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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) He/she has basic, current and applied information about his/her profession.
P.1.1) Being able to remember the TYD and IYD application steps in the correct order and explain their importance
P.1.2) Ability to explain human anatomy and physiology
P.1.3) Ability to apply first and emergency aid steps correctly
P.1.4) Ability to analyze emergent complications in the patient and establish a cause and effect relationship
P.1.5) Ability to explain diagnostic information about diseases
P.1.6) Ability to make recommendations for problems by evaluating the emergency healthcare vehicles used during the provision of emergency healthcare services and the medical devices and materials they contain.
P2) Takes responsibility as a team member to solve unforeseen complex problems encountered in applications related to her field.
P.2.1) Ability to explain the importance of the knowledge gained in the fields of infectious diseases, disease pathophysiology and human anatomy.
P.2.2) Ability to explain the importance of health technologies and informatics
P.2.3) Ensuring patient safety and providing the treatment the patient needs
P.2.4) Being able to reveal the difference between first and emergency aid care
P.2.5) Ability to produce new approaches in the field by gaining patient control
P3) Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and propose solutions.
P.3.1) Ability to apply pre-hospital treatment algorithms
P.3.2) Ability to explain the importance of early intervention in First and Emergency Aid
P.3.3) Ability to use First and Emergency Aid equipment without assistance
P.3.4) Knows basic ECG and emergency care practices for cardiovascular problems.
P.3.5) Ability to produce a new approach to care by synthesizing secondary chronic diseases other than First and Emergency Aid.
P4) First and Emergency Aid technician knows the authority and responsibilities of theır profession and knows the concepts of professional ethics and morality.
P.4.1) Knowing the duties, authorities and responsibilities of First and Emergency Aid technicians
P.4.2) Ability to explain professional responsibilities and legal rights
P.4.3) Ability to carry out the responsibilities of one's job within the framework of professional ethics
P.4.4) Ability to analyze and present problems when faced with an unethical situation
P.4.5) Ability to produce a problem-oriented approach when faced with a professional ethical dilemma
P.4.6) Ability to criticize the First and Emergency Aid profession and its members in terms of their authority and responsibilities
P5) Becomes aware of the patient's medical, social and psychological problems, and can effectively present helpful information to patients through written and verbal communication.
P.5.1) Being able to give the preliminary diagnosis of a First and Emergency Aid patient
P.5.2) Ability to explain the medical process of a First and Emergency Aid patient and the social and psychological problems that this process brings.
P.5.3) Ability to identify psycho-social problems arising from the First and Emergency Aid process and solve the problem
P.5.4) Ability to present different and new approaches by following new approaches regarding First and Emergency Aid
P.5.5) .Ability to develop new ideas in care by integrating the innovations regarding the First and Emergency Aid diagnosis and treatment process with the existing process.
P.5.6) Ability to critically approach problems occurring in First and Emergency Aid patients
P.5.7) Ability to explain medical terminological concepts related to the field
P6) Recognizes the mechanism of action of drugs and possible complications, and has the ability to apply emergency treatment accordingly.
P.6.1) Ability to explain the duration of action and side effects of drugs
P.6.2) Ability to evaluate possible toxicological situations
P.6.3) Ability to produce approaches to emerging toxicological problems
P.6.4) Ability to produce unique methods regarding drug administration
P.6.5) Being able to provide the necessary treatment based on the patient's preliminary diagnosis
P.6.6) Ability to evaluate problems related to possible situations
P7) She follows current developments and practices in her profession and uses them effectively.
P.7.1) Ability to explain the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.2) Ability to understand the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.3) Ability to adapt professional knowledge and skills to new situations by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.4) Ability to analyze the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.5) Ability to design activities to continuously improve professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.6) Ability to make suggestions regarding the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/lessons.
P8) Uses Turkish effectively and in accordance with its rules, and follows national and international literature related to theır field.
P.8.1) Ability to express Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively.
P.8.2) To be able to explain the importance of using Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively and of following the innovations in the national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.3) Ability to use Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively, and prepare homework by scanning national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.4) Ability to find common points in national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.5) Ability to produce unique ideas by using information in national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.6) Ability to evaluate the currency and reliability of sources in national and international literature related to the field.
P9) Expresses the connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the individual's general culture.
P.9.1) Ability to find the difference between different disciplines.
P.9.2) Ability to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.9.3) Ability to make comparisons between national and international values ​​regarding art and design.
P.9.4) Ability to organize collaboration with different disciplines.
P.9.5) Ability to explain issues related to lifelong learning.
P.9.6) Ability to design innovative applications with current approaches.
P10) It has social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting data related to its field, applying it and announcing the results.
P.10.1) Ability to define professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.2) Being able to assimilate professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with the awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.3) Ability to implement professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.4) Ability to distinguish professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.5) Ability to plan professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.6) Ability to monitor and evaluate professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P11) Gains knowledge about occupational health and safety, communication, environmental and disaster awareness, quality processes and family and community health.
P.11.1) Ability to obtain information on activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, communication, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.2) Ability to understand activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, communication, protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.3) To be able to integrate activities related to the field of health with quality and accreditation in health institutions, communication, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.4) Ability to analyze activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.5) Ability to develop strategies regarding activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.6) Ability to criticize activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health issues from different perspectives.
P12) Transfers the training and skills theır received in the field of First and Emergency Aid into practice in the field.
P.12.1) To be able to explain the theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training.
P.12.2) To be able to assimilate the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training into practice in the field.
P.12.3) Ability to integrate theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training into practice in the field.
P.12.4) To be able to reveal the similarities and differences between the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training and the application in the field.
P.12.5) Ability to develop strategies by combining theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training with practical learning experiences in the field.
P.12.6) Ability to critically evaluate the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training and the information regarding practice in the field.
P13) Follows the information in her field and communicates with her colleagues by using a foreign language.
P.13.1) Use of simple basic expressions for daily life.
P.13.2) Ability to understand transitions and frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.13.3) Ability to introduce oneself in social environments, ask and answer questions about personal information I can't.
P.13.4) Expressing one's own past, immediate surroundings and events in simple written and oral form ability
P.13.5) Ability to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life and create short and simple notes.
P.13.6) Ability to read short and simple texts, understand simple texts in written texts such as announcements and posters. Being able to comprehend the contents.
P14) Effectively uses information technologies (software, programs, animations, etc.) related to her profession.
P.14.1) Ability to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and Being able to explain the relationships between concepts.
P.14.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and Ability to prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.14.3) Searching for, accessing, and keeping information securely using the Internet and web technologies Developing the ability to share in this way.
P.14.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.14.5) Simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level being able to write.
P.14.6) Understanding the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and using these technologies Ability to evaluate potential impacts.
P15) Has awareness of career management and lifelong learning.
P.15.1) Gains critical perspective, creative thinking ability and interpretation power
P.15.2) Aware of the necessity of lifelong learning; It follows the developments in science and technology and constantly renews itself.
P16) To be able to explain in general terms the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey and world history Being able to determine its position within.
P.16.1) Ana hatlarıyla Osmanlı'nın siyasi ve toplum yapısını ifade edebilme.
P.16.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the War of Independence period.
P.16.3) Being able to convey the founding process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives
P.16.4) Ability to understand the basic motivations of Turkey's political, sociocultural and socioeconomic structure.
P.16.5) By analyzing Turkey's founding process and its position in world history, ability to offer perspective
P.16.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and position.
P17) The civilization to which our nation belongs, education and professional ethics, mobility costs and social Having a sense of responsibility.
P.17.1) Ability to have basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness
P.17.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.17.3) Acting in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life ability
P.17.4) Carefully comply with the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field ability to examine.
P.17.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.17.6) The effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things ability to evaluate
P18) Expression disorders that may occur in the written and oral expression forms of the Turkish language detection, elimination and production of correct sentences and meaningful speech texts and scientific research To become competent in the methods
P.18.1) Ability to explain meaning and expression disorders
P.18.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.18.3) Correct and meaningful subjects in the language are provided with original examples by eliminating pronunciation and pronunciation problems. ability to
P.18.4) Ability to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.18.5) Spelling and punctuation in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language Ability to categorize signs correctly
P.18.6) Scientific research methods (selection of the subject, limitation and evaluation of relevant sources) To gain knowledge about scanning, writing down research results To have an idea about the subject and to choose the right source
P19) OHS in solving the problems encountered in order to create a healthy and safe working environment Selects and uses appropriate methods and tools with relevant information.
P.19.1) Ability to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.19.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.19.3) Ability to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.19.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.19.5) Ability to explain measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.19.6) Identifying and analyzing risk factors in work environments and taking precautions ability to explain
P.19.7) Ability to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.19.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P20) Students can use information technologies effectively and efficiently in academic and To gain the competence to solve the problems they encounter in their professional lives.
P.20.1) Ability to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.20.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and Ability to prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.20.3) Searching for, accessing, and keeping information securely using the Internet and web technologies Developing the ability to share in this way.
P.20.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.20.5) Simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level being able to write.
P.20.6) Understanding the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and using these technologies Ability to evaluate potential impacts.
P21) In line with the individual's interests and abilities, he/she will have the ability to use the information he/she will obtain from different disciplines in a personal sense.
P.21.1) To be able to make sense of the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.21.2) To be able to explain the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.21.3) To be able to use the knowledge obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities in his/her own field
P.21.4) To be able to analyze the results of the application by using the information obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.21.5) To be able to create a new structure by combining information from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities and the information in his/her own field
P.21.6) To be able to evaluate the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P22) Explains and applies basic and advanced life support.
P23) Defines and uses the equipment used in the provision of emergency health services.
P24) Ensures and manages the safety of oneself, the patient and the scene in the provision of emergency health services.
P25) Explains the legal regulations regarding emergency health services.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) He/she has basic, current and applied information about his/her profession.
P.1.1) Being able to remember the TYD and IYD application steps in the correct order and explain their importance
P.1.2) Ability to explain human anatomy and physiology
P.1.3) Ability to apply first and emergency aid steps correctly
P.1.4) Ability to analyze emergent complications in the patient and establish a cause and effect relationship
P.1.5) Ability to explain diagnostic information about diseases
P.1.6) Ability to make recommendations for problems by evaluating the emergency healthcare vehicles used during the provision of emergency healthcare services and the medical devices and materials they contain.
P4) First and Emergency Aid technician knows the authority and responsibilities of theır profession and knows the concepts of professional ethics and morality.
P.4.1) Knowing the duties, authorities and responsibilities of First and Emergency Aid technicians
P.4.2) Ability to explain professional responsibilities and legal rights
P.4.3) Ability to carry out the responsibilities of one's job within the framework of professional ethics
P.4.4) Ability to analyze and present problems when faced with an unethical situation
P.4.5) Ability to produce a problem-oriented approach when faced with a professional ethical dilemma
P.4.6) Ability to criticize the First and Emergency Aid profession and its members in terms of their authority and responsibilities
P6) Recognizes the mechanism of action of drugs and possible complications, and has the ability to apply emergency treatment accordingly.
P.6.1) Ability to explain the duration of action and side effects of drugs
P.6.2) Ability to evaluate possible toxicological situations
P.6.3) Ability to produce approaches to emerging toxicological problems
P.6.4) Ability to produce unique methods regarding drug administration
P.6.5) Being able to provide the necessary treatment based on the patient's preliminary diagnosis
P.6.6) Ability to evaluate problems related to possible situations
P11) Gains knowledge about occupational health and safety, communication, environmental and disaster awareness, quality processes and family and community health.
P.11.1) Ability to obtain information on activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, communication, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.2) Ability to understand activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, communication, protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.3) To be able to integrate activities related to the field of health with quality and accreditation in health institutions, communication, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.4) Ability to analyze activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.5) Ability to develop strategies regarding activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health.
P.11.6) Ability to criticize activities related to the field of health, quality and accreditation in health institutions, health protection and development, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, family and public health issues from different perspectives.
P16) To be able to explain in general terms the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey and world history Being able to determine its position within.
P.16.1) Ana hatlarıyla Osmanlı'nın siyasi ve toplum yapısını ifade edebilme.
P.16.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the War of Independence period.
P.16.3) Being able to convey the founding process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives
P.16.4) Ability to understand the basic motivations of Turkey's political, sociocultural and socioeconomic structure.
P.16.5) By analyzing Turkey's founding process and its position in world history, ability to offer perspective
P.16.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and position.
P17) The civilization to which our nation belongs, education and professional ethics, mobility costs and social Having a sense of responsibility.
P.17.1) Ability to have basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness
P.17.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.17.3) Acting in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life ability
P.17.4) Carefully comply with the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field ability to examine.
P.17.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.17.6) The effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things ability to evaluate
P18) Expression disorders that may occur in the written and oral expression forms of the Turkish language detection, elimination and production of correct sentences and meaningful speech texts and scientific research To become competent in the methods
P.18.1) Ability to explain meaning and expression disorders
P.18.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.18.3) Correct and meaningful subjects in the language are provided with original examples by eliminating pronunciation and pronunciation problems. ability to
P.18.4) Ability to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.18.5) Spelling and punctuation in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language Ability to categorize signs correctly
P.18.6) Scientific research methods (selection of the subject, limitation and evaluation of relevant sources) To gain knowledge about scanning, writing down research results To have an idea about the subject and to choose the right source
P19) OHS in solving the problems encountered in order to create a healthy and safe working environment Selects and uses appropriate methods and tools with relevant information.
P.19.1) Ability to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.19.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.19.3) Ability to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.19.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.19.5) Ability to explain measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.19.6) Identifying and analyzing risk factors in work environments and taking precautions ability to explain
P.19.7) Ability to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.19.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P20) Students can use information technologies effectively and efficiently in academic and To gain the competence to solve the problems they encounter in their professional lives.
P.20.1) Ability to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.20.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and Ability to prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.20.3) Searching for, accessing, and keeping information securely using the Internet and web technologies Developing the ability to share in this way.
P.20.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.20.5) Simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level being able to write.
P.20.6) Understanding the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and using these technologies Ability to evaluate potential impacts.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P3) Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and propose solutions.
P.3.1) Ability to apply pre-hospital treatment algorithms
P.3.2) Ability to explain the importance of early intervention in First and Emergency Aid
P.3.3) Ability to use First and Emergency Aid equipment without assistance
P.3.4) Knows basic ECG and emergency care practices for cardiovascular problems.
P.3.5) Ability to produce a new approach to care by synthesizing secondary chronic diseases other than First and Emergency Aid.
P6) Recognizes the mechanism of action of drugs and possible complications, and has the ability to apply emergency treatment accordingly.
P.6.1) Ability to explain the duration of action and side effects of drugs
P.6.2) Ability to evaluate possible toxicological situations
P.6.3) Ability to produce approaches to emerging toxicological problems
P.6.4) Ability to produce unique methods regarding drug administration
P.6.5) Being able to provide the necessary treatment based on the patient's preliminary diagnosis
P.6.6) Ability to evaluate problems related to possible situations
P7) She follows current developments and practices in her profession and uses them effectively.
P.7.1) Ability to explain the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.2) Ability to understand the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.3) Ability to adapt professional knowledge and skills to new situations by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.4) Ability to analyze the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.5) Ability to design activities to continuously improve professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/courses.
P.7.6) Ability to make suggestions regarding the importance of continuously improving professional knowledge and skills by participating in in-house, national and international training/lessons.
P12) Transfers the training and skills theır received in the field of First and Emergency Aid into practice in the field.
P.12.1) To be able to explain the theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training.
P.12.2) To be able to assimilate the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training into practice in the field.
P.12.3) Ability to integrate theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training into practice in the field.
P.12.4) To be able to reveal the similarities and differences between the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training and the application in the field.
P.12.5) Ability to develop strategies by combining theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training with practical learning experiences in the field.
P.12.6) Ability to critically evaluate the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training and the information regarding practice in the field.
P14) Effectively uses information technologies (software, programs, animations, etc.) related to her profession.
P.14.1) Ability to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and Being able to explain the relationships between concepts.
P.14.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and Ability to prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.14.3) Searching for, accessing, and keeping information securely using the Internet and web technologies Developing the ability to share in this way.
P.14.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.14.5) Simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level being able to write.
P.14.6) Understanding the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and using these technologies Ability to evaluate potential impacts.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P2) Takes responsibility as a team member to solve unforeseen complex problems encountered in applications related to her field.
P.2.1) Ability to explain the importance of the knowledge gained in the fields of infectious diseases, disease pathophysiology and human anatomy.
P.2.2) Ability to explain the importance of health technologies and informatics
P.2.3) Ensuring patient safety and providing the treatment the patient needs
P.2.4) Being able to reveal the difference between first and emergency aid care
P.2.5) Ability to produce new approaches in the field by gaining patient control
P5) Becomes aware of the patient's medical, social and psychological problems, and can effectively present helpful information to patients through written and verbal communication.
P.5.1) Being able to give the preliminary diagnosis of a First and Emergency Aid patient
P.5.2) Ability to explain the medical process of a First and Emergency Aid patient and the social and psychological problems that this process brings.
P.5.3) Ability to identify psycho-social problems arising from the First and Emergency Aid process and solve the problem
P.5.4) Ability to present different and new approaches by following new approaches regarding First and Emergency Aid
P.5.5) .Ability to develop new ideas in care by integrating the innovations regarding the First and Emergency Aid diagnosis and treatment process with the existing process.
P.5.6) Ability to critically approach problems occurring in First and Emergency Aid patients
P.5.7) Ability to explain medical terminological concepts related to the field
P8) Uses Turkish effectively and in accordance with its rules, and follows national and international literature related to theır field.
P.8.1) Ability to express Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively.
P.8.2) To be able to explain the importance of using Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively and of following the innovations in the national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.3) Ability to use Turkish in accordance with its rules and effectively, and prepare homework by scanning national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.4) Ability to find common points in national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.5) Ability to produce unique ideas by using information in national and international literature related to the field.
P.8.6) Ability to evaluate the currency and reliability of sources in national and international literature related to the field.
P9) Expresses the connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the individual's general culture.
P.9.1) Ability to find the difference between different disciplines.
P.9.2) Ability to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.9.3) Ability to make comparisons between national and international values ​​regarding art and design.
P.9.4) Ability to organize collaboration with different disciplines.
P.9.5) Ability to explain issues related to lifelong learning.
P.9.6) Ability to design innovative applications with current approaches.
P10) It has social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting data related to its field, applying it and announcing the results.
P.10.1) Ability to define professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.2) Being able to assimilate professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with the awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.3) Ability to implement professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.4) Ability to distinguish professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.5) Ability to plan professional projects, research and activities necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P.10.6) Ability to monitor and evaluate professional projects, research and activities that are necessary for the social environment in which one is involved, with awareness of social responsibility.
P12) Transfers the training and skills theır received in the field of First and Emergency Aid into practice in the field.
P.12.1) To be able to explain the theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training.
P.12.2) To be able to assimilate the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training into practice in the field.
P.12.3) Ability to integrate theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training into practice in the field.
P.12.4) To be able to reveal the similarities and differences between the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training and the application in the field.
P.12.5) Ability to develop strategies by combining theoretical and theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training with practical learning experiences in the field.
P.12.6) Ability to critically evaluate the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of First and Emergency Aid training and the information regarding practice in the field.
P13) Follows the information in her field and communicates with her colleagues by using a foreign language.
P.13.1) Use of simple basic expressions for daily life.
P.13.2) Ability to understand transitions and frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.13.3) Ability to introduce oneself in social environments, ask and answer questions about personal information I can't.
P.13.4) Expressing one's own past, immediate surroundings and events in simple written and oral form ability
P.13.5) Ability to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life and create short and simple notes.
P.13.6) Ability to read short and simple texts, understand simple texts in written texts such as announcements and posters. Being able to comprehend the contents.
P15) Has awareness of career management and lifelong learning.
P.15.1) Gains critical perspective, creative thinking ability and interpretation power
P.15.2) Aware of the necessity of lifelong learning; It follows the developments in science and technology and constantly renews itself.
P21) In line with the individual's interests and abilities, he/she will have the ability to use the information he/she will obtain from different disciplines in a personal sense.
P.21.1) To be able to make sense of the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.21.2) To be able to explain the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.21.3) To be able to use the knowledge obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities in his/her own field
P.21.4) To be able to analyze the results of the application by using the information obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P.21.5) To be able to create a new structure by combining information from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities and the information in his/her own field
P.21.6) To be able to evaluate the information to be obtained from different disciplines in line with the individual's interests and abilities
P22) Explains and applies basic and advanced life support.
P23) Defines and uses the equipment used in the provision of emergency health services.
P24) Ensures and manages the safety of oneself, the patient and the scene in the provision of emergency health services.
P25) Explains the legal regulations regarding emergency health services.