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Programme Competences
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) Adequate knowledge in mathematics, science and related engineering discipline accumulation; theoretical and practical knowledge in these areas, complex engineering the ability to use in problems
P.1.1) The sudents can define principal chemical concepts.
P.1.2) They can explain unit systems.
P.1.3) The students can solve problems with the help chemical reactions.
P.1.4) The students can explain preodic table and properties of elements.
P.1.5) The students can explain properties of materials, chemical bonding and structure of materials
P.1.6) Knows the geology science, the structure of the world and its relation with civil engineering.
P.1.7) Associates the chemical structure of crystals and minerals, the formation of rocks and their use in engineering.
P.1.8) Associates the movements of the outer mantle (crust) of the world and the earthquake fault lines formed by these movements.
P.1.9) Knows the properties of topographic and geological maps. Calculates the stratification of rocks, their angle, direction and slope with the north and applies them to engineering problems.
P.1.10) Knows the properties of rock masses and relates them to engineering problems.
P.1.11) Knows the formation of the ground, how to determine its properties. Explain the effect of soil properties on the formation of landslides and the relationship between foundation and soil.
P.1.12) Knows the formation of surface and groundwater. Associates the geological effect with engineering problems.
P.1.13) Coastal marine geology knows. Applies the effect of geological structure in city and regional planning.
P.1.14) To gain an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
P.1.15) To gain expertise in analysing hydrological data
P.1.16) To gain ability to analysis statistically, interpret, inference and anticipate.
P.1.17) To gain expertise to design a system skill
P.1.18) To gain expertise able to generate and collect data for designing highway, railway, naval and airport facilities
P.1.19) Know the fundamental mathematics knowledge and theorems
P.1.20) Know the applications of mathematics in engineering
P.1.21) Know the numerical calculations and analysis
P.1.22) Creates mathematical models of engineering problems and simulates them.
P.1.23) Know the fundamental physics knowledge and theorems
P.1.24) Know the applications of physics in engineering
P.1.25) Learns the basic concepts and principles of static and uses them in the solution of problems.
P.1.26) Calculates the components of forces, solves equilibrium problems and calculates the center of gravity.
P.1.27) Determine the support reactions of structural systems
P.1.28) Analyze structural systems such as trusses and cables.
P.1.29) Calculates the resultant of space forces and solves equilibrium problems.
P.1.30) Knows the basic rules of technical drawing. Applies the dimensioning rules used in civil engineering and architecture.
P.1.31) Makes three-dimensional drawings. Draws three-dimensional drawings by converting them to two dimensions.
P.1.32) Makes drawings by taking horizontal and vertical sections.
P.1.33) Knows basic mathematics knowledge and theorems
P.1.34) Knows the applications of mathematics in engineering
P.1.35) Knows numerical calculations and analysis
P.1.36) Create mathematical models of engineering problems and simulate them
P.1.37) Uses Microsoft Word program.
P.1.38) Uses Microsoft Excel program.
P.1.39) Uses Microsoft PowerPoint program.
P.1.40) The student understands the behavior of objects that change shape.
P.1.41) The student calculates stress and deformation in elastic objects.
P.1.42) The student learns the mechanical properties of materials.
P.1.43) The student learns the concept of safety stress.
P.1.44) Knows the water balance and makes the calculations
P.1.45) Recognize the internal structure of the material.
P.1.46) Understand the physical and mechanical properties of material.
P.1.47) Relate the internal structure and properties of the material.
P.1.48) Select appropriate materials needed in the design.
P.1.49) Know the applications of mathematics in engineering
P.1.50) Know the differential equations with solution methods and applications in engineering
P.1.51) Knows the oblique bending and compound strength states.
P.1.52) To introduce the concepts of position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
P.1.53) To study particle motion along a straight line and represent this motion graphically.
P.1.54) To investigate particle motion along a curved path using different coordinate systems.
P.1.55) To state Newton's Second Law of Motion and to define mass and weight.
P.1.56) To analyze the accelerated motion of a particle using the equation of motion with different coordinate systems.
P.1.57) To develop the principle of work and energy and apply it to solve problems that involve force, velocity, and displacement.
P.1.58) To introduce the concept of a conservative force and apply the theorem of conservation of energy to solve kinetic problems.
P.1.59) To develop the principle of linear impulse and momentum for a particle and apply it to solve problems that involve force, velocity, and time.
P.1.60) To discuss undamped one-degree-of-freedom vibration of a rigid body using the equation of motion and energy methods.
P.1.61) Recognizes the building materials used in civil engineering.
P.1.62) Knows the physical properties of fluids, solves problems related to the subject.
P.1.63) Knows hydrostatic pressure, pressure at one point, change of pressure with depth and pressure to be found with the help of manometers.
P.1.64) Knows relationship between geodesy and civil engineering.
P.1.65) Build mathematical models of engineering problems and simulate them
P.1.66) Performs regression operations for a certain data set or has information about solving numerical integration.
P.1.67) Knows how to apply numerical computation methods to engineering problems or to use modern solution techniques for simple operations.
P.1.68) Evaluates the errors obtained in numerical calculation and calculates statistical concepts
P.1.69) Learns about classification and idealization of building systems.
P.1.70) Calculates head losses in pressure piping systems, solves flow, loss, pressure and size problems for multiple piping systems connected in series and parallel.
P.1.71) Knows the definition of specific energy, and from this definition, examines the relations between energy - water height and flow - water height.
P.1.72) Knows the importance of soil in civil engineering.
P.1.73) The student designs structural elements in simple strength states such as normal force, shear force, torsional moment, bending moment.
P.1.74) Learns about loads, supports, support reactions, internal forces.
P.1.75) Learns about equilibrium equations.
P.1.76) Determines the static dimensions that are the basis of design in building elements by using balance equations and balance conditions.
P.1.77) Calculates isostatic systems under the effect of live loads.
P.1.78) Zeminin fiziksel özelliklerini (porozite, boşluk oranı, yogunluk, su muhtevası, doygunluk derecesi) bilir ve aralarındaki ilişkiyi kullanarak zeminin fiziksel özelliklerini hesaplar
P.1.79) Learns about deformation and its components.
P.1.80) Comprehend mechanical behavior of steel structures under load
P.1.81) Knows the constructive rules, TS and regulations related to reinforced concrete floors.
P.1.82) Have general information about transportation and transportation systems.
P.1.83) Knows the technical features of the systems that make up the transportation systems.
P.1.84) Gains knowledge of the substructure and superstructure of a road on the highway and recognizes the functions of the elements that make up the road.
P.1.85) Gains knowledge of the planning and design of roads.
P.1.86) Knows the main principles of traffic planning and design.
P.1.87) Knowledgeable about deep foundations.
P.1.88) Knows basic mathematical knowledge and theorems
P.1.89) Have knowledge about building types.
P.1.90) Have knowledge about building elements.
P.1.91) Knows the materials used in building systems and application methods.
P.1.92) Knows the methods of construction.
P.1.93) Learns the design of dam reservoirs.
P.1.94) Have knowledge about the basics of traffic engineering.
P.1.95) Knows the factors that provide basic traffic flow.
P.1.96) Knows the road and its components.
P.1.97) Have knowledge about traffic surveys and construction.
P.1.98) Knows the main causes of traffic accidents.
P.1.99) Knows the causes of traffic congestion.
P.1.100) Knows the concept of Design and Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures
P.1.101) Have knowledge about the design of structural systems.
P.1.102) Knows the types of foundation.
P.1.103) Knows the engineering applications of basic mathematical knowledge and theorems.
P.1.104) Defines transport and rail systems accordingly
P.1.105) Defines all parts of rail systems
P.1.106) Defines safety systems in rail systems
P.1.107) Knows the purpose and importance of irrigation.
P.1.108) Learns about the elements in the periodic table and atomic structure by defining the unit systems and basic concepts in chemistry.
P.1.109) Gains problem-solving skills in thermochemistry principles, behavior of gases, molecular properties of solids, liquids and gases, and chemical bonds.
P.1.110) Learns to conduct experiments related to course topics in the laboratory.
P2) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems; ability to select and apply appropriate analysis and modeling methods for this purpose.
P.2.1) To gain an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
P.2.2) To gain expertise in analysing hydrological data
P.2.3) To gain ability to analysis statistically, interpret, inference and anticipate.
P.2.4) To gain expertise to design a system skill
P.2.5) To gain expertise able to generate and collect data for designing highway, railway, naval and airport facilities
P.2.6) The student designs structural elements in simple strength states such as normal force, shear force, torsional moment, bending moment.
P.2.7) Calculates precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and flow for a basin.
P.2.8) Draws and calculates basic design graphics such as hydrograph, key curve, flow continuity curve related to stream flow.
P.2.9) Knows unit hydrograph theory and makes calculations
P.2.10) Sizing with using yield and fracture assumptions.
P.2.11) Calculate displacement using elastic curve.
P.2.12) Solves hyperstatic systems using elastic curves
P.2.13) Calculate the buckling loads of columns in various boundary conditions under the compressive force.
P.2.14) Knows hydrostatic pressure forces on surfaces and buoyancy of water. It examines the stability of dam covers (sluices) and their bodies under these forces.
P.2.15) Knows the conservation of mass, conservation of energy and conservation of momentum equations and applies them to related problems.
P.2.16) Solves linear, nonlinear systems of equations or finds roots of equations and polynomials
P.2.17) Learns about loads, supports, support reactions, internal forces.
P.2.18) Learns about equilibrium equations.
P.2.19) Determines the static dimensions that are the basis of design in building elements by using balance equations and balance conditions.
P.2.20) Calculates isostatic systems under the effect of live loads.
P.2.21) Makes the calculation of multiple reservoir systems.
P.2.22) Makes network solution.
P.2.23) Designs open channels by applying the laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum in open channels.
P.2.24) Knows the relationship between critical depth, maximum flow rate and minimum energy in non-uniform open channel flows, calculates the unknowns in any flow regime, and creates the water surface profile.
P.2.25) Knows the physical properties of the soil (porosity, void ratio, density, water content, degree of saturation) and calculates the physical properties of the soil using the relationship between them.
P.2.26) Finds the permeability of the soil with laboratory and field test. Calculates the amount of water passing through a certain area using flow nets.
P.2.27) Defines total and effective stresses on the ground. Calculates the effective stresses created by different engineering loads on the ground
P.2.28) Calculates the amount of consolidation in the ground caused by vertical stresses. Finds the consolidation parameters (compression coefficient, etc.) of the soil through laboratory experiments and applies them to engineering problems.
P.2.29) He conducts the shear box experiment in the laboratory and finds the mechanical properties of the soil using the experimental results and Mohr stress circle theory. It solves soil problems in civil engineering by using its mechanical properties.
P.2.30) Makes soil compaction tests in the laboratory, uses the test results in soil improvement problems in civil engineering.
P.2.31) Interpret the behavior of reinforced concrete elements.
P.2.32) Learns the bearing capacity of axially loaded reinforced concrete elements.
P.2.33) Learns the bearing capacity of the elements under the effect of bending.
P.2.34) The student understands the behavior of objects that change shape.
P.2.35) The student calculates stress and deformation in elastic objects.
P.2.36) The student learns the mechanical properties of materials.
P.2.37) The student learns the concept of safety stress.
P.2.38) Knows oblique bending and compound strength states.
P.2.39) Learns about classification and idealization of building systems.
P.2.40) Gains information about the calculation of displacements and rotations of sections with energy methods.
P.2.41) Learns about calculation methods of hyperstatic systems.
P.2.42) Learns how to calculate displacements in hyperstatic systems.
P.2.43) Gains information about the load arrangements that will give the most unfavorable cross-section effects and support responses with the help of influence lines in hyperstatic systems.
P.2.44) Design and size connections of steel structures
P.2.45) Sizing steel structures elements and applying principle analysis appropriately to steel structures specifications in operation
P.2.46) Comprehend mechanical behavior of steel structures under load
P.2.47) Makes the design of water intake structures
P.2.48) Designs the elements of drinking water systems (transmission line, reservoir, water distribution network)
P.2.49) Designs sewer systems
P.2.50) Designs stormwater removal systems
P.2.51) Knows stapling verification and stapling calculations.
P.2.52) Knows torsion verification and torsion calculations in beams.
P.2.53) Knows the constructive rules, TS and regulations related to reinforced concrete floors.
P.2.54) It shows the reinforcements on the formwork plan by making static and reinforced concrete calculations of the floors.
P.2.55) It shows the reinforcements on the cross section by making the dimensioning and foundation calculations of the sub-wall foundations, single foundations and combined foundations.
P.2.56) Knows the determination of soil properties with field and laboratory tests and relates them to basic bearing capacity.
P.2.57) Calculates the bearing capacity of the foundations by using bearing capacity theories.
P.2.58) Calculate ground bearing capacity using bearing capacity theories
P.2.59) Calculates foundation stresses according to ground parameters.
P.2.60) Designs the foundations according to the stresses of the foundations.
P.2.61) Calculates the stresses affecting slope stability and makes the slope of the slope.
P.2.62) Calculates the forces coming to reinforced concrete and reinforced soil structures and makes stability investigations.
P.2.63) Knowledgeable about deep foundations.
P.2.64) Diagnose and describe the problems and search for solutions
P.2.65) Classifies vibrations
P.2.66) Know differential equations, solution methods and engineering applications
P.2.67) Makes static, dynamic and strength analyses of building systems
P.2.68) Understands random events in hydrological studies
P.2.69) Uses probability theory in hydrological events.
P.2.70) Calculates the design loads of timber structural elements.
P.2.71) Makes calculations of wooden structural elements.
P.2.72) Makes the calculations of joining means used in wooden structures.
P.2.73) Learns the parameters affecting the selection of the type of dams and bindings.
P.2.74) Learns the principles of sizing of different types of dams and bindings.
P.2.75) Analyses bar systems or systems with complex geometry with the help of energy theories
P.2.76) Determines whether a structural system or a structure is earthquake resistant.
P.2.77) Determines earthquake damages and decides the repair/reinforcement method.
P.2.78) Determines the parametric values of earthquake.
P.2.79) Determines building-ground, building-earthquake relationship.
P.2.80) Classifies prestressing techniques.
P.2.81) Calculates prestressing losses.
P.2.82) Calculates the minimum prestressing force.
P.2.83) Calculates and designs prestressed concrete elements.
P.2.84) Control of prestressing application.
P.2.85) Gains knowledge of numerical solution methods.
P.2.86) Gains knowledge of the basic equations used in structural analysis.
P.2.87) Gains knowledge about element stiffness matrices, global stiffness matrices.
P.2.88) Learns about shape functions and local coordinates.
P.2.89) Determines in which cases and by which method tunnelling should be carried out
P.2.90) Defines the construction application methods of the designed tunnel
P.2.91) Designs the necessary process steps in the construction of tunnel lining
P.2.92) Have comparative knowledge in tunnel construction methods
P.2.93) Finds the necessary design parameters in soil-geosynthetic applications
P.2.94) Loose ground improvement with geosynthetics
P.2.95) Designs road and retaining structures according to geosynthetic soils
P.2.96) Uses bridging method with geosynthetics in soil loading subjected to critical stresses
P.2.97) Ground reinforcement with geosynthetics in foundations subjected to dynamic load
P.2.98) Knows wave propagation in soil layers and its behaviour under repeated loads
P.2.99) Apply soil dynamics to foundation design
P.2.100) Knows the earthquake effect on foundations and takes preventive measures
P.2.101) Knows soil liquefaction under the effect of earthquake, applies solutions to soil problems
P.2.102) Knows the earth movements caused by earthquake
P.2.103) Knows strength structures, level stability and behaviour of earth and underground structures in earthquakes
P.2.104) Makes structural analysis of reinforced concrete and steel buildings with SAP2000 programme.
P.2.105) Makes earthquake analyses with SAP2000 program.
P.2.106) Evaluates the foundation soil according to laboratory and field test results
P.2.107) Designs deep foundations
P.2.108) Designs vertical load piles
P.2.109) Designs pile groups
P.2.110) Plans and applies pile loading tests
P.2.111) Defines the types of foundations subjected to dynamic load and makes the design.
P.2.112) Raft, footing and caisson foundation and all types of foundation design, and makes the isolation.
P.2.113) Knows open channel flow and its properties, formulates open channel problems.
P.2.114) Knows the engineering applications of basic mathematical knowledge and theorems.
P.2.115) Knows numerical analysis and approximate calculation methods.
P.2.116) Calculates the irrigation water requirement for plants.
P.2.117) Makes hydraulic calculations of canalised systems.
P.2.118) Makes hydraulic calculations of drainage systems.
P.2.119) Explains soil parameters
P.2.120) Knows how to take undisturbed samples in the field
P.2.121) Obtains soil parameters by performing loading tests on single foundation model and mini pile in the field
P.2.122) Apply the test results obtained in the field and laboratory to shallow and deep foundations
P.2.123) To be able to design a reinforced concrete structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.2.124) Designs the steel building under realistic constraints.
P.2.125) Calculates the joint details of the steel building.
P.2.126) Draws the steel building in three dimensions. Prepares the sheets.
P.2.127) Have knowledge about and/or determine soil parameters based on SPT test data
P.2.128) Gains knowledge of and/or calculates foundation bearing capacity, stress increases, settlement, shoring system and/or liquefaction
P3) Ability to design a complex system, process, device or product to meet specific requirements under realistic constraints and conditions; ability to apply modern design methods for this purpose.
P.3.1) Turns a system into a project, either with a group or individually, under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.3.2) Makes 2D drawings in the CAD environment related to his profession.
P.3.3) Creates plans in CAD environment. Draws sections. Draws views. Reads a drawing.
P.3.4) Designs building materials to meet specific requirements under realistic constraints and conditions.
P.3.5) Learns the dimensioning of reinforced concrete elements under the effect of axial and bending and makes their verification.
P.3.6) Design and size connections of steel structures
P.3.7) Sizing steel structures elements and applying principle analysis appropriately to steel structures specifications in operation
P.3.8) Comprehend mechanical behavior of steel structures under load
P.3.9) Makes the design of water intake structures
P.3.10) Designs the elements of drinking water systems (transmission line, reservoir, water distribution network)
P.3.11) Designs sewer systems
P.3.12) Designs stormwater removal systems
P.3.13) Knows stapling verification and stapling calculations.
P.3.14) Knows torsion verification and torsion calculations in beams.
P.3.15) Knows the constructive rules, TS and regulations related to reinforced concrete floors.
P.3.16) It shows the reinforcements on the formwork plan by making static and reinforced concrete calculations of the floors.
P.3.17) It shows the reinforcements on the cross section by making the dimensioning and foundation calculations of the sub-wall foundations, single foundations and combined foundations.
P.3.18) Turns a system into a project with a group or individually, under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.3.19) Modelling hydrological events
P.3.20) Determines whether a structural system or a structure is earthquake resistant.
P.3.21) Determines earthquake damages and decides the repair/reinforcement method.
P.3.22) Calculates and designs prestressed concrete elements.
P.3.23) Solves engineering problems of planar systems by finite element method.
P.3.24) Apply soil dynamics to foundation design
P.3.25) Makes structural analysis of reinforced concrete and steel buildings with SAP2000 programme.
P.3.26) Makes earthquake analyses with SAP2000 program.
P.3.27) Defines the type of foundation according to the building needs.
P.3.28) Designs deep foundations
P.3.29) Designs vertical load piles
P.3.30) Designs pile groups
P.3.31) Makes practical and economical open channel design for uniform flows
P.3.32) Formulate and solve problems related to non-uniform currents, profile the water surface
P.3.33) Gains the ability to design a system, part or process to meet the desired requirements.
P.3.34) Gains the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams.
P.3.35) Gains the ability to use the techniques and modern tools necessary for engineering applications.
P.3.36) Gains knowledge of the effects of engineering applications on health, environment and safety in universal and social dimensions and the problems of the age reflected in the field of engineering.
P.3.37) Makes hydraulic calculations for the design of open channel irrigation systems.
P.3.38) Makes the necessary designs for the water supply needs of a region under regulations and realistic constraints, prepares the report and makes an oral presentation.
P.3.39) To design a steel industrial structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.3.40) To be able to design a reinforced concrete structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.3.41) To be able to design a system with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.3.42) Designs the steel building under realistic constraints.
P.3.43) Calculates the joint details of the steel building.
P.3.44) Draws the steel building in three dimensions. Prepares the sheets.
P.3.45) 2 and 3 dimensional engineering structures under various load effects and combinations using package programmes and makes the solution.
P.3.46) Analyses the results obtained from package programmes.
P.3.47) Prepares reinforced concrete static projects and makes performance evaluation.
P.3.48) Analyses water structures under realistic constraints.
P.3.49) Designs the sewerage system of a region, makes the drawings of the design, makes the design report, makes the presentation.
P.3.50) Designs the stormwater removal system of a region, makes the drawings of the design, makes the design report, makes the presentation.
P.3.51) To be able to design a masonry structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P4) Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; ability to use information technologies effectively.
P.4.1) Makes angle measurement and application in the terrain.
P.4.2) Makes nivelman measurement and calculations in the terrain .
P.4.3) Turns a system into a project with a group or individually, under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.4.4) Establishes mathematical models of engineering systems
P.4.5) Makes static, dynamic and strength analyses of building systems
P.4.6) Modelling hydrological events
P.4.7) Uses the methods and tools required by the age in problem analyses
P.4.8) Solve problems related to engineering applications by using energy methods
P.4.9) Makes structural analysis of reinforced concrete and steel buildings with SAP2000 programme.
P.4.10) Makes earthquake analyses with SAP2000 program.
P.4.11) To design a steel industrial structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.4.12) To be able to design a reinforced concrete structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.4.13) To be able to design a system with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.4.14) Designs the steel building under realistic constraints.
P.4.15) Calculates the joint details of the steel building.
P.4.16) Draws the steel building in three dimensions. Prepares the sheets.
P.4.17) 2 and 3 dimensional engineering structures under various load effects and combinations using package programmes and makes the solution.
P.4.18) Analyses the results obtained from package programmes.
P.4.19) Prepares reinforced concrete static projects and makes performance evaluation.
P.4.20) Learns at least one of the highway project preparation programmes.
P.4.21) Gains knowledge of numerical solution of geotechnical stability problems.
P.4.22) Analytically models geotechnical stability problems using software and interprets the results.
P.4.23) Designs and projects geotechnical stability problems using software.
P.4.24) Prepares soil profile and drilling log according to the results obtained by SPT test from the field
P.4.25) Designs raft foundation, pile foundation and/or deep excavation support systems
P.4.26) Makes liquefaction analysis according to SPT test data
P.4.27) To be able to design a masonry structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P5) An ability to design, conduct experiments, collect data, analyze and interpret results for the study of complex engineering problems or disciplinary research topics.
P.5.1) To gain an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
P.5.2) To gain expertise in analysing hydrological data
P.5.3) To gain ability to analysis statistically, interpret, inference and anticipate.
P.5.4) To gain expertise to design a system skill
P.5.5) To gain expertise able to generate and collect data for designing highway, railway, naval and airport facilities
P.5.6) Experimentally controls the suitability of building materials and desired product performance.
P.5.7) Makes nivelman measurement and calculations in the terrain.
P.5.8) Finds the grain size distribution of the ground and the atterberg limits with laboratory experiments.
P.5.9) Student makes experiments in construction laboratory.
P.5.10) It measures the quality of concrete, reinforcement and other materials used in the construction phase.
P.5.11) Designs building materials to meet specific requirements under realistic constraints and conditions.
P.5.12) Makes angle measurement and application in the terrain.
P.5.13) Finds the grain size distribution of the ground and the atterberg limits with laboratory experiments.
P.5.14) Classifies the soil according to the standards using the ground granulometry curve.
P.5.15) Finds the permeability of the soil with laboratory and field test. Calculates the amount of water passing through a certain area using flow nets.
P.5.16) Calculates the amount of consolidation in the ground caused by vertical stresses. Finds the consolidation parameters (compression coefficient, etc.) of the soil through laboratory experiments and applies them to engineering problems.
P.5.17) Conducts the shear box experiment in the laboratory and finds the mechanical properties of the soil using the experimental results and Mohr stress circle theory. It solves soil problems in civil engineering by using its mechanical properties.
P.5.18) Makes soil compaction tests in the laboratory, uses the test results in soil improvement problems in civil engineering.
P.5.19) Student makes experiments in construction laboratory.
P.5.20) It measures the quality of concrete, reinforcement and other materials used in the construction phase.
P.5.21) Uses statistical information in hydrological events
P.5.22) Makes laboratory and field experiment
P.5.23) Performs drilling in the field and standard penetration test in this borehole
P.5.24) Makes cone penetration test in the field
P.5.25) Measures pressure in the field and performs field veyn test
P.5.26) Knows how to take undisturbed samples in the field
P.5.27) Performs standard laboratory tests on samples taken from the field
P.5.28) 2 and 3 dimensional engineering structures under various load effects and combinations using package programmes and makes the solution.
P.5.29) Analyses the results obtained from package programmes.
P.5.30) Prepares reinforced concrete static projects and makes performance evaluation.
P6) Ability to work effectively in disciplinary and multi-disciplinary teams; individual study skills.
P.6.1) Works in multidisciplinary environments.
P.6.2) It makes practical application of theoretical knowledge.
P.6.3) Turns a system into a project with a group or individually, under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.6.4) Works with different disciplines about an engineering problem, prepares a report for the solution of the problem.
P.6.5) Makes the necessary designs for the water supply needs of a region under regulations and realistic constraints, prepares the report and makes an oral presentation.
P.6.6) To design a steel industrial structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.6.7) To be able to design a reinforced concrete structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.6.8) To be able to design a system with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.6.9) Makes project drawings and quantity calculations and prepares project calculations report
P.6.10) Designs the sewerage system of a region, makes the drawings of the design, makes the design report, makes the presentation.
P.6.11) Designs the stormwater removal system of a region, makes the drawings of the design, makes the design report, makes the presentation.
P.6.12) To be able to design a masonry structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P7) Ability to communicate effectively in verbal and written Turkish; knowledge of at least one foreign language; writing active reports and writing reports, preparing design and production reports, making effective presentations, giving and receiving clear and understandable instructions.
P.7.1) Prepares the project into a written report and presents it orally.
P.7.2) He knows at least one foreign language at a level to be able to follow the basic information in his field and communicate with his professional environment.
P.7.3) Using at least one foreign language, he communicates effectively in the national and international arena, represents himself academically, and follows academic developments and publications.
P.7.4) Turns the experiences gained during the internship into a written report and presents them orally.
P.7.5) Turns the project prepared into a written report and presents it orally.
P.7.6) Prepares and presents posters
P.7.7) Makes the necessary designs for the water supply needs of a region under regulations and realistic constraints, prepares the report and makes an oral presentation.
P.7.8) Prepares the project as a written report and presents it orally.
P.7.9) Learns the concepts about the highway and their basic expressions.
P.7.10) Designs and projects geotechnical stability problems using software.
P.7.11) Makes project drawings and quantity calculations and prepares project calculations report
P.7.12) Designs the sewerage system of a region, makes the drawings of the design, makes the design report, makes the presentation.
P.7.13) Designs the stormwater removal system of a region, makes the drawings of the design, makes the design report, makes the presentation.
P8) Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, to follow developments in science and technology and to renew himself continuously.
P.8.1) To gain knowledge about the place of civil engineering in daily life
P.8.2) Developing oral and written presentation skills
P.8.3) To gain knowledge about civil engineering education
P.8.4) We know our recent history, Ataturk`s principles and reforms, contributions to the development of our society
P.8.5) It can evaluate the geopolitical situation of our country, social problems, opportunities and threats
P.8.6) Has knowledge about national and international cultural riches
P.8.7) Prepare and present reports, articles, technical documents
P.8.8) To transfer the information and opinions about the field in written and verbally
P.8.9) Can use Turkish language well, knows Turkish and verbal and written expression techniques
P.8.10) Prepare and present reports, articles, technical documents
P.8.11) To transfer the information and opinions about the field in written and verbally
P.8.12) Gain the ability to learn and to manage learning.
P.8.13) Knows the concepts of professional ethics, relationship. Knows ethical principles in child development. Knows ethical and unethical issues in business life. Knows the concept of ahilik, its principles,
P.8.14) Students who taking this course training understand the theoretical knowledge they have learned at school in a real workplace.
P.8.15) Knows the smart technologies used in the building.
P.8.16) Knows environmentally friendly materials used in the building.
P9) To act in accordance with ethical principles, professional and ethical responsibility; Information on the standards used in engineering applications.
P.9.1) Designs building materials to meet specific requirements under realistic constraints and conditions.
P.9.2) Classifies the soil according to the standards using the ground granulometry curve.
P.9.3) Sizing steel structures elements and applying principle analysis appropriately to steel structures specifications in operation
P.9.4) Knows the constructive rules, TS and regulations related to reinforced concrete floors.
P.9.5) The student has learned the effects of job security in engineering work.
P.9.6) Learns to take risks.
P.9.7) Learns the risks that could arise from different machines.
P.9.8) İş güvenliği ile ilgili mevzuatı öğrenmiştir.
P.9.9) Turns a system into a project with a group or individually, under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.9.10) Will be able to define and analyze concepts of occupational safety and occupational health.
P.9.11) Will be able to analyze job accidents and types.
P.9.12) Will be able to analyze Occupational Diseases and ways of protection.
P.9.13) Will be able to define the ergonomics, Will be able to adapt the work environments in the workplace to the ergonomics.
P.9.14) They will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety in working with electric and non-electric hand tools used in working environments.
P.9.15) He will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.9.16) Fire, Explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.9.17) He will be able to analyze work safety rules on lifting and handling machines.
P.9.18) Employees, employers and the state will be able to analyze their duties in occupational health and safety.
P.9.19) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.9.20) Will be able to analyze signs of health and safety at workplace.
P.9.21) He will be able to analyze job safety rules during maintenance and repair.
P.9.22) Apply earthquake codes to reinforced concrete, masonry, prefabricated and steel buildings.
P.9.23) Gains the ability to follow the laws regulating working life and related legal regulations.
P.9.24) To be able to examine the legal dimension of labour-employer relations and collective labour relations and learn the conditions in working life.
P.9.25) To design a steel industrial structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.9.26) To be able to design a reinforced concrete structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.9.27) To be able to design a system with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P.9.28) Learns the design principles of the highway project and applies them in computer environment.
P.9.29) Gains knowledge of numerical solution of geotechnical stability problems.
P.9.30) Analytically models geotechnical stability problems using software and interprets the results.
P.9.31) Designs and projects geotechnical stability problems using software.
P.9.32) Makes project drawings and quantity calculations and prepares project calculations report
P.9.33) To be able to design a masonry structure with a group or individually under realistic constraints and using modern design methods.
P10) Information on business practices such as project management, risk management and change management; awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation; information about sustainable development.
P.10.1) It recognizes the organizational structure of public and / or private organizations.
P.10.2) Learn the authority and responsibilities of the upper and lower units in the business environment.
P.10.3) Information on reading building projects, site layout and details on project sites Learn travelers.
P.10.4) The student has learned the effects of job security in engineering work.
P.10.5) Learns to take risks.
P.10.6) Learns the risks that could arise from different machines.
P.10.7) Learns legislation on work safety.
P.10.8) Creating workflow diagrams to make the program work
P.10.9) Capable of selecting appropriate material for project implementations.
P.10.10) Building on the features and usage of the machine, knowing selection of machine to make the application.
P.10.11) Capable of site establishment and organization.
P.10.12) Capable of selecting appropriate equipment for project implementations.
P.10.13) Students who taking this course training understand the theoretical knowledge they have learned at school in a real workplace.
P.10.14) Will be able to define and analyze concepts of occupational safety and occupational health.
P.10.15) Will be able to analyze job accidents and types.
P.10.16) Will be able to analyze Occupational Diseases and ways of protection.
P.10.17) Will be able to define the ergonomics, Will be able to adapt the work environments in the workplace to the ergonomics.
P.10.18) They will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety in working with electric and non-electric hand tools used in working environments.
P.10.19) He will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.10.20) Fire, Explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.10.21) He will be able to analyze work safety rules on lifting and handling machines.
P.10.22) Employees, employers and the state will be able to analyze their duties in occupational health and safety.
P.10.23) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.10.24) Will be able to analyze signs of health and safety at workplace.
P.10.25) He will be able to analyze job safety rules during maintenance and repair.
P11) Knowledge of the effects of engineering practices on health, environment and safety in the universal and social dimensions and the problems of the era in engineering; awareness of the legal consequences of engineering solutions.
P.11.1) Site layouts provide information about worker and material flow.
P.11.2) The student has learned the effects of job security in engineering work.
P.11.3) Learns to take risks.
P.11.4) Learns the risks that could arise from different machines.
P.11.5) Learns legislation on work safety.
P.11.6) Will be able to define and analyze concepts of occupational safety and occupational health.
P.11.7) Will be able to analyze job accidents and types.
P.11.8) Will be able to analyze Occupational Diseases and ways of protection.
P.11.9) Will be able to define the ergonomics, Will be able to adapt the work environments in the workplace to the ergonomics.
P.11.10) They will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety in working with electric and non-electric hand tools used in working environments.
P.11.11) He will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.11.12) Fire, Explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.11.13) He will be able to analyze work safety rules on lifting and handling machines.
P.11.14) Employees, employers and the state will be able to analyze their duties in occupational health and safety.
P.11.15) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.11.16) Will be able to analyze signs of health and safety at workplace.
P.11.17) He will be able to analyze job safety rules during maintenance and repair.
P.11.18) Learns the concepts and basic expressions about the properties and design principles of dams and moorings.
P.11.19) Gains knowledge and ability to interpret the issues related to the maintenance of dams and bindings.
P.11.20) Gains the ability to follow the laws regulating working life and related legal regulations.
P.11.21) To be able to examine the legal dimension of labour-employer relations and collective labour relations and learn the conditions in working life.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)