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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) He/she has basic, current and applied information about his/her profession.
P.1.1) Knows the basic elements of a computer.
P.1.2) Knows how to use the internet and do research.
P.1.3) Can perform basic mathematical analyses related to his/her profession.
P.1.4) Has knowledge about Computer and Security.
P2) Gains knowledge about occupational health and safety, environmental awareness and quality processes.
P.2.1) Understands and applies occupational health and safety standards
P.2.2) Evaluates environmental protection and sustainability principles
P.2.3) Analyzes and improves quality management processes
P.2.4) Assess environmental impacts and risks in the workplace
P3) He/She follows current developments and practices in his profession and uses them effectively.
P.3.1) Knows current techniques for data analysis.
P.3.2) Must know and use current software development platforms.
P.3.3) Addresses complex problems and produces creative solutions.
P.3.4) Analyzes complex problems and develops solution strategies
P.3.5) Have basic analysis knowledge.
P4) Effectively uses information technologies (software, programs, animations, etc.) related to her/his profession.
P.4.1) Knows how to develop algorithms and creates a data structure suitable for the algorithm.
P.4.2) Ability to use software suitable for current mathematical modeling and optimization methods
P.4.3) Ability to use machine learning methods
P.4.4) Ability to use artificial intelligence methods
P.4.5) Have knowledge about current programming languages.
P5) Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and propose solutions.
P.5.1) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P.5.2) Knows analytical, effective research and solution techniques to identify problems.
P.5.3) Evaluates alternative solutions and selects the most appropriate one.
P.5.4) Evaluate computer science topics and algorithms using critical thinking skills
P.5.5) Manages and implements decision-making processes effectively
P.5.6) Can develop solutions to mathematical problems
P6) Can present his/her thoughts effectively through written and verbal communication at the level of knowledge and skills and expresses them in an understandable manner.
P.6.1) Ability to write reports using basic statistical information
P.6.2) Knows how to use at least one of the MS Office tools.
P.6.3) Ability to conduct computer and data science analyses and report results
P.6.4) Speaks and presents confidently in front of the public
P7) Takes responsibility as a team member to solve unforeseen complex problems encountered in applications related to her/his field
P.7.1) Have knowledge of project management
P.7.2) Offers solutions to problems within the project.
P.7.3) Having the ability to work at different stages of the project such as development, testing and maintenance
P.7.4) Works effectively individually and in multidisciplinary teams.
P.7.5) To be able to effectively use online information sources, databases and communication channels related to the field.
P8) Has awareness of career management and lifelong learning.
P.8.1) Determines the skills required to solve problems and develops methods.
P.8.2) Applies the methods developed to solve problems effectively and efficiently.
P.8.3) Knows effective research and solution techniques to identify problems.
P9) It has social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting data related to its field, applying it and announcing the results.
P.9.1) Makes decisions by taking into consideration social, scientific, cultural and ethical values.
P.9.2) Follows ethical standards in data collection and analysis
P.9.3) Applies scientific research methods and evaluates the results objectively.
P.9.4) Appreciates and respects diversity and cultural differences
P.9.5) Develops and implements projects that are sensitive to society and the environment.
P10) Follows the information in her field and communicates with her/his colleagues by using a foreign language
P.10.1) Must have good oral and written expression skills in at least one European Union foreign language.
P.10.2) Must know a second foreign language at least at a level to communicate socially.
P.10.3) Must be able to propose innovative solutions according to the current state of basic sciences and technology.
P.10.4) Must have knowledge about international cooperation, exchange and support mechanisms
P11) Creates algorithms and data structures and performs mathematical calculations.
P.11.1) Knows how to develop algorithms and creates a data structure appropriate to the algorithm.
P.11.2) Knows and uses current Information Technology platforms.
P.11.3) Has knowledge of current programming languages.
P.11.4) Knows and uses Object Oriented Programming Techniques.
P.11.5) Knows and uses Visual Programming techniques.
P.11.6) He/she has knowledge about current technology topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Machine Learning.
P.11.7) Has knowledge in the field of Digital Systems.
P.11.8) He has knowledge in embedded systems and basic electronics.
P12) Explains and applies web programming technologies.
P.12.1) Has knowledge of Web Programming development languages.
P.12.2) Knows and uses Web Programming development platforms.
P13) Performs database design and management.
P.13.1) Has knowledge of database design.
P.13.2) Has knowledge of database management.
P.13.3) Can perform database queries.
P14) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P.14.1) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P15) Bir yabancı dili Avrupa Dil Portfolyosu A1-A1+ seviyesi genel düzeyinde kullanır.
P.15.1) Gündelik hayata yönelik basit düzeydeki temel ifadeleri kullanabilme.
P.15.2) Being able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.15.3) Being able to introduce oneself in social environments, ask and answer questions regarding personal information.
P.15.4) Ability to express one's past, immediate environment and events in simple written and oral form.
P.15.5) Ability to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life and create short and simple notes.
P.15.6) Being able to read short and simple texts and comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P16) Osmanlı'dan Türkiye Cumhuriyet'e gelen süreci genel hatlarıyla açıklayabilme ve dünya tarihi içerisindeki konumunu tespit edebilme.
P.16.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire in general terms.
P.16.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the War of Independence period.
P.16.3) To be able to convey the establishment process of the Republic of Türkiye from different perspectives.
P.16.4) To be able to understand the fundamental reasons of Turkey's political, sociocultural and socioeconomic structure.
P.16.5) To be able to provide a broad perspective by analyzing Turkey's founding process and its position in world history.
P.16.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's establishment process and location.
P17) Milletimizin ait olduğu medeniyeti tanımak ve meslek ahlakıyla hareket edebilmek ve sosyal sorumluluk bilincine sahip olmak.
P.17.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness.
P.17.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility to life
P.17.3) Ability to act in accordance with professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life
P.17.4) Ability to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.17.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.17.6) Being able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P18) Türk dilinin yazılı ve sözlü anlatım biçimlerinde meydana gelebilecek anlatım bozukluklarının tespiti, giderilmesi ve doğru cümleler ile anlamlı konuşma metinlerinin üretimi ve bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri konularında yetkinleşebilme
P.18.1) To be able to explain the errors of meaning and expression
P.18.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.18.3) Ability to solve pronunciation and pronunciation problems and provide original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language.
P.18.4) Classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language.
P.18.5) Ability to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language.
P.18.6) To be able to have knowledge about scientific research methods (choosing the topic, limiting it and scanning relevant sources), to have an idea about putting research results into writing and to be able to choose the right source.
P19) Sağlıklı ve güvenli bir çalışma ortamı oluşturmak için karşılaşılan sorunlarının çözümünde İSG ile ilgili bilgiler ile uygun yöntem ve araçları seçer ve kullanır.
P.19.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.19.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.19.3) Identify workplace environment factors in work and health relationships.
P.19.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.19.5) Ability to explain work-related diseases and precautions to be taken to prevent occupational diseases
P.19.6) Ability to identify and analyze risk factors in work environments and explain the precautions to be taken
P.19.7) To be able to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards.
P.19.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P20) Öğrencilerin bilgi teknolojilerini etkin ve verimli bir şekilde kullanarak akademik ve profesyonel hayatlarında karşılaştıkları problemleri çözme yetkinliği kazanmaları.
P.20.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and to explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.20.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.20.3) Developing the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using the Internet and web technologies.
P.20.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.20.5) Ability to write simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.20.6) Understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and evaluate the potential impacts of these technologies.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) He/she has basic, current and applied information about his/her profession.
P.1.1) Knows the basic elements of a computer.
P.1.2) Knows how to use the internet and do research.
P.1.3) Can perform basic mathematical analyses related to his/her profession.
P.1.4) Has knowledge about Computer and Security.
P2) Gains knowledge about occupational health and safety, environmental awareness and quality processes.
P.2.1) Understands and applies occupational health and safety standards
P.2.2) Evaluates environmental protection and sustainability principles
P.2.3) Analyzes and improves quality management processes
P.2.4) Assess environmental impacts and risks in the workplace
P11) Creates algorithms and data structures and performs mathematical calculations.
P.11.1) Knows how to develop algorithms and creates a data structure appropriate to the algorithm.
P.11.2) Knows and uses current Information Technology platforms.
P.11.3) Has knowledge of current programming languages.
P.11.4) Knows and uses Object Oriented Programming Techniques.
P.11.5) Knows and uses Visual Programming techniques.
P.11.6) He/she has knowledge about current technology topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Machine Learning.
P.11.7) Has knowledge in the field of Digital Systems.
P.11.8) He has knowledge in embedded systems and basic electronics.
P12) Explains and applies web programming technologies.
P.12.1) Has knowledge of Web Programming development languages.
P.12.2) Knows and uses Web Programming development platforms.
P13) Performs database design and management.
P.13.1) Has knowledge of database design.
P.13.2) Has knowledge of database management.
P.13.3) Can perform database queries.
P14) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P.14.1) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P15) Bir yabancı dili Avrupa Dil Portfolyosu A1-A1+ seviyesi genel düzeyinde kullanır.
P.15.1) Gündelik hayata yönelik basit düzeydeki temel ifadeleri kullanabilme.
P.15.2) Being able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.15.3) Being able to introduce oneself in social environments, ask and answer questions regarding personal information.
P.15.4) Ability to express one's past, immediate environment and events in simple written and oral form.
P.15.5) Ability to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life and create short and simple notes.
P.15.6) Being able to read short and simple texts and comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P16) Osmanlı'dan Türkiye Cumhuriyet'e gelen süreci genel hatlarıyla açıklayabilme ve dünya tarihi içerisindeki konumunu tespit edebilme.
P.16.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire in general terms.
P.16.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the War of Independence period.
P.16.3) To be able to convey the establishment process of the Republic of Türkiye from different perspectives.
P.16.4) To be able to understand the fundamental reasons of Turkey's political, sociocultural and socioeconomic structure.
P.16.5) To be able to provide a broad perspective by analyzing Turkey's founding process and its position in world history.
P.16.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's establishment process and location.
P17) Milletimizin ait olduğu medeniyeti tanımak ve meslek ahlakıyla hareket edebilmek ve sosyal sorumluluk bilincine sahip olmak.
P.17.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness.
P.17.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility to life
P.17.3) Ability to act in accordance with professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life
P.17.4) Ability to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.17.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.17.6) Being able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P18) Türk dilinin yazılı ve sözlü anlatım biçimlerinde meydana gelebilecek anlatım bozukluklarının tespiti, giderilmesi ve doğru cümleler ile anlamlı konuşma metinlerinin üretimi ve bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri konularında yetkinleşebilme
P.18.1) To be able to explain the errors of meaning and expression
P.18.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.18.3) Ability to solve pronunciation and pronunciation problems and provide original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language.
P.18.4) Classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language.
P.18.5) Ability to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language.
P.18.6) To be able to have knowledge about scientific research methods (choosing the topic, limiting it and scanning relevant sources), to have an idea about putting research results into writing and to be able to choose the right source.
P19) Sağlıklı ve güvenli bir çalışma ortamı oluşturmak için karşılaşılan sorunlarının çözümünde İSG ile ilgili bilgiler ile uygun yöntem ve araçları seçer ve kullanır.
P.19.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.19.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.19.3) Identify workplace environment factors in work and health relationships.
P.19.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.19.5) Ability to explain work-related diseases and precautions to be taken to prevent occupational diseases
P.19.6) Ability to identify and analyze risk factors in work environments and explain the precautions to be taken
P.19.7) To be able to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards.
P.19.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P20) Öğrencilerin bilgi teknolojilerini etkin ve verimli bir şekilde kullanarak akademik ve profesyonel hayatlarında karşılaştıkları problemleri çözme yetkinliği kazanmaları.
P.20.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and to explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.20.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.20.3) Developing the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using the Internet and web technologies.
P.20.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.20.5) Ability to write simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.20.6) Understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and evaluate the potential impacts of these technologies.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P3) He/She follows current developments and practices in his profession and uses them effectively.
P.3.1) Knows current techniques for data analysis.
P.3.2) Must know and use current software development platforms.
P.3.3) Addresses complex problems and produces creative solutions.
P.3.4) Analyzes complex problems and develops solution strategies
P.3.5) Have basic analysis knowledge.
P4) Effectively uses information technologies (software, programs, animations, etc.) related to her/his profession.
P.4.1) Knows how to develop algorithms and creates a data structure suitable for the algorithm.
P.4.2) Ability to use software suitable for current mathematical modeling and optimization methods
P.4.3) Ability to use machine learning methods
P.4.4) Ability to use artificial intelligence methods
P.4.5) Have knowledge about current programming languages.
P5) Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and propose solutions.
P.5.1) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P.5.2) Knows analytical, effective research and solution techniques to identify problems.
P.5.3) Evaluates alternative solutions and selects the most appropriate one.
P.5.4) Evaluate computer science topics and algorithms using critical thinking skills
P.5.5) Manages and implements decision-making processes effectively
P.5.6) Can develop solutions to mathematical problems
P11) Creates algorithms and data structures and performs mathematical calculations.
P.11.1) Knows how to develop algorithms and creates a data structure appropriate to the algorithm.
P.11.2) Knows and uses current Information Technology platforms.
P.11.3) Has knowledge of current programming languages.
P.11.4) Knows and uses Object Oriented Programming Techniques.
P.11.5) Knows and uses Visual Programming techniques.
P.11.6) He/she has knowledge about current technology topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Machine Learning.
P.11.7) Has knowledge in the field of Digital Systems.
P.11.8) He has knowledge in embedded systems and basic electronics.
P12) Explains and applies web programming technologies.
P.12.1) Has knowledge of Web Programming development languages.
P.12.2) Knows and uses Web Programming development platforms.
P13) Performs database design and management.
P.13.1) Has knowledge of database design.
P.13.2) Has knowledge of database management.
P.13.3) Can perform database queries.
P14) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P.14.1) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P17) Milletimizin ait olduğu medeniyeti tanımak ve meslek ahlakıyla hareket edebilmek ve sosyal sorumluluk bilincine sahip olmak.
P.17.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness.
P.17.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility to life
P.17.3) Ability to act in accordance with professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life
P.17.4) Ability to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.17.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.17.6) Being able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P18) Türk dilinin yazılı ve sözlü anlatım biçimlerinde meydana gelebilecek anlatım bozukluklarının tespiti, giderilmesi ve doğru cümleler ile anlamlı konuşma metinlerinin üretimi ve bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri konularında yetkinleşebilme
P.18.1) To be able to explain the errors of meaning and expression
P.18.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.18.3) Ability to solve pronunciation and pronunciation problems and provide original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language.
P.18.4) Classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language.
P.18.5) Ability to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language.
P.18.6) To be able to have knowledge about scientific research methods (choosing the topic, limiting it and scanning relevant sources), to have an idea about putting research results into writing and to be able to choose the right source.
P19) Sağlıklı ve güvenli bir çalışma ortamı oluşturmak için karşılaşılan sorunlarının çözümünde İSG ile ilgili bilgiler ile uygun yöntem ve araçları seçer ve kullanır.
P.19.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.19.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.19.3) Identify workplace environment factors in work and health relationships.
P.19.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.19.5) Ability to explain work-related diseases and precautions to be taken to prevent occupational diseases
P.19.6) Ability to identify and analyze risk factors in work environments and explain the precautions to be taken
P.19.7) To be able to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards.
P.19.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P20) Öğrencilerin bilgi teknolojilerini etkin ve verimli bir şekilde kullanarak akademik ve profesyonel hayatlarında karşılaştıkları problemleri çözme yetkinliği kazanmaları.
P.20.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and to explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.20.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.20.3) Developing the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using the Internet and web technologies.
P.20.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.20.5) Ability to write simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.20.6) Understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and evaluate the potential impacts of these technologies.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P6) Can present his/her thoughts effectively through written and verbal communication at the level of knowledge and skills and expresses them in an understandable manner.
P.6.1) Ability to write reports using basic statistical information
P.6.2) Knows how to use at least one of the MS Office tools.
P.6.3) Ability to conduct computer and data science analyses and report results
P.6.4) Speaks and presents confidently in front of the public
P7) Takes responsibility as a team member to solve unforeseen complex problems encountered in applications related to her/his field
P.7.1) Have knowledge of project management
P.7.2) Offers solutions to problems within the project.
P.7.3) Having the ability to work at different stages of the project such as development, testing and maintenance
P.7.4) Works effectively individually and in multidisciplinary teams.
P.7.5) To be able to effectively use online information sources, databases and communication channels related to the field.
P8) Has awareness of career management and lifelong learning.
P.8.1) Determines the skills required to solve problems and develops methods.
P.8.2) Applies the methods developed to solve problems effectively and efficiently.
P.8.3) Knows effective research and solution techniques to identify problems.
P9) It has social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting data related to its field, applying it and announcing the results.
P.9.1) Makes decisions by taking into consideration social, scientific, cultural and ethical values.
P.9.2) Follows ethical standards in data collection and analysis
P.9.3) Applies scientific research methods and evaluates the results objectively.
P.9.4) Appreciates and respects diversity and cultural differences
P.9.5) Develops and implements projects that are sensitive to society and the environment.
P10) Follows the information in her field and communicates with her/his colleagues by using a foreign language
P.10.1) Must have good oral and written expression skills in at least one European Union foreign language.
P.10.2) Must know a second foreign language at least at a level to communicate socially.
P.10.3) Must be able to propose innovative solutions according to the current state of basic sciences and technology.
P.10.4) Must have knowledge about international cooperation, exchange and support mechanisms
P11) Creates algorithms and data structures and performs mathematical calculations.
P.11.1) Knows how to develop algorithms and creates a data structure appropriate to the algorithm.
P.11.2) Knows and uses current Information Technology platforms.
P.11.3) Has knowledge of current programming languages.
P.11.4) Knows and uses Object Oriented Programming Techniques.
P.11.5) Knows and uses Visual Programming techniques.
P.11.6) He/she has knowledge about current technology topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Machine Learning.
P.11.7) Has knowledge in the field of Digital Systems.
P.11.8) He has knowledge in embedded systems and basic electronics.
P12) Explains and applies web programming technologies.
P.12.1) Has knowledge of Web Programming development languages.
P.12.2) Knows and uses Web Programming development platforms.
P13) Performs database design and management.
P.13.1) Has knowledge of database design.
P.13.2) Has knowledge of database management.
P.13.3) Can perform database queries.
P14) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P.14.1) Tests software and fixes bugs.
P17) Milletimizin ait olduğu medeniyeti tanımak ve meslek ahlakıyla hareket edebilmek ve sosyal sorumluluk bilincine sahip olmak.
P.17.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness.
P.17.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility to life
P.17.3) Ability to act in accordance with professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life
P.17.4) Ability to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.17.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.17.6) Being able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P18) Türk dilinin yazılı ve sözlü anlatım biçimlerinde meydana gelebilecek anlatım bozukluklarının tespiti, giderilmesi ve doğru cümleler ile anlamlı konuşma metinlerinin üretimi ve bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri konularında yetkinleşebilme
P.18.1) To be able to explain the errors of meaning and expression
P.18.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.18.3) Ability to solve pronunciation and pronunciation problems and provide original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language.
P.18.4) Classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language.
P.18.5) Ability to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language.
P.18.6) To be able to have knowledge about scientific research methods (choosing the topic, limiting it and scanning relevant sources), to have an idea about putting research results into writing and to be able to choose the right source.
P19) Sağlıklı ve güvenli bir çalışma ortamı oluşturmak için karşılaşılan sorunlarının çözümünde İSG ile ilgili bilgiler ile uygun yöntem ve araçları seçer ve kullanır.
P.19.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.19.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.19.3) Identify workplace environment factors in work and health relationships.
P.19.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.19.5) Ability to explain work-related diseases and precautions to be taken to prevent occupational diseases
P.19.6) Ability to identify and analyze risk factors in work environments and explain the precautions to be taken
P.19.7) To be able to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards.
P.19.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P20) Öğrencilerin bilgi teknolojilerini etkin ve verimli bir şekilde kullanarak akademik ve profesyonel hayatlarında karşılaştıkları problemleri çözme yetkinliği kazanmaları.
P.20.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and to explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.20.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.20.3) Developing the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using the Internet and web technologies.
P.20.4) Being aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and being able to apply these principles.
P.20.5) Ability to write simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.20.6) Understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and evaluate the potential impacts of these technologies.