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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) To have the theory, theory and application skills of psychology.
P.1.1) Defines the fundamental concepts and terminology of psychology and explains the history of psychological theories and models.
P.1.2) Summarizes the contributions of theories and models to the field of psychology and explains the importance and application areas of practical skills.
P.1.3) Applies psychological theories and models in real-life scenarios and demonstrates the ability to use psychological tests and assessment tools.
P.1.4) Analyzes the effectiveness of psychological theories and models in practice and integrates theoretical and practical skills in solving psychological problems.
P.1.5) Develops new approaches by integrating existing psychological theories and models, and designs new methodologies for psychological research.
P.1.6) Critically evaluates the effectiveness of psychological theories and practical skills, and assesses the ethical and social consequences of psychological practices.
P2) Has the ability to access scientific and up-to-date information specific to the field, to observe, evaluate and explain the accuracy, validity and reliability of the information.
P.2.1) Can access scientific and current information specific to their field, define this information, and understand it.
P.2.2) Can apply the acquired information to real-world situations and understand how to use this information in the process.
P.2.3) Can observe, evaluate, and understand the accuracy, validity, and reliability of information.
P.2.4) Can integrate information obtained from various sources, develop new ideas and solutions, and understand this process.
P.2.5) Can critically evaluate the effectiveness, significance, and contribution of information and practices to society, and understand the outcomes of these evaluations.
P3) To be able to follow scientific and current developments in the field of psychology, to question and comment on the accuracy, validity and reliability of information in a creative, critical and dynamic way.
P.3.1) Keeps up with scientific and current developments in the field of psychology, accessing relevant information and enhances the ability to understand information and grasps fundamental concepts.
P.3.2) Utilizes skills to question and analyze information related to scientific and current developments in psychology.
P.3.3) Applies knowledge contextually and evaluates information critically.
P.3.4) Critiques scientific and current information, evaluates sources, and questions the accuracy, validity, and reliability of knowledge.
P.3.5) Combines information to create new viewpoints and interpretations.
P.3.6) Dynamically questions information, ensuring continuous access to up-to-date knowledge, and provides interpretations.
P4) Has research techniques and statistical analysis skills used in scientific studies in the field of psychology. To be able to use relevant statistical programs (SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, etc.) in the field.
P.4.1) Understands the research techniques used in the field of psychology and the fundamental concepts of statistics.
P.4.2) Proficient in using relevant statistical software (SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, etc.).
P.4.3) Capable of statistically analyzing research data and interpreting the results.
P.4.4) Capable of statistically analyzing research data and interpreting the results.
P.4.5) Approaches complex issues by integrating different research techniques and statistical methods, and can develop new research designs.
P.4.6) Evaluates the effectiveness of research techniques and statistical analyses, and critiques the results based on the requirements of the field.
P5) To be able to follow the domestic and foreign literature by using the written / visual records in the science of psychology with critical thinking skills.
P.5.1) Researches written and visual records within the field of psychology and understands both local and foreign literature.
P.5.2) Follows local and foreign literature with critical thinking skills and can apply this knowledge in practice.
P.5.3) Analyzes the information in the literature, compares different sources, and evaluates them with a critical perspective.
P.5.4) Combines different literature sources to generate new insights and contributes to the field of psychology.
P.5.5) Follows the literature within the field of psychology with critical thinking skills and evaluates these sources based on the requirements of the field.
P6) Adheres to the ethical principles of competence/competence, beneficence and non-harm, responsibility, honesty, respect for human rights and non-discrimination accepted by the Turkish Psychological Association.
P.6.1) Understands and comprehends the ethical principles and commitments accepted by the Turkish Psychological Association and recognizes their significance.
P.6.2) Applies ethical principles and is aware of the obligation to adhere to these principles.
P.6.3) Demonstrates consciousness in implementing the principles of being beneficial, avoiding harm, and respecting human rights
P.6.4) Conducts in-depth analysis of ethical principles and commitments and applies them conscientiously.
P.6.5) Interprets ethical principles to develop new approaches and strategies in practice.
P.6.6) Combines honesty and non-discrimination principles to create an ethical approach.
P.6.7) Critically evaluates the principles of respecting human rights and taking responsibility.
P7) Supports the field practices of professional subjects with trainings, workshops, conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc. that contribute to personal and professional development in line with the principle of lifelong learning.
P.7.1) Understands field applications related to professional topics and comprehends how they can contribute to personal and professional development.
P.7.2) Supports personal and professional development through activities such as training, workshops, conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc., in line with the principle of lifelong learning.
P.7.3) Analyzes the training activities attended, evaluates their content, and criticizes how they can contribute to personal and professional development.
P.7.4) Develops new learning approaches and strategies by synthesizing different training activities.
P.7.5) Combines the knowledge gained from workshops, conferences, symposiums, and seminars to contribute to personal and professional development.
P.7.6) Evaluates the contribution of attended training activities to personal and professional development and critically assesses their effectiveness.
P8) Has the ability to take part in individual and team (in-group, inter-group) studies and leadership skills in academic activities.
P.8.1) Understands the importance of individual and team collaboration in academic activities and comprehends the value of such collaborative opportunities.
P.8.2) Participates in individual and team activities and can successfully carry out these activities.
P.8.3) Utilizes opportunities for intra-group and inter-group collaboration.
P.8.4) Analyzes the outcomes of individual and team activities, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and uses these analyses for self-improvement.
P.8.5) Develops leadership skills to lead in team activities and can create new approaches.
P.8.6) Effectively coordinates among different groups.
P.8.7) Critically assesses the impact of intra-group and inter-group activities.
P9) To be able to analyze and synthesize information in current media and cross-cultural literature related to psychology with critical thinking and creative literacy skills.
P.9.1) Accesses and comprehends information related to psychology in the contemporary media.
P.9.2) Analyzes and synthesizes information related to psychology in the contemporary media with critical thinking skills.
P.9.3) Analyzes psychology-related information in the media, evaluates sources, and questions the reliability of information.
P.9.4) Combines intercultural literature to create new perspectives.
P.9.5) Evaluates psychology information and intercultural literature with critical thinking skills and understands the outcomes of these evaluations.
P.9.6) Critically assesses the syntheses made with creative literacy skills and evaluates the results with a critical perspective.
P10) Has the ability to produce culturally specific practical solutions within the scope of community service by addressing the problems encountered in the light of scientific methods.
P.10.1) Understands and comprehends the significance of addressing encountered problems and their importance within the scope of serving society.
P.10.2) Addresses and analyzes problems using scientific methods.
P.10.3) Generates culture-specific practical solutions and applies them within the context of serving society.
P.10.4) Analyzes culture-specific factors and shapes practical solutions accordingly.
P.10.5) Produces new practical solutions using the information obtained from scientific analysis.
P.10.6) Critiques the solutions to problems addressed using scientific methods and makes necessary adjustments.
P11) Has the ability to interact between the basic subfields of psychology and multidisciplinary fields.
P.11.1) Understands the fundamental subfields of psychology and comprehends the basic concepts of multidisciplinary areas, recognizing the fundamental relationships between them.
P.11.2) Applies knowledge from the fundamental subfields of psychology to multidisciplinary areas and establishes interaction between them.
P.11.3) Analyzes information from psychology and multidisciplinary areas, identifies similarities and differences, and develops a deeper understanding through analysis.
P.11.4) Synthesizes information from psychology and multidisciplinary areas to develop new approaches and solutions.
P.11.5) Evaluates the interaction between fundamental subfields and multidisciplinary areas, comprehending the outcomes.
P.11.6) Critiques the integrated knowledge and methods, identifying opportunities for improvement.
P12) Has the basic knowledge to observe and explain the cognitive, emotional and social relationships of individuals in multiple ways.
P.12.1) Understands the basic information related to individuals' cognitive, emotional, and social relationships at a fundamental level.
P.12.2) Applies knowledge by observing individuals' cognitive processes and provides basic explanations.
P.12.3) Enhances the ability to observe emotional responses and social relationships.
P.12.4) Analyzes individuals' cognitive, emotional, and social behaviors, identifies similarities and differences, and develops a deeper understanding.
P.12.5) Analyzes the reasons and consequences of human behaviors.
P.12.6) Synthesizes observed information to provide multidimensional explanations.
P.12.7) Critically evaluates observed cognitive, emotional, and social relationships and comprehends the outcomes.
P13) To be able to express by establishing a connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the general culture of the individual.
P.13.1) To be able to find the difference between different disciplines.
P.13.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.13.3) Between national and international values in art and design to be able to make comparisons.
P.13.4) To be able to organize collaboration with different disciplines.
P.13.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning.
P.13.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) To have the theory, theory and application skills of psychology.
P.1.1) Defines the fundamental concepts and terminology of psychology and explains the history of psychological theories and models.
P.1.2) Summarizes the contributions of theories and models to the field of psychology and explains the importance and application areas of practical skills.
P.1.3) Applies psychological theories and models in real-life scenarios and demonstrates the ability to use psychological tests and assessment tools.
P.1.4) Analyzes the effectiveness of psychological theories and models in practice and integrates theoretical and practical skills in solving psychological problems.
P.1.5) Develops new approaches by integrating existing psychological theories and models, and designs new methodologies for psychological research.
P.1.6) Critically evaluates the effectiveness of psychological theories and practical skills, and assesses the ethical and social consequences of psychological practices.
P4) Has research techniques and statistical analysis skills used in scientific studies in the field of psychology. To be able to use relevant statistical programs (SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, etc.) in the field.
P.4.1) Understands the research techniques used in the field of psychology and the fundamental concepts of statistics.
P.4.2) Proficient in using relevant statistical software (SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, etc.).
P.4.3) Capable of statistically analyzing research data and interpreting the results.
P.4.4) Capable of statistically analyzing research data and interpreting the results.
P.4.5) Approaches complex issues by integrating different research techniques and statistical methods, and can develop new research designs.
P.4.6) Evaluates the effectiveness of research techniques and statistical analyses, and critiques the results based on the requirements of the field.
P12) Has the basic knowledge to observe and explain the cognitive, emotional and social relationships of individuals in multiple ways.
P.12.1) Understands the basic information related to individuals' cognitive, emotional, and social relationships at a fundamental level.
P.12.2) Applies knowledge by observing individuals' cognitive processes and provides basic explanations.
P.12.3) Enhances the ability to observe emotional responses and social relationships.
P.12.4) Analyzes individuals' cognitive, emotional, and social behaviors, identifies similarities and differences, and develops a deeper understanding.
P.12.5) Analyzes the reasons and consequences of human behaviors.
P.12.6) Synthesizes observed information to provide multidimensional explanations.
P.12.7) Critically evaluates observed cognitive, emotional, and social relationships and comprehends the outcomes.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P2) Has the ability to access scientific and up-to-date information specific to the field, to observe, evaluate and explain the accuracy, validity and reliability of the information.
P.2.1) Can access scientific and current information specific to their field, define this information, and understand it.
P.2.2) Can apply the acquired information to real-world situations and understand how to use this information in the process.
P.2.3) Can observe, evaluate, and understand the accuracy, validity, and reliability of information.
P.2.4) Can integrate information obtained from various sources, develop new ideas and solutions, and understand this process.
P.2.5) Can critically evaluate the effectiveness, significance, and contribution of information and practices to society, and understand the outcomes of these evaluations.
P3) To be able to follow scientific and current developments in the field of psychology, to question and comment on the accuracy, validity and reliability of information in a creative, critical and dynamic way.
P.3.1) Keeps up with scientific and current developments in the field of psychology, accessing relevant information and enhances the ability to understand information and grasps fundamental concepts.
P.3.2) Utilizes skills to question and analyze information related to scientific and current developments in psychology.
P.3.3) Applies knowledge contextually and evaluates information critically.
P.3.4) Critiques scientific and current information, evaluates sources, and questions the accuracy, validity, and reliability of knowledge.
P.3.5) Combines information to create new viewpoints and interpretations.
P.3.6) Dynamically questions information, ensuring continuous access to up-to-date knowledge, and provides interpretations.
P5) To be able to follow the domestic and foreign literature by using the written / visual records in the science of psychology with critical thinking skills.
P.5.1) Researches written and visual records within the field of psychology and understands both local and foreign literature.
P.5.2) Follows local and foreign literature with critical thinking skills and can apply this knowledge in practice.
P.5.3) Analyzes the information in the literature, compares different sources, and evaluates them with a critical perspective.
P.5.4) Combines different literature sources to generate new insights and contributes to the field of psychology.
P.5.5) Follows the literature within the field of psychology with critical thinking skills and evaluates these sources based on the requirements of the field.
P6) Adheres to the ethical principles of competence/competence, beneficence and non-harm, responsibility, honesty, respect for human rights and non-discrimination accepted by the Turkish Psychological Association.
P.6.1) Understands and comprehends the ethical principles and commitments accepted by the Turkish Psychological Association and recognizes their significance.
P.6.2) Applies ethical principles and is aware of the obligation to adhere to these principles.
P.6.3) Demonstrates consciousness in implementing the principles of being beneficial, avoiding harm, and respecting human rights
P.6.4) Conducts in-depth analysis of ethical principles and commitments and applies them conscientiously.
P.6.5) Interprets ethical principles to develop new approaches and strategies in practice.
P.6.6) Combines honesty and non-discrimination principles to create an ethical approach.
P.6.7) Critically evaluates the principles of respecting human rights and taking responsibility.
P7) Supports the field practices of professional subjects with trainings, workshops, conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc. that contribute to personal and professional development in line with the principle of lifelong learning.
P.7.1) Understands field applications related to professional topics and comprehends how they can contribute to personal and professional development.
P.7.2) Supports personal and professional development through activities such as training, workshops, conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc., in line with the principle of lifelong learning.
P.7.3) Analyzes the training activities attended, evaluates their content, and criticizes how they can contribute to personal and professional development.
P.7.4) Develops new learning approaches and strategies by synthesizing different training activities.
P.7.5) Combines the knowledge gained from workshops, conferences, symposiums, and seminars to contribute to personal and professional development.
P.7.6) Evaluates the contribution of attended training activities to personal and professional development and critically assesses their effectiveness.
P8) Has the ability to take part in individual and team (in-group, inter-group) studies and leadership skills in academic activities.
P.8.1) Understands the importance of individual and team collaboration in academic activities and comprehends the value of such collaborative opportunities.
P.8.2) Participates in individual and team activities and can successfully carry out these activities.
P.8.3) Utilizes opportunities for intra-group and inter-group collaboration.
P.8.4) Analyzes the outcomes of individual and team activities, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and uses these analyses for self-improvement.
P.8.5) Develops leadership skills to lead in team activities and can create new approaches.
P.8.6) Effectively coordinates among different groups.
P.8.7) Critically assesses the impact of intra-group and inter-group activities.
P10) Has the ability to produce culturally specific practical solutions within the scope of community service by addressing the problems encountered in the light of scientific methods.
P.10.1) Understands and comprehends the significance of addressing encountered problems and their importance within the scope of serving society.
P.10.2) Addresses and analyzes problems using scientific methods.
P.10.3) Generates culture-specific practical solutions and applies them within the context of serving society.
P.10.4) Analyzes culture-specific factors and shapes practical solutions accordingly.
P.10.5) Produces new practical solutions using the information obtained from scientific analysis.
P.10.6) Critiques the solutions to problems addressed using scientific methods and makes necessary adjustments.
P11) Has the ability to interact between the basic subfields of psychology and multidisciplinary fields.
P.11.1) Understands the fundamental subfields of psychology and comprehends the basic concepts of multidisciplinary areas, recognizing the fundamental relationships between them.
P.11.2) Applies knowledge from the fundamental subfields of psychology to multidisciplinary areas and establishes interaction between them.
P.11.3) Analyzes information from psychology and multidisciplinary areas, identifies similarities and differences, and develops a deeper understanding through analysis.
P.11.4) Synthesizes information from psychology and multidisciplinary areas to develop new approaches and solutions.
P.11.5) Evaluates the interaction between fundamental subfields and multidisciplinary areas, comprehending the outcomes.
P.11.6) Critiques the integrated knowledge and methods, identifying opportunities for improvement.
P13) To be able to express by establishing a connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the general culture of the individual.
P.13.1) To be able to find the difference between different disciplines.
P.13.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.13.3) Between national and international values in art and design to be able to make comparisons.
P.13.4) To be able to organize collaboration with different disciplines.
P.13.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning.
P.13.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P3) To be able to follow scientific and current developments in the field of psychology, to question and comment on the accuracy, validity and reliability of information in a creative, critical and dynamic way.
P.3.1) Keeps up with scientific and current developments in the field of psychology, accessing relevant information and enhances the ability to understand information and grasps fundamental concepts.
P.3.2) Utilizes skills to question and analyze information related to scientific and current developments in psychology.
P.3.3) Applies knowledge contextually and evaluates information critically.
P.3.4) Critiques scientific and current information, evaluates sources, and questions the accuracy, validity, and reliability of knowledge.
P.3.5) Combines information to create new viewpoints and interpretations.
P.3.6) Dynamically questions information, ensuring continuous access to up-to-date knowledge, and provides interpretations.
P9) To be able to analyze and synthesize information in current media and cross-cultural literature related to psychology with critical thinking and creative literacy skills.
P.9.1) Accesses and comprehends information related to psychology in the contemporary media.
P.9.2) Analyzes and synthesizes information related to psychology in the contemporary media with critical thinking skills.
P.9.3) Analyzes psychology-related information in the media, evaluates sources, and questions the reliability of information.
P.9.4) Combines intercultural literature to create new perspectives.
P.9.5) Evaluates psychology information and intercultural literature with critical thinking skills and understands the outcomes of these evaluations.
P.9.6) Critically assesses the syntheses made with creative literacy skills and evaluates the results with a critical perspective.