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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) Based on the theoretical knowledge gained during the undergraduate period, s/he has the knowledge of the academic research process and the ability to apply it, and develops her/his knowledge of the history field at the level of expertise.
P2) S/He closely knows the sub-branches of history such as First Age, Middle Age, New Age, Modern Age, History of the Republic of Turkey, History of Ottoman Institutions and Civilizations, General Turkish History and has more in-depth knowledge of these areas and can research and write articles in academic terms.
P3) S/He has the ability to solve, criticize and analyze historical texts and gains the ability to summarize to grips with the sources of the subject, transcribe, prepare reports and present communiqués at scientific meetings.
P4) S/He is aware of the accumulation of our historical and cultural roots, sensitive to community and environmental values and has professional and moral responsibility in her/his studies.
P5) S/He has the ability to follow up to date information on her/his field beyond the current knowledge of history and to adapt to the conditions of our country and if necessary to has the ability to carry out joint studies with other fields of social sciences.
P6) S/He gains confidence in expressing her/his ideas and criticisms in a constructive way verbally and in writing, openly and concretely, with the ability of self-study and independent decision-making.
P7) S/He brings original inquiries and evaluations to historical events through the framework of history methodology and can explain various problems s/he sees in society using historical data and can produce solutions.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) Based on the theoretical knowledge gained during the undergraduate period, s/he has the knowledge of the academic research process and the ability to apply it, and develops her/his knowledge of the history field at the level of expertise.
P4) S/He is aware of the accumulation of our historical and cultural roots, sensitive to community and environmental values and has professional and moral responsibility in her/his studies.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P3) S/He has the ability to solve, criticize and analyze historical texts and gains the ability to summarize to grips with the sources of the subject, transcribe, prepare reports and present communiqués at scientific meetings.
P6) S/He gains confidence in expressing her/his ideas and criticisms in a constructive way verbally and in writing, openly and concretely, with the ability of self-study and independent decision-making.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P2) S/He closely knows the sub-branches of history such as First Age, Middle Age, New Age, Modern Age, History of the Republic of Turkey, History of Ottoman Institutions and Civilizations, General Turkish History and has more in-depth knowledge of these areas and can research and write articles in academic terms.
P5) S/He has the ability to follow up to date information on her/his field beyond the current knowledge of history and to adapt to the conditions of our country and if necessary to has the ability to carry out joint studies with other fields of social sciences.
P7) S/He brings original inquiries and evaluations to historical events through the framework of history methodology and can explain various problems s/he sees in society using historical data and can produce solutions.