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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanında kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahip olma, sahip olduğu bilgileri kullanabilme
P.1.1) Explains the fundamental principles and historical development of Islamic economics.
P.1.2) Conducts financial analyses using Islamic finance instruments and products.
P.1.3) Applies Islamic finance and economic principles to solve current economic problems.
P.1.4) Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills in Islamic economics and finance.
P.1.5) Acts in accordance with ethical rules in the field of Islamic economics and finance.
P.1.6) Effectively communicates knowledge in Islamic economics and finance both orally and in writing.
P2) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanında edindiği bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri kullanarak meseleleri tanımlama, veri toplama, değerlendirme, analiz etme, yorumlama ve çözüm önerisi geliştirebilme
P.2.1) Identifies problems related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.2.2) Collects necessary data in the field of Islamic finance and economics.
P.2.3) Evaluates and classifies collected data using appropriate methods.
P.2.4) Conducts data analysis using Islamic economics and finance theories.
P.2.5) Interprets analysis results from the perspective of Islamic economics and finance.
P.2.6) Develops solutions in line with the principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P3) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanıyla ilgili farklı bilgi kaynaklarına erişip sayısal analiz ve araştırma yapabilme
P.3.1) Accesses academic articles, books, and other information sources related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.3.2) Conducts numerical analyses using data from Islamic finance and economics.
P.3.3) Conducts independent research on Islamic economics and finance topics.
P.3.4) Collects and manages data related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.3.5) Critically evaluates the results of numerical analyses.
P.3.6) Shares research results in the form of scientific articles, reports, and presentations.
P4) Disiplin içi, çok disiplinli veya çok kültürlü gruplarda ve bireysel çalışabilme
P.4.1) Collaborates effectively with other experts in the field of Islamic economics and finance.
P.4.2) Conducts joint studies with experts from various disciplines such as economics, finance, and law.
P.4.3) Communicates effectively with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.
P.4.4) Develops research and projects independently.
P.4.5) Communicates effectively in disciplinary and multidisciplinary environments.
P.4.6) Takes on leadership roles in disciplinary and multidisciplinary teams.
P5) Öğrenim dilinde yazılı ve sözlü iletişim kurabilme, en az bir yabancı dil bilgisine sahip olabilme
P.5.1) Expresses topics related to the field in written form in the language of instruction.
P.5.2) Expresses topics related to the field in spoken form in the language of instruction.
P.5.3) Communicates in at least one foreign language.
P.5.4) Continuously improves written and verbal communication skills.
P.5.5) Communicates effectively in academic and professional settings.
P.5.6) Communicates effectively in different cultural contexts.
P6) Ahlaki değerler ve mesleki sorumluluk bilinci ile hareket edebilme
P.6.1) Adopts and applies the fundamental moral principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P.6.2) Acts in accordance with the ethical rules of Islamic financial institutions.
P.6.3) Conducts business and operations in line with the principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P.6.4) Takes an active role in social responsibility projects.
P.6.5) Continuously updates professional knowledge and skills.
P.6.6) Collaborates with colleagues within the framework of ethical rules.
P7) Alan uygulamalarının, evrensel ve toplumsal etkileri ile hukuki sonuçlarını bilme
P.7.1) Explains the impact of Islamic economics and finance practices on the global economy.
P.7.2) Analyzes the societal impacts of Islamic economics and finance practices.
P.7.3) Understands the compliance of Islamic economics and finance practices with legal regulations.
P.7.4) Explains the contributions of Islamic economics and finance to sustainable development goals.
P.7.5) Analyzes the impacts of Islamic economics and finance on economic development.
P.7.6) Understands the ethical responsibilities of Islamic economics and finance practices.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanında kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahip olma, sahip olduğu bilgileri kullanabilme
P.1.1) Explains the fundamental principles and historical development of Islamic economics.
P.1.2) Conducts financial analyses using Islamic finance instruments and products.
P.1.3) Applies Islamic finance and economic principles to solve current economic problems.
P.1.4) Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills in Islamic economics and finance.
P.1.5) Acts in accordance with ethical rules in the field of Islamic economics and finance.
P.1.6) Effectively communicates knowledge in Islamic economics and finance both orally and in writing.
P2) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanında edindiği bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri kullanarak meseleleri tanımlama, veri toplama, değerlendirme, analiz etme, yorumlama ve çözüm önerisi geliştirebilme
P.2.1) Identifies problems related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.2.2) Collects necessary data in the field of Islamic finance and economics.
P.2.3) Evaluates and classifies collected data using appropriate methods.
P.2.4) Conducts data analysis using Islamic economics and finance theories.
P.2.5) Interprets analysis results from the perspective of Islamic economics and finance.
P.2.6) Develops solutions in line with the principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P3) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanıyla ilgili farklı bilgi kaynaklarına erişip sayısal analiz ve araştırma yapabilme
P.3.1) Accesses academic articles, books, and other information sources related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.3.2) Conducts numerical analyses using data from Islamic finance and economics.
P.3.3) Conducts independent research on Islamic economics and finance topics.
P.3.4) Collects and manages data related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.3.5) Critically evaluates the results of numerical analyses.
P.3.6) Shares research results in the form of scientific articles, reports, and presentations.
P4) Disiplin içi, çok disiplinli veya çok kültürlü gruplarda ve bireysel çalışabilme
P.4.1) Collaborates effectively with other experts in the field of Islamic economics and finance.
P.4.2) Conducts joint studies with experts from various disciplines such as economics, finance, and law.
P.4.3) Communicates effectively with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.
P.4.4) Develops research and projects independently.
P.4.5) Communicates effectively in disciplinary and multidisciplinary environments.
P.4.6) Takes on leadership roles in disciplinary and multidisciplinary teams.
P5) Öğrenim dilinde yazılı ve sözlü iletişim kurabilme, en az bir yabancı dil bilgisine sahip olabilme
P.5.1) Expresses topics related to the field in written form in the language of instruction.
P.5.2) Expresses topics related to the field in spoken form in the language of instruction.
P.5.3) Communicates in at least one foreign language.
P.5.4) Continuously improves written and verbal communication skills.
P.5.5) Communicates effectively in academic and professional settings.
P.5.6) Communicates effectively in different cultural contexts.
P6) Ahlaki değerler ve mesleki sorumluluk bilinci ile hareket edebilme
P.6.1) Adopts and applies the fundamental moral principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P.6.2) Acts in accordance with the ethical rules of Islamic financial institutions.
P.6.3) Conducts business and operations in line with the principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P.6.4) Takes an active role in social responsibility projects.
P.6.5) Continuously updates professional knowledge and skills.
P.6.6) Collaborates with colleagues within the framework of ethical rules.
P7) Alan uygulamalarının, evrensel ve toplumsal etkileri ile hukuki sonuçlarını bilme
P.7.1) Explains the impact of Islamic economics and finance practices on the global economy.
P.7.2) Analyzes the societal impacts of Islamic economics and finance practices.
P.7.3) Understands the compliance of Islamic economics and finance practices with legal regulations.
P.7.4) Explains the contributions of Islamic economics and finance to sustainable development goals.
P.7.5) Analyzes the impacts of Islamic economics and finance on economic development.
P.7.6) Understands the ethical responsibilities of Islamic economics and finance practices.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P1) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanında kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgilere sahip olma, sahip olduğu bilgileri kullanabilme
P.1.1) Explains the fundamental principles and historical development of Islamic economics.
P.1.2) Conducts financial analyses using Islamic finance instruments and products.
P.1.3) Applies Islamic finance and economic principles to solve current economic problems.
P.1.4) Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills in Islamic economics and finance.
P.1.5) Acts in accordance with ethical rules in the field of Islamic economics and finance.
P.1.6) Effectively communicates knowledge in Islamic economics and finance both orally and in writing.
P2) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanında edindiği bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri kullanarak meseleleri tanımlama, veri toplama, değerlendirme, analiz etme, yorumlama ve çözüm önerisi geliştirebilme
P.2.1) Identifies problems related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.2.2) Collects necessary data in the field of Islamic finance and economics.
P.2.3) Evaluates and classifies collected data using appropriate methods.
P.2.4) Conducts data analysis using Islamic economics and finance theories.
P.2.5) Interprets analysis results from the perspective of Islamic economics and finance.
P.2.6) Develops solutions in line with the principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P3) İslam İktisadı ve Finans alanıyla ilgili farklı bilgi kaynaklarına erişip sayısal analiz ve araştırma yapabilme
P.3.1) Accesses academic articles, books, and other information sources related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.3.2) Conducts numerical analyses using data from Islamic finance and economics.
P.3.3) Conducts independent research on Islamic economics and finance topics.
P.3.4) Collects and manages data related to Islamic economics and finance.
P.3.5) Critically evaluates the results of numerical analyses.
P.3.6) Shares research results in the form of scientific articles, reports, and presentations.
P4) Disiplin içi, çok disiplinli veya çok kültürlü gruplarda ve bireysel çalışabilme
P.4.1) Collaborates effectively with other experts in the field of Islamic economics and finance.
P.4.2) Conducts joint studies with experts from various disciplines such as economics, finance, and law.
P.4.3) Communicates effectively with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.
P.4.4) Develops research and projects independently.
P.4.5) Communicates effectively in disciplinary and multidisciplinary environments.
P.4.6) Takes on leadership roles in disciplinary and multidisciplinary teams.
P5) Öğrenim dilinde yazılı ve sözlü iletişim kurabilme, en az bir yabancı dil bilgisine sahip olabilme
P.5.1) Expresses topics related to the field in written form in the language of instruction.
P.5.2) Expresses topics related to the field in spoken form in the language of instruction.
P.5.3) Communicates in at least one foreign language.
P.5.4) Continuously improves written and verbal communication skills.
P.5.5) Communicates effectively in academic and professional settings.
P.5.6) Communicates effectively in different cultural contexts.
P6) Ahlaki değerler ve mesleki sorumluluk bilinci ile hareket edebilme
P.6.1) Adopts and applies the fundamental moral principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P.6.2) Acts in accordance with the ethical rules of Islamic financial institutions.
P.6.3) Conducts business and operations in line with the principles of Islamic economics and finance.
P.6.4) Takes an active role in social responsibility projects.
P.6.5) Continuously updates professional knowledge and skills.
P.6.6) Collaborates with colleagues within the framework of ethical rules.
P7) Alan uygulamalarının, evrensel ve toplumsal etkileri ile hukuki sonuçlarını bilme
P.7.1) Explains the impact of Islamic economics and finance practices on the global economy.
P.7.2) Analyzes the societal impacts of Islamic economics and finance practices.
P.7.3) Understands the compliance of Islamic economics and finance practices with legal regulations.
P.7.4) Explains the contributions of Islamic economics and finance to sustainable development goals.
P.7.5) Analyzes the impacts of Islamic economics and finance on economic development.
P.7.6) Understands the ethical responsibilities of Islamic economics and finance practices.