exams or studies will be held in a course, the type of exam or study.
Students' attendance status, participation in Dec and Dec final exams, if any, and contribution to the semester letter grade; their contribution to the semester letter grade with the midterm, homework, practice and similar studies they are responsible for, and the conditions for participation in the final exam, if any, are determined by the instructor teaching the course and explained to students at the beginning of the semester
Students who do not succeed in their courses or who want to increase their grade point average are given the right to take an integration exam. In order to raise the grade, the grade obtained by the student taking the integration exam at the end of the semester / end of the year exam and the grade obtained from the integration exam, whichever is higher, are taken into account.