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Program Qualifications
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) Solid knowledge base in mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering-related subjects, along with the ability to solve complex engineering problems using this knowledge.
P.1.1) Knows the importance of Maxwell's equations in electrical and electronic engineering and understands their applications.
P.1.2) Have the skills to develop approximate solution methods to engineering problems.
P.1.3) Knows the fundamentals and application areas of electromagnetic field theory.
P.1.4) Have knowledge about dielectric, conductive and magnetic materials.
P.1.5) Solve an engineering problem, design and develop products using Electrical and Electronics knowledge and skills.
P.1.6) Learns counting methods.
P.1.7) Learns general theorems of counting and probability.
P.1.8) Rasgele sayıları öğrenme ve kullanma becerisi elde eder. Acquires the ability to learn and use random numbers.
P.1.9) They learn probability concepts such as expected value, variance, and moment generating functions.
P.1.10) They have knowledge about probability distributions and their usage areas.
P.1.11) Can perform vector operations.
P.1.12) Understands scalar fields and can find their gradient.
P.1.13) Can apply theorems about vector fields.
P.1.14) It can find the phasor and Fourier coefficients of a periodic signal.
P.1.15) Learns Fourier transform and its applications.
P.1.16) Learns the Laplace transform and its applications.
P.1.17) Have information about the transformations used in signal processing.
P.1.18) Works with different disciplines on an engineering problem and prepares a report for the solution of the problem.
P.1.19) Knows basic unit systems, current, voltage, power, energy concepts and calculations of elements
P.1.20) Knows DC-DC step-down and step-up switching principles and input-output current and voltage relationships.
P.1.21) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current voltage relationships of the Buck regulator
P.1.22) Knows the structure, working principle, input-output current and voltage relationships of the boost regulator.
P.1.23) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current and voltage relationships of the buck-boost regulator
P.1.24) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of single phase inverter
P.1.25) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of the three-phase inverter
P.1.26) Can determine the input-output voltage relationships of single-phase diode rectifiers and perform performance calculations
P.1.27) Determines the input-output voltage relationships of three-phase diode rectifiers and performs performance calculations
P.1.28) Knows the structure of controlled rectifiers, derives input-output voltage relationships and performs performance calculations
P.1.29) Creates the equivalent circuit of a synchronous motor and calculates efficiency and torque
P.1.30) Creates three phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.1.31) Creates single phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.1.32) Analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.1.33) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.1.34) Makes efficiency calculations and voltage regulation calculations of sin
P.1.35) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.1.36) Calculates the efficiency of three-phase transformers and knows different connection types
P.1.37) Finds the initial and final values ​​of second order circuits
P.1.38) Analyzes source-free and DC source series/parallel RLC circuits
P.1.39) Analyzes general second order circuits
P.1.40) Knows and derives the transfer function in linear systems
P.1.41) Knows the concept of decibel and can make calculations
P.1.42) Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.1.43) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relationships and efficiency calculations
P.1.44) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.1.45) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.1.46) Knows the structure, working principle, current-voltage relationship and efficiency calculation of the synchronous generator
P.1.47) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits and calculates the efficiency
P.1.48) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes the circuit and calculates the efficiency
P.1.49) Knows the basic laws on which the operating principles of rotary electric machines are based. Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.1.50) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relations and efficiency calculations
P.1.51) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.1.52) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.1.53) Can define Science and Engineering concepts, Biomedical engineering, work and profession fields
P.1.54) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.1.55) Must have knowledge about dielectric materials
P.1.56) Must be able to establish mathematical models of interactive electrical systems and analyze dynamic behavior and frequency response
P.1.57) Must understand the criteria and issues of puncturing gases, liquids and solids under high voltage
P.1.58) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.1.59) Must have knowledge about dielectric materials
P.1.60) Knows the basics of digital electronics and analyzes digital circuits
P.1.61) Knows the features of electronic components
P.1.62) Knows the concept of digital signal processing
P.1.63) Knows digital electronic concepts
P.1.64) Must know the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.1.65) Must know the basic principles of biomedical devices
P.1.66) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.1.67) Must have a good command of discrete-time control theory and be able to analyze computer control and microprocessor control systems
P.1.68) Must know the basics of digital electronics and be able to analyze logic and digital electronic circuits
P.1.69) Must know basic programming languages ​​(Visual basic, Assembly, C) used in programming electronic systems
P.1.70) Knows the features of electronic components
P.1.71) Knows the basics of biomedical devices
P.1.72) Knows the properties of signals in electronic systems
P.1.73) Evaluates communication systems with their general characteristics
P.1.74) Basic mathematics knowledge and theorems are known.
P.1.75) Knows the applications of mathematics in engineering
P.1.76) Knows numerical calculations and analysis
P.1.77) Mathematical models of engineering problems are created and simulated
P.1.78) Knows basic physics knowledge and theorems.
P.1.79) Knows the applications of physics in engineering.
P.1.80) Knows engineering applications of basic mathematical knowledge and theorems.
P.1.81) Knows Differential Equations, solution methods and engineering applications.
P.1.82) Can build mathematical models of engineering systems and simulate them on the computer.
P.1.83) Understanding the principles of Artificial Neural Networks and learning their differences from traditional programs.
P2) Ability to identify, describe, mathematically express, and solve challenging engineering problems; the capability to select and utilize appropriate analysis and modeling techniques for this purpose.
P.2.1) Knows the basic concepts of propagation of electromagnetic wave in lossless media and develops solutions for problems.
P.2.2) Can analyze electromagnetic wave reflection and transmission mechanisms.
P.2.3) Can approximately calculate the results of mathematical operations such as derivatives and integrals using numerical methods.
P.2.4) Knows different interpolation methodes and applies them to engineering problems.
P.2.5) Can solve ordinary differential equations numerically.
P.2.6) Ability to calculate the electric field related to charge densities through Coulomb and Gauss laws
P.2.7) Ability to calculate magnetic field related to current densities through Biot-Savart and Ampere laws
P.2.8) Learns to solve problems related to time-varying electromagnetic fields.
P.2.9) Can find the solution of digital systems with z-transform.
P.2.10) Understand and apply discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform algorithms
P.2.11) Must be able to establish mathematical models of engineering systems and simulate them on the computer.
P.2.12) Must be able to establish mathematical models of interactive electrical systems and analyze dynamic behavior and frequency response.
P.2.13) Knows basic unit systems, current, voltage, power, energy concepts and calculations of elements.
P.2.14) Knows the structure and terminal equations of resistors, inductors and capacitors.
P.2.15) Knows the structure and working principle of single phase diode rectifiers
P.2.16) Can determine the input-output voltage relationships of single-phase diode rectifiers and perform performance calculations
P.2.17) Determines the input-output voltage relationships of three-phase diode rectifiers and performs performance calculations
P.2.18) Knows the structure of controlled rectifiers, derives input-output voltage relationships and performs performance calculations.
P.2.19) Knows the structure and working principle of synchronous motor
P.2.20) Creates the equivalent circuit of a synchronous motor and calculates efficiency and torque.
P.2.21) Knows the structure and working principle of three phase induction motor
P.2.22) Creates three phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.2.23) Knows the structure and working principle of single phase induction motor
P.2.24) Creates single phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.2.25) Knows the laws of magnetism
P.2.26) Analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.2.27) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.2.28) Makes efficiency calculations and voltage regulation calculations of single phase transformers
P.2.29) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.2.30) Calculates the efficiency of three-phase transformers and knows different connection types
P.2.31) Analyzes source-free and DC source series/parallel RLC circuits
P.2.32) Analyzes general second order circuits
P.2.33) Knows the concept of decibel and can make calculations
P.2.34) Can draw and interpret bode diagram
P.2.35) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.2.36) Knows the structure, working principle, current-voltage relationship and efficiency calculation of the synchronous generator
P.2.37) Knows the laws of magnetism and analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.2.38) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits and calculates the efficiency
P.2.39) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes the circuit and calculates the efficiency
P.2.40) Knows the basic laws on which the operating principles of rotary electric machines are based. Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.2.41) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relations and efficiency calculations
P.2.42) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.2.43) Must learn basic electrical information
P.2.44) Must know power calculations
P.2.45) Kirchoff must understand ohm's law
P.2.46) Explaining signals mathematically and performing mathematical operations on signals
P.2.47) Recognize basic signals such as sinusoidal signals, complex exponentials, delta and step functions, and classify signals as continuous-time or discrete-time, periodic or non-periodic, energy or power signal, even or odd symmetrical forms
P.2.48) Understand various system properties such as causality, time invariance, linearity, and stability
P.2.49) Must know power calculations
P.2.50) Must learn basic electrical information
P.2.51) Knowing the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.2.52) Knowing the basics of biomedical devices
P.2.53) Knowing the characteristics of electronic components
P.2.54) Knows the basics of digital electronics and analyzes digital circuits
P.2.55) Knows the features of electronic components
P.2.56) Knows the concept of digital signal processing
P.2.57) Knows digital electronic concepts
P.2.58) Must always know the basics of electronics and be able to analyze electronic circuits
P.2.59) Must know the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.2.60) Must know the basic principles of biomedical devices
P.2.61) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.2.62) Must have knowledge and practical experience about basic electrical-electronic manufacturing methods (computer simulation, bread-board design, circuit element selection, soldering, etc.)
P.2.63) Must know basic programming languages ​​(Visual basic, Assembly, C) used in programming electronic systems
P.2.64) Must know the basics of digital electronics and be able to analyze logic and digital electronic circuits
P.2.65) Must have a good command of discrete-time control theory and be able to analyze computer control and microprocessor control systems
P.2.66) Knows the basics of electronics and design electronic circuits
P.2.67) Knows the properties of signals in electronic systems
P.2.68) Knows the basics of biomedical devices
P.2.69) Knows the features of electronic components
P.2.70) Evaluates the basic structure of data transmission in communication technique
P.2.71) Understanding and learning the basic structure of Artificial Neural Networks and various network structures.
P3) Ability to design a complex system, process, device, or product to meet specific requirements within real-world constraints and conditions; using current design techniques to achieve this goal.
P.3.1) Learns Fourier transform and its applications.
P.3.2) Learns the Laplace transform and its applications.
P.3.3) Must be able to establish mathematical models of interactive electrical systems and analyze dynamic behavior and frequency response.
P.3.4) Must know the concepts of state variables and state model in electrical-electronic systems.
P.3.5) Must be able to control in real time
P.3.6) Must learn the concept of transfer function
P.3.7) Must know basic control methods with feedback (dual control, PWM, P, PI, PD, PID) and be able to apply them by simulation.
P.3.8) Understanding design processes.
P.3.9) To learn the points to be considered in design.
P.3.10) Must be able to propose innovative solutions according to the current state of basic sciences and technology.
P.3.11) Knows the basic components of computers and microprocessors and operating systems and can select component X
P.3.12) Must always know the basics of electronics and be able to analyze electronic circuits
P.3.13) Must be able to write control algorithms on microprocessor
P.3.14) Must know the basic elements and operating systems of computers and microprocessors and be able to select components
P.3.15) Knows the basics of electronics and design electronic circuits
P.3.16) Understands the necessary information about communication system architecture
P.3.17) Understands the necessary knowledge about line coding and digital modulation techniques
P.3.18) Learning simple Artificial Neural Networks training methods
P4) Ability to develop, prefer, and utilize current techniques and tools for analyzing and solving complex problems in engineering applications; proficiency in effectively utilizing information technologies.
P.4.1) Knows the basic concepts of propagation of electromagnetic wave in lossless media and develops solutions for problems.
P.4.2) Knows the basic polarization states and application areas of electromagnetic waves.
P.4.3) Solve complex mathematical problems numerically in a computer environment, create and present reports.
P.4.4) Performs computer-aided analysis and calculations.
P.4.5) Learns Fourier transform and its applications.
P.4.6) Learns the Laplace transform and its applications.
P.4.7) Designs and implements discrete-time systems.
P.4.8) Can design digital filters.
P.4.9) It can process digital signals at multiple sampling rates.
P.4.10) Must know the concepts of state variables and state model in electrical-electronic systems.
P.4.11) Must be able to control in real time
P.4.12) Must learn the concept of transfer function
P.4.13) Must know basic control methods with feedback (dual control, PWM, P, PI, PD, PID) and be able to apply them by simulation.
P.4.14) Understanding design processes.
P.4.15) To learn the points to be considered in design.
P.4.16) To learn the legal responsibilities encountered while practicing the engineering profession.
P.4.17) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current voltage relationships of the Buck regulator
P.4.18) Knows the structure, working principle, input-output current and voltage relationships of the boost regulator
P.4.19) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current and voltage relationships of the buck-boost regulator
P.4.20) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of single phase inverter
P.4.21) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of the three-phase inverter
P.4.22) Can draw and interpret bode diagram
P.4.23) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.4.24) Fundamentals of biomedical instrumentation
P.4.25) Biosensors and their working principles
P.4.26) Optics and photonics in medical applications
P.4.27) Medical imaging methods
P.4.28) Knowing the basics of electronics and designing electronic circuits
P.4.29) Knowing the basic electrical-electronic manufacturing stages (computer simulation, circuit board design, circuit element selection, soldering, etc.) and gaining experience in applications
P.4.30) Knows the basic electrical-electronics (computer simulation, experimental circuit design, selection of circuit element, soldering, etc.) production process and gains experience in applications
P.4.31) Learns the sampling theorem and pulse modulation types
P.4.32) Learning how to prepare and run an Artificial Neural Networks project
P5) Ability to plan experiments, conduct them, collect data, analyze and interpret results regarding complex engineering problems or discipline-specific research topics.
P.5.1) To have knowledge about the historical development of engineering.
P.5.2) Knows the structures and operating principles of different types of power supplies
P.5.3) Knows the structures and working principles of basic electronic measuring instruments.
P.5.4) Knows the functions, usage and soldering principles of basic electronic tools.
P.5.5) Knows the structure and characteristics of power diodes
P.5.6) Knows the structure and characteristics of the thyristor
P.5.7) Knows the basic laws on which the operating principles of rotary electric machines are based
P.5.8) Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.5.9) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relationships and efficiency calculations
P.5.10) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.5.11) Must learn Norton-Thevenin circuit analysis
P.5.12) Must learn mathematical models of capacitor and inductor
P.5.13) Ability to perform sinusoidal steady state analysis
P.5.14) Ability to analyze RLC circuits
P.5.15) Ability to analyze series and parallel resonant circuits
P.5.16) Ability to perform circuit analysis with Laplace transform
P.5.17) Ability to use transfer function
P.5.18) Understand the operations of convolution sum and convolution integral and their role in the analysis of linear time-invariant systems
P.5.19) Computing the Fourier series (and inverse) of periodic continuous time and discrete time signals from the definition equations and using the properties of the Fourier series
P.5.20) Calculating the Fourier transform (and inverse) of continuous time signals from the definition equations and using the properties of the Fourier transform
P.5.21) Gains skills in error rate analysis and channel coding in digital communication systems
P6) Ability to collaborate effectively with teams comprised of members from one's own discipline and different fields; proficiency in individual work.
P.6.1) Have the ability to conduct theoretical research in order to realize a Design Project.
P.6.2) Acquires the ability to work in a team.
P.6.3) Works with different disciplines on an engineering problem and prepares a report for the solution of the problem.
P.6.4) Must be able to work in groups and know the rules of professional ethics.
P.6.5) Ability to work independently and take responsibility.
P7) Possession of skills such as effective oral and written communication, knowledge of at least one foreign language, ability to create and comprehend written reports, ability to make presentations, and ability to give and understand clear instructions.
P.7.1) Solve complex mathematical problems numerically in a computer environment, create and present reports.
P.7.2) Uses technical report writing, presentation, communication and teamwork skills.
P.7.3) To have knowledge about report writing.
P.7.4) Prepares and presents posters.
P.7.5) Must be able to prepare and present reports, articles and technical documents
P.7.6) To be able to convey their knowledge and opinions in written and oral form on issues related to their field.
P.7.7) Students know at least one foreign language at a level that allows him to follow the basic information in his field and communicate with his professional environment.
P.7.8) Communicates effectively nationally and internationally by using at least one foreign language, represents academically, and follows academic developments and publications.
P8) Belief in continuous learning; ability to access information, keep up with advancements in science and technology, and continuously update oneself.
P.8.1) Conducts literature review.
P.8.2) Being able to learn and manage learning.
P.8.3) Knows our recent history, Ataturk's principles and reforms, and her contributions to the development of our society.
P.8.4) Can evaluate our country's geopolitical situation, social problems, opportunities and threats.
P.8.5) Gains knowledge about national and international cultural riches
P.8.6) Can prepare and present reports, articles, technical documents.
P.8.7) Can convey knowledge and opinions on issues related to field in written and oral form.
P.8.8) They can use the Turkish Language well, knows beautiful Turkish and oral and written expression techniques.
P.8.9) They can prepare and present reports, articles, technical documents
P.8.10) They can convey their knowledge and opinions on issues related to their field in written and oral form.
P.8.11) Gains the ability to learn and manage learning.
P.8.12) Knows the concepts and relationships of professional ethics. Knows ethical principles in child development. Knows ethical and unethical issues in business life. Knows the concept of Ahiism, its principles, components and social benefits.
P9) Adherence to ethical values, understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities; knowledge of standards used in engineering practices.
P.9.1) Transforms theoretical knowledge and skills into practice along with professional and ethical responsibilities.
P.9.2) Understanding design processes.
P.9.3) To learn the points to be considered in design.
P.9.4) To have knowledge about engineering disasters.
P.9.5) Medical ethics
P.9.6) Students learned the effects of occupational safety in engineering activities.
P.9.7) Students have learned to take precautions by making the necessary analyzes in risky environments.
P.9.8) Learned the risks that may arise from different machines in businesses.
P.9.9) Learns legislation on work safety.
P.9.10) Will be able to define and analyze the concepts of occupational safety and worker health.
P.9.11) Will be able to analyze work accidents and their types.
P.9.12) Will be able to analyze occupational diseases and ways to prevent them.
P.9.13) Will be able to define ergonomics, will be able to adapt the working environments in the workplace to ergonomics.
P.9.14) Will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety when working with electrical and non-electrical hand tools used in working environments.
P.9.15) Will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.9.16) Will be able to analyze security measures in case of fire, explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.9.17) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in lifting and carrying machines.
P.9.18) Will be able to analyze the duties of workers, employers and the state in occupational health and safety.
P.9.19) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.9.20) Will be able to analyze workplace health and safety signs.
P.9.21) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in maintenance and repairs.
P10) Knowledge of topics related to project management, risk management, and change management in the business world; awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation; knowledge of sustainable development.
P.10.1) Gains the ability to work under pressure with quality, time and cost constraints.
P.10.2) To learn the legal responsibilities encountered while practicing the engineering profession.
P.10.3) Works with different disciplines on an engineering problem and prepares a report for the solution of the problem.
P.10.4) Must be able to work in groups and know the rules of professional ethics.
P.10.5) Knows the scope of electrical and electronics engineering in terms of sub-technical fields and business areas.
P.10.6) Students learned the effects of occupational safety in engineering activities.
P.10.7) Learn to take precautions by making the necessary analyzes in risky environments
P.10.8) Student learned the risks that may arise from different machines in businesses.
P.10.9) Learned the legislation regarding occupational safety.
P.10.10) Will be able to define and analyze the concepts of occupational safety and worker health.
P.10.11) Will be able to analyze work accidents and their types.
P.10.12) Will be able to analyze occupational diseases and ways to prevent them.
P.10.13) Will be able to define ergonomics, will be able to adapt the working environments in the workplace to ergonomics.
P.10.14) Will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety when working with electrical and non-electric hand tools used in working environments.
P.10.15) Will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.10.16) Will be able to analyze security measures in case of fire, explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.10.17) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in lifting and carrying machines.
P.10.18) Will be able to analyze the duties of workers, employers and the state in occupational health and safety.
P.10.19) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.10.20) Will be able to analyze workplace health and safety signs.
P.10.21) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in maintenance and repairs.
P11) Knowledge of the health, environmental, and safety impacts of engineering applications on a global and societal level, as well as awareness of issues influencing contemporary engineering disciplines; awareness of the legal consequences of engineering solutions.
P.11.1) To learn the legal responsibilities encountered while practicing the engineering profession.
P.11.2) To have knowledge about engineering disasters.
P.11.3) Must have knowledge about our country's future forecast, priority scientific and technological development areas and goals.
P.11.4) Students learned the effects of occupational safety in engineering activities.
P.11.5) Learn to take precautions by making the necessary analyzes in risky environments.
P.11.6) Learn the risks that may arise from different machines in businesses.
P.11.7) Learn the legislation regarding occupational safety.
P.11.8) Will be able to define and analyze the concepts of occupational safety and worker health.
P.11.9) Will be able to analyze work accidents and their types.
P.11.10) Will be able to analyze occupational diseases and ways to prevent them.
P.11.11) Will be able to define ergonomics, will be able to adapt the working environments in the workplace to ergonomics.
P.11.12) Will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety when working with electrical and non-electric hand tools used in working environments.
P.11.13) Will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.11.14) Will be able to analyze security measures in case of fire, explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.11.15) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in lifting and carrying machines.
P.11.16) Will be able to analyze the duties of workers, employers and the state in occupational health and safety.
P.11.17) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.11.18) Will be able to analyze workplace health and safety signs.
P.11.19) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in maintenance and repairs.
P12) Uses a foreign language at the general level of European Language Portfolio A1-A1+.
P.12.1) Ability to use simple basic expressions for daily life.
P.12.2) Ability to understand frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts
P.12.3) Ability to introduce oneself in social environments, ask and answer questions regarding personal information.
P.12.4) Ability to express one's own past, immediate environment and events in written and verbal form at a simple level.
P.12.5) Ability to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life and create short and simple notes.
P.12.6) Ability to read short and simple texts and comprehend simple contents in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P13) To be able to explain in general terms the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey and to determine its position in world history.
P.13.1) Being able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire in outline
P.13.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the War of Independence period.
P.13.3) To be able to convey the founding process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives.
P.13.4) Ability to understand the basic motivations of Turkey's political, sociocultural and socioeconomic structure.
P.13.5) To be able to present a broad perspective by analyzing Turkey's founding process and its position in world history.
P.13.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and position.
P14) To know the civilization to which our nation belongs, to act with professional ethics and to have social responsibility awareness.
P.14.1) Ability to have basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness
P.14.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.14.3) Ability to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life
P.14.4) Ability to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.14.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.14.6) Ability to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P15) To be competent in detecting and eliminating expression disorders that may occur in the written and oral expression forms of the Turkish language, producing correct sentences and meaningful speech texts, and scientific research methods.
P.15.1) Ability to explain meaning and expression disorders
P.15.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.15.3) Ability to provide original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language by eliminating pronunciation and pronunciation problems.
P.15.4) Ability to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.15.5) Ability to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language
P.15.6) To have knowledge about scientific research methods (selecting the subject, limiting it and scanning the relevant sources), to have an idea about writing down the research results and to choose the right source.
P16) Selects and uses OHS-related information and appropriate methods and tools in solving problems encountered in order to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.16.1) Ability to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.16.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.16.3) Ability to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.16.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.16.5) Ability to explain measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.16.6) Ability to identify and analyze risk factors in work environments and explain the precautions to be taken
P.16.7) Ability to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.16.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P17) Students gain the competence to solve the problems they encounter in their academic and professional lives by using information technologies effectively and efficiently.
P.17.1) Ability to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.17.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and prepare professional documents with these tools
P.17.3) Developing the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using the Internet and web technologies.
P.17.4) Veri güvenliği, etik ve gizlilik konularında bilinçli olma ve bu ilkeleri uygulayabilme.
P.17.5) Ability to write simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.17.6) Understanding the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and being able to evaluate the potential effects of these technologies.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P9) Adherence to ethical values, understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities; knowledge of standards used in engineering practices.
P.9.1) Transforms theoretical knowledge and skills into practice along with professional and ethical responsibilities.
P.9.2) Understanding design processes.
P.9.3) To learn the points to be considered in design.
P.9.4) To have knowledge about engineering disasters.
P.9.5) Medical ethics
P.9.6) Students learned the effects of occupational safety in engineering activities.
P.9.7) Students have learned to take precautions by making the necessary analyzes in risky environments.
P.9.8) Learned the risks that may arise from different machines in businesses.
P.9.9) Learns legislation on work safety.
P.9.10) Will be able to define and analyze the concepts of occupational safety and worker health.
P.9.11) Will be able to analyze work accidents and their types.
P.9.12) Will be able to analyze occupational diseases and ways to prevent them.
P.9.13) Will be able to define ergonomics, will be able to adapt the working environments in the workplace to ergonomics.
P.9.14) Will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety when working with electrical and non-electrical hand tools used in working environments.
P.9.15) Will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.9.16) Will be able to analyze security measures in case of fire, explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.9.17) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in lifting and carrying machines.
P.9.18) Will be able to analyze the duties of workers, employers and the state in occupational health and safety.
P.9.19) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.9.20) Will be able to analyze workplace health and safety signs.
P.9.21) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in maintenance and repairs.
P10) Knowledge of topics related to project management, risk management, and change management in the business world; awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation; knowledge of sustainable development.
P.10.1) Gains the ability to work under pressure with quality, time and cost constraints.
P.10.2) To learn the legal responsibilities encountered while practicing the engineering profession.
P.10.3) Works with different disciplines on an engineering problem and prepares a report for the solution of the problem.
P.10.4) Must be able to work in groups and know the rules of professional ethics.
P.10.5) Knows the scope of electrical and electronics engineering in terms of sub-technical fields and business areas.
P.10.6) Students learned the effects of occupational safety in engineering activities.
P.10.7) Learn to take precautions by making the necessary analyzes in risky environments
P.10.8) Student learned the risks that may arise from different machines in businesses.
P.10.9) Learned the legislation regarding occupational safety.
P.10.10) Will be able to define and analyze the concepts of occupational safety and worker health.
P.10.11) Will be able to analyze work accidents and their types.
P.10.12) Will be able to analyze occupational diseases and ways to prevent them.
P.10.13) Will be able to define ergonomics, will be able to adapt the working environments in the workplace to ergonomics.
P.10.14) Will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety when working with electrical and non-electric hand tools used in working environments.
P.10.15) Will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.10.16) Will be able to analyze security measures in case of fire, explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.10.17) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in lifting and carrying machines.
P.10.18) Will be able to analyze the duties of workers, employers and the state in occupational health and safety.
P.10.19) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.10.20) Will be able to analyze workplace health and safety signs.
P.10.21) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in maintenance and repairs.
P11) Knowledge of the health, environmental, and safety impacts of engineering applications on a global and societal level, as well as awareness of issues influencing contemporary engineering disciplines; awareness of the legal consequences of engineering solutions.
P.11.1) To learn the legal responsibilities encountered while practicing the engineering profession.
P.11.2) To have knowledge about engineering disasters.
P.11.3) Must have knowledge about our country's future forecast, priority scientific and technological development areas and goals.
P.11.4) Students learned the effects of occupational safety in engineering activities.
P.11.5) Learn to take precautions by making the necessary analyzes in risky environments.
P.11.6) Learn the risks that may arise from different machines in businesses.
P.11.7) Learn the legislation regarding occupational safety.
P.11.8) Will be able to define and analyze the concepts of occupational safety and worker health.
P.11.9) Will be able to analyze work accidents and their types.
P.11.10) Will be able to analyze occupational diseases and ways to prevent them.
P.11.11) Will be able to define ergonomics, will be able to adapt the working environments in the workplace to ergonomics.
P.11.12) Will be able to analyze the basic rules of occupational safety when working with electrical and non-electric hand tools used in working environments.
P.11.13) Will know the concept of first aid and will be able to analyze the rules to be applied in first aid.
P.11.14) Will be able to analyze security measures in case of fire, explosion, sabotage and natural disasters.
P.11.15) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in lifting and carrying machines.
P.11.16) Will be able to analyze the duties of workers, employers and the state in occupational health and safety.
P.11.17) Will be able to analyze the concept of ethics in working life.
P.11.18) Will be able to analyze workplace health and safety signs.
P.11.19) Will be able to analyze occupational safety rules in maintenance and repairs.
P12) Uses a foreign language at the general level of European Language Portfolio A1-A1+.
P.12.1) Ability to use simple basic expressions for daily life.
P.12.2) Ability to understand frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts
P.12.3) Ability to introduce oneself in social environments, ask and answer questions regarding personal information.
P.12.4) Ability to express one's own past, immediate environment and events in written and verbal form at a simple level.
P.12.5) Ability to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life and create short and simple notes.
P.12.6) Ability to read short and simple texts and comprehend simple contents in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P13) To be able to explain in general terms the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey and to determine its position in world history.
P.13.1) Being able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire in outline
P.13.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the War of Independence period.
P.13.3) To be able to convey the founding process of the Republic of Turkey from different perspectives.
P.13.4) Ability to understand the basic motivations of Turkey's political, sociocultural and socioeconomic structure.
P.13.5) To be able to present a broad perspective by analyzing Turkey's founding process and its position in world history.
P.13.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's founding process and position.
P14) To know the civilization to which our nation belongs, to act with professional ethics and to have social responsibility awareness.
P.14.1) Ability to have basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness
P.14.2) Ability to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life
P.14.3) Ability to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility awareness in working life
P.14.4) Ability to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.14.5) Ability to produce strategies in accordance with professional ethics for the problems encountered
P.14.6) Ability to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things
P15) To be competent in detecting and eliminating expression disorders that may occur in the written and oral expression forms of the Turkish language, producing correct sentences and meaningful speech texts, and scientific research methods.
P.15.1) Ability to explain meaning and expression disorders
P.15.2) Ability to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems
P.15.3) Ability to provide original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language by eliminating pronunciation and pronunciation problems.
P.15.4) Ability to classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language
P.15.5) Ability to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of the Turkish language
P.15.6) To have knowledge about scientific research methods (selecting the subject, limiting it and scanning the relevant sources), to have an idea about writing down the research results and to choose the right source.
P16) Selects and uses OHS-related information and appropriate methods and tools in solving problems encountered in order to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.16.1) Ability to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.16.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.16.3) Ability to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.16.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.16.5) Ability to explain measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.16.6) Ability to identify and analyze risk factors in work environments and explain the precautions to be taken
P.16.7) Ability to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.16.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
P17) Students gain the competence to solve the problems they encounter in their academic and professional lives by using information technologies effectively and efficiently.
P.17.1) Ability to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.17.2) Ability to effectively use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) and prepare professional documents with these tools
P.17.3) Developing the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using the Internet and web technologies.
P.17.4) Veri güvenliği, etik ve gizlilik konularında bilinçli olma ve bu ilkeleri uygulayabilme.
P.17.5) Ability to write simple programs by understanding computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.17.6) Understanding the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and being able to evaluate the potential effects of these technologies.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P1) Solid knowledge base in mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering-related subjects, along with the ability to solve complex engineering problems using this knowledge.
P.1.1) Knows the importance of Maxwell's equations in electrical and electronic engineering and understands their applications.
P.1.2) Have the skills to develop approximate solution methods to engineering problems.
P.1.3) Knows the fundamentals and application areas of electromagnetic field theory.
P.1.4) Have knowledge about dielectric, conductive and magnetic materials.
P.1.5) Solve an engineering problem, design and develop products using Electrical and Electronics knowledge and skills.
P.1.6) Learns counting methods.
P.1.7) Learns general theorems of counting and probability.
P.1.8) Rasgele sayıları öğrenme ve kullanma becerisi elde eder. Acquires the ability to learn and use random numbers.
P.1.9) They learn probability concepts such as expected value, variance, and moment generating functions.
P.1.10) They have knowledge about probability distributions and their usage areas.
P.1.11) Can perform vector operations.
P.1.12) Understands scalar fields and can find their gradient.
P.1.13) Can apply theorems about vector fields.
P.1.14) It can find the phasor and Fourier coefficients of a periodic signal.
P.1.15) Learns Fourier transform and its applications.
P.1.16) Learns the Laplace transform and its applications.
P.1.17) Have information about the transformations used in signal processing.
P.1.18) Works with different disciplines on an engineering problem and prepares a report for the solution of the problem.
P.1.19) Knows basic unit systems, current, voltage, power, energy concepts and calculations of elements
P.1.20) Knows DC-DC step-down and step-up switching principles and input-output current and voltage relationships.
P.1.21) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current voltage relationships of the Buck regulator
P.1.22) Knows the structure, working principle, input-output current and voltage relationships of the boost regulator.
P.1.23) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current and voltage relationships of the buck-boost regulator
P.1.24) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of single phase inverter
P.1.25) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of the three-phase inverter
P.1.26) Can determine the input-output voltage relationships of single-phase diode rectifiers and perform performance calculations
P.1.27) Determines the input-output voltage relationships of three-phase diode rectifiers and performs performance calculations
P.1.28) Knows the structure of controlled rectifiers, derives input-output voltage relationships and performs performance calculations
P.1.29) Creates the equivalent circuit of a synchronous motor and calculates efficiency and torque
P.1.30) Creates three phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.1.31) Creates single phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.1.32) Analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.1.33) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.1.34) Makes efficiency calculations and voltage regulation calculations of sin
P.1.35) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.1.36) Calculates the efficiency of three-phase transformers and knows different connection types
P.1.37) Finds the initial and final values ​​of second order circuits
P.1.38) Analyzes source-free and DC source series/parallel RLC circuits
P.1.39) Analyzes general second order circuits
P.1.40) Knows and derives the transfer function in linear systems
P.1.41) Knows the concept of decibel and can make calculations
P.1.42) Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.1.43) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relationships and efficiency calculations
P.1.44) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.1.45) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.1.46) Knows the structure, working principle, current-voltage relationship and efficiency calculation of the synchronous generator
P.1.47) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits and calculates the efficiency
P.1.48) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes the circuit and calculates the efficiency
P.1.49) Knows the basic laws on which the operating principles of rotary electric machines are based. Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.1.50) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relations and efficiency calculations
P.1.51) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.1.52) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.1.53) Can define Science and Engineering concepts, Biomedical engineering, work and profession fields
P.1.54) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.1.55) Must have knowledge about dielectric materials
P.1.56) Must be able to establish mathematical models of interactive electrical systems and analyze dynamic behavior and frequency response
P.1.57) Must understand the criteria and issues of puncturing gases, liquids and solids under high voltage
P.1.58) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.1.59) Must have knowledge about dielectric materials
P.1.60) Knows the basics of digital electronics and analyzes digital circuits
P.1.61) Knows the features of electronic components
P.1.62) Knows the concept of digital signal processing
P.1.63) Knows digital electronic concepts
P.1.64) Must know the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.1.65) Must know the basic principles of biomedical devices
P.1.66) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.1.67) Must have a good command of discrete-time control theory and be able to analyze computer control and microprocessor control systems
P.1.68) Must know the basics of digital electronics and be able to analyze logic and digital electronic circuits
P.1.69) Must know basic programming languages ​​(Visual basic, Assembly, C) used in programming electronic systems
P.1.70) Knows the features of electronic components
P.1.71) Knows the basics of biomedical devices
P.1.72) Knows the properties of signals in electronic systems
P.1.73) Evaluates communication systems with their general characteristics
P.1.74) Basic mathematics knowledge and theorems are known.
P.1.75) Knows the applications of mathematics in engineering
P.1.76) Knows numerical calculations and analysis
P.1.77) Mathematical models of engineering problems are created and simulated
P.1.78) Knows basic physics knowledge and theorems.
P.1.79) Knows the applications of physics in engineering.
P.1.80) Knows engineering applications of basic mathematical knowledge and theorems.
P.1.81) Knows Differential Equations, solution methods and engineering applications.
P.1.82) Can build mathematical models of engineering systems and simulate them on the computer.
P.1.83) Understanding the principles of Artificial Neural Networks and learning their differences from traditional programs.
P2) Ability to identify, describe, mathematically express, and solve challenging engineering problems; the capability to select and utilize appropriate analysis and modeling techniques for this purpose.
P.2.1) Knows the basic concepts of propagation of electromagnetic wave in lossless media and develops solutions for problems.
P.2.2) Can analyze electromagnetic wave reflection and transmission mechanisms.
P.2.3) Can approximately calculate the results of mathematical operations such as derivatives and integrals using numerical methods.
P.2.4) Knows different interpolation methodes and applies them to engineering problems.
P.2.5) Can solve ordinary differential equations numerically.
P.2.6) Ability to calculate the electric field related to charge densities through Coulomb and Gauss laws
P.2.7) Ability to calculate magnetic field related to current densities through Biot-Savart and Ampere laws
P.2.8) Learns to solve problems related to time-varying electromagnetic fields.
P.2.9) Can find the solution of digital systems with z-transform.
P.2.10) Understand and apply discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform algorithms
P.2.11) Must be able to establish mathematical models of engineering systems and simulate them on the computer.
P.2.12) Must be able to establish mathematical models of interactive electrical systems and analyze dynamic behavior and frequency response.
P.2.13) Knows basic unit systems, current, voltage, power, energy concepts and calculations of elements.
P.2.14) Knows the structure and terminal equations of resistors, inductors and capacitors.
P.2.15) Knows the structure and working principle of single phase diode rectifiers
P.2.16) Can determine the input-output voltage relationships of single-phase diode rectifiers and perform performance calculations
P.2.17) Determines the input-output voltage relationships of three-phase diode rectifiers and performs performance calculations
P.2.18) Knows the structure of controlled rectifiers, derives input-output voltage relationships and performs performance calculations.
P.2.19) Knows the structure and working principle of synchronous motor
P.2.20) Creates the equivalent circuit of a synchronous motor and calculates efficiency and torque.
P.2.21) Knows the structure and working principle of three phase induction motor
P.2.22) Creates three phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.2.23) Knows the structure and working principle of single phase induction motor
P.2.24) Creates single phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.2.25) Knows the laws of magnetism
P.2.26) Analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.2.27) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.2.28) Makes efficiency calculations and voltage regulation calculations of single phase transformers
P.2.29) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.2.30) Calculates the efficiency of three-phase transformers and knows different connection types
P.2.31) Analyzes source-free and DC source series/parallel RLC circuits
P.2.32) Analyzes general second order circuits
P.2.33) Knows the concept of decibel and can make calculations
P.2.34) Can draw and interpret bode diagram
P.2.35) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.2.36) Knows the structure, working principle, current-voltage relationship and efficiency calculation of the synchronous generator
P.2.37) Knows the laws of magnetism and analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.2.38) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits and calculates the efficiency
P.2.39) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes the circuit and calculates the efficiency
P.2.40) Knows the basic laws on which the operating principles of rotary electric machines are based. Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.2.41) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relations and efficiency calculations
P.2.42) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.2.43) Must learn basic electrical information
P.2.44) Must know power calculations
P.2.45) Kirchoff must understand ohm's law
P.2.46) Explaining signals mathematically and performing mathematical operations on signals
P.2.47) Recognize basic signals such as sinusoidal signals, complex exponentials, delta and step functions, and classify signals as continuous-time or discrete-time, periodic or non-periodic, energy or power signal, even or odd symmetrical forms
P.2.48) Understand various system properties such as causality, time invariance, linearity, and stability
P.2.49) Must know power calculations
P.2.50) Must learn basic electrical information
P.2.51) Knowing the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.2.52) Knowing the basics of biomedical devices
P.2.53) Knowing the characteristics of electronic components
P.2.54) Knows the basics of digital electronics and analyzes digital circuits
P.2.55) Knows the features of electronic components
P.2.56) Knows the concept of digital signal processing
P.2.57) Knows digital electronic concepts
P.2.58) Must always know the basics of electronics and be able to analyze electronic circuits
P.2.59) Must know the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.2.60) Must know the basic principles of biomedical devices
P.2.61) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.2.62) Must have knowledge and practical experience about basic electrical-electronic manufacturing methods (computer simulation, bread-board design, circuit element selection, soldering, etc.)
P.2.63) Must know basic programming languages ​​(Visual basic, Assembly, C) used in programming electronic systems
P.2.64) Must know the basics of digital electronics and be able to analyze logic and digital electronic circuits
P.2.65) Must have a good command of discrete-time control theory and be able to analyze computer control and microprocessor control systems
P.2.66) Knows the basics of electronics and design electronic circuits
P.2.67) Knows the properties of signals in electronic systems
P.2.68) Knows the basics of biomedical devices
P.2.69) Knows the features of electronic components
P.2.70) Evaluates the basic structure of data transmission in communication technique
P.2.71) Understanding and learning the basic structure of Artificial Neural Networks and various network structures.
P3) Ability to design a complex system, process, device, or product to meet specific requirements within real-world constraints and conditions; using current design techniques to achieve this goal.
P.3.1) Learns Fourier transform and its applications.
P.3.2) Learns the Laplace transform and its applications.
P.3.3) Must be able to establish mathematical models of interactive electrical systems and analyze dynamic behavior and frequency response.
P.3.4) Must know the concepts of state variables and state model in electrical-electronic systems.
P.3.5) Must be able to control in real time
P.3.6) Must learn the concept of transfer function
P.3.7) Must know basic control methods with feedback (dual control, PWM, P, PI, PD, PID) and be able to apply them by simulation.
P.3.8) Understanding design processes.
P.3.9) To learn the points to be considered in design.
P.3.10) Must be able to propose innovative solutions according to the current state of basic sciences and technology.
P.3.11) Knows the basic components of computers and microprocessors and operating systems and can select component X
P.3.12) Must always know the basics of electronics and be able to analyze electronic circuits
P.3.13) Must be able to write control algorithms on microprocessor
P.3.14) Must know the basic elements and operating systems of computers and microprocessors and be able to select components
P.3.15) Knows the basics of electronics and design electronic circuits
P.3.16) Understands the necessary information about communication system architecture
P.3.17) Understands the necessary knowledge about line coding and digital modulation techniques
P.3.18) Learning simple Artificial Neural Networks training methods
P5) Ability to plan experiments, conduct them, collect data, analyze and interpret results regarding complex engineering problems or discipline-specific research topics.
P.5.1) To have knowledge about the historical development of engineering.
P.5.2) Knows the structures and operating principles of different types of power supplies
P.5.3) Knows the structures and working principles of basic electronic measuring instruments.
P.5.4) Knows the functions, usage and soldering principles of basic electronic tools.
P.5.5) Knows the structure and characteristics of power diodes
P.5.6) Knows the structure and characteristics of the thyristor
P.5.7) Knows the basic laws on which the operating principles of rotary electric machines are based
P.5.8) Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.5.9) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relationships and efficiency calculations
P.5.10) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.5.11) Must learn Norton-Thevenin circuit analysis
P.5.12) Must learn mathematical models of capacitor and inductor
P.5.13) Ability to perform sinusoidal steady state analysis
P.5.14) Ability to analyze RLC circuits
P.5.15) Ability to analyze series and parallel resonant circuits
P.5.16) Ability to perform circuit analysis with Laplace transform
P.5.17) Ability to use transfer function
P.5.18) Understand the operations of convolution sum and convolution integral and their role in the analysis of linear time-invariant systems
P.5.19) Computing the Fourier series (and inverse) of periodic continuous time and discrete time signals from the definition equations and using the properties of the Fourier series
P.5.20) Calculating the Fourier transform (and inverse) of continuous time signals from the definition equations and using the properties of the Fourier transform
P.5.21) Gains skills in error rate analysis and channel coding in digital communication systems
P6) Ability to collaborate effectively with teams comprised of members from one's own discipline and different fields; proficiency in individual work.
P.6.1) Have the ability to conduct theoretical research in order to realize a Design Project.
P.6.2) Acquires the ability to work in a team.
P.6.3) Works with different disciplines on an engineering problem and prepares a report for the solution of the problem.
P.6.4) Must be able to work in groups and know the rules of professional ethics.
P.6.5) Ability to work independently and take responsibility.
P7) Possession of skills such as effective oral and written communication, knowledge of at least one foreign language, ability to create and comprehend written reports, ability to make presentations, and ability to give and understand clear instructions.
P.7.1) Solve complex mathematical problems numerically in a computer environment, create and present reports.
P.7.2) Uses technical report writing, presentation, communication and teamwork skills.
P.7.3) To have knowledge about report writing.
P.7.4) Prepares and presents posters.
P.7.5) Must be able to prepare and present reports, articles and technical documents
P.7.6) To be able to convey their knowledge and opinions in written and oral form on issues related to their field.
P.7.7) Students know at least one foreign language at a level that allows him to follow the basic information in his field and communicate with his professional environment.
P.7.8) Communicates effectively nationally and internationally by using at least one foreign language, represents academically, and follows academic developments and publications.
P8) Belief in continuous learning; ability to access information, keep up with advancements in science and technology, and continuously update oneself.
P.8.1) Conducts literature review.
P.8.2) Being able to learn and manage learning.
P.8.3) Knows our recent history, Ataturk's principles and reforms, and her contributions to the development of our society.
P.8.4) Can evaluate our country's geopolitical situation, social problems, opportunities and threats.
P.8.5) Gains knowledge about national and international cultural riches
P.8.6) Can prepare and present reports, articles, technical documents.
P.8.7) Can convey knowledge and opinions on issues related to field in written and oral form.
P.8.8) They can use the Turkish Language well, knows beautiful Turkish and oral and written expression techniques.
P.8.9) They can prepare and present reports, articles, technical documents
P.8.10) They can convey their knowledge and opinions on issues related to their field in written and oral form.
P.8.11) Gains the ability to learn and manage learning.
P.8.12) Knows the concepts and relationships of professional ethics. Knows ethical principles in child development. Knows ethical and unethical issues in business life. Knows the concept of Ahiism, its principles, components and social benefits.
P16) Selects and uses OHS-related information and appropriate methods and tools in solving problems encountered in order to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.16.1) Ability to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole
P.16.2) Understanding the interactions between work and human health
P.16.3) Ability to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations
P.16.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects
P.16.5) Ability to explain measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases
P.16.6) Ability to identify and analyze risk factors in work environments and explain the precautions to be taken
P.16.7) Ability to understand accident formation theories and explain risk assessment standards
P.16.8) Knowing the legislation and legal responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P2) Ability to identify, describe, mathematically express, and solve challenging engineering problems; the capability to select and utilize appropriate analysis and modeling techniques for this purpose.
P.2.1) Knows the basic concepts of propagation of electromagnetic wave in lossless media and develops solutions for problems.
P.2.2) Can analyze electromagnetic wave reflection and transmission mechanisms.
P.2.3) Can approximately calculate the results of mathematical operations such as derivatives and integrals using numerical methods.
P.2.4) Knows different interpolation methodes and applies them to engineering problems.
P.2.5) Can solve ordinary differential equations numerically.
P.2.6) Ability to calculate the electric field related to charge densities through Coulomb and Gauss laws
P.2.7) Ability to calculate magnetic field related to current densities through Biot-Savart and Ampere laws
P.2.8) Learns to solve problems related to time-varying electromagnetic fields.
P.2.9) Can find the solution of digital systems with z-transform.
P.2.10) Understand and apply discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform algorithms
P.2.11) Must be able to establish mathematical models of engineering systems and simulate them on the computer.
P.2.12) Must be able to establish mathematical models of interactive electrical systems and analyze dynamic behavior and frequency response.
P.2.13) Knows basic unit systems, current, voltage, power, energy concepts and calculations of elements.
P.2.14) Knows the structure and terminal equations of resistors, inductors and capacitors.
P.2.15) Knows the structure and working principle of single phase diode rectifiers
P.2.16) Can determine the input-output voltage relationships of single-phase diode rectifiers and perform performance calculations
P.2.17) Determines the input-output voltage relationships of three-phase diode rectifiers and performs performance calculations
P.2.18) Knows the structure of controlled rectifiers, derives input-output voltage relationships and performs performance calculations.
P.2.19) Knows the structure and working principle of synchronous motor
P.2.20) Creates the equivalent circuit of a synchronous motor and calculates efficiency and torque.
P.2.21) Knows the structure and working principle of three phase induction motor
P.2.22) Creates three phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.2.23) Knows the structure and working principle of single phase induction motor
P.2.24) Creates single phase equivalent circuit and calculates efficiency and torque
P.2.25) Knows the laws of magnetism
P.2.26) Analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.2.27) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.2.28) Makes efficiency calculations and voltage regulation calculations of single phase transformers
P.2.29) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes their circuits
P.2.30) Calculates the efficiency of three-phase transformers and knows different connection types
P.2.31) Analyzes source-free and DC source series/parallel RLC circuits
P.2.32) Analyzes general second order circuits
P.2.33) Knows the concept of decibel and can make calculations
P.2.34) Can draw and interpret bode diagram
P.2.35) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.2.36) Knows the structure, working principle, current-voltage relationship and efficiency calculation of the synchronous generator
P.2.37) Knows the laws of magnetism and analyzes basic magnetic circuits
P.2.38) Knows the working principle of single phase transformers and analyzes their circuits and calculates the efficiency
P.2.39) Knows the working principle of three-phase transformers and analyzes the circuit and calculates the efficiency
P.2.40) Knows the basic laws on which the operating principles of rotary electric machines are based. Knows the structure, parts, functions, emf and torque formation and mathematical expressions of the basic DC machine
P.2.41) Knows DC generator types, equivalent circuits, torque-speed, voltage-current relations and efficiency calculations
P.2.42) Knows the working principle of the DC motor, its types, torque-speed characteristics, efficiency and speed regulation calculations
P.2.43) Must learn basic electrical information
P.2.44) Must know power calculations
P.2.45) Kirchoff must understand ohm's law
P.2.46) Explaining signals mathematically and performing mathematical operations on signals
P.2.47) Recognize basic signals such as sinusoidal signals, complex exponentials, delta and step functions, and classify signals as continuous-time or discrete-time, periodic or non-periodic, energy or power signal, even or odd symmetrical forms
P.2.48) Understand various system properties such as causality, time invariance, linearity, and stability
P.2.49) Must know power calculations
P.2.50) Must learn basic electrical information
P.2.51) Knowing the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.2.52) Knowing the basics of biomedical devices
P.2.53) Knowing the characteristics of electronic components
P.2.54) Knows the basics of digital electronics and analyzes digital circuits
P.2.55) Knows the features of electronic components
P.2.56) Knows the concept of digital signal processing
P.2.57) Knows digital electronic concepts
P.2.58) Must always know the basics of electronics and be able to analyze electronic circuits
P.2.59) Must know the characteristics of signals in electronic systems
P.2.60) Must know the basic principles of biomedical devices
P.2.61) Must know the characteristics of electronic circuit elements
P.2.62) Must have knowledge and practical experience about basic electrical-electronic manufacturing methods (computer simulation, bread-board design, circuit element selection, soldering, etc.)
P.2.63) Must know basic programming languages ​​(Visual basic, Assembly, C) used in programming electronic systems
P.2.64) Must know the basics of digital electronics and be able to analyze logic and digital electronic circuits
P.2.65) Must have a good command of discrete-time control theory and be able to analyze computer control and microprocessor control systems
P.2.66) Knows the basics of electronics and design electronic circuits
P.2.67) Knows the properties of signals in electronic systems
P.2.68) Knows the basics of biomedical devices
P.2.69) Knows the features of electronic components
P.2.70) Evaluates the basic structure of data transmission in communication technique
P.2.71) Understanding and learning the basic structure of Artificial Neural Networks and various network structures.
P4) Ability to develop, prefer, and utilize current techniques and tools for analyzing and solving complex problems in engineering applications; proficiency in effectively utilizing information technologies.
P.4.1) Knows the basic concepts of propagation of electromagnetic wave in lossless media and develops solutions for problems.
P.4.2) Knows the basic polarization states and application areas of electromagnetic waves.
P.4.3) Solve complex mathematical problems numerically in a computer environment, create and present reports.
P.4.4) Performs computer-aided analysis and calculations.
P.4.5) Learns Fourier transform and its applications.
P.4.6) Learns the Laplace transform and its applications.
P.4.7) Designs and implements discrete-time systems.
P.4.8) Can design digital filters.
P.4.9) It can process digital signals at multiple sampling rates.
P.4.10) Must know the concepts of state variables and state model in electrical-electronic systems.
P.4.11) Must be able to control in real time
P.4.12) Must learn the concept of transfer function
P.4.13) Must know basic control methods with feedback (dual control, PWM, P, PI, PD, PID) and be able to apply them by simulation.
P.4.14) Understanding design processes.
P.4.15) To learn the points to be considered in design.
P.4.16) To learn the legal responsibilities encountered while practicing the engineering profession.
P.4.17) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current voltage relationships of the Buck regulator
P.4.18) Knows the structure, working principle, input-output current and voltage relationships of the boost regulator
P.4.19) Knows the structure, working principle and input-output current and voltage relationships of the buck-boost regulator
P.4.20) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of single phase inverter
P.4.21) Knows the structure, working principle, types and output voltage waveform of the three-phase inverter
P.4.22) Can draw and interpret bode diagram
P.4.23) Knows speed control and braking methods and mathematical relationships in DC motors
P.4.24) Fundamentals of biomedical instrumentation
P.4.25) Biosensors and their working principles
P.4.26) Optics and photonics in medical applications
P.4.27) Medical imaging methods
P.4.28) Knowing the basics of electronics and designing electronic circuits
P.4.29) Knowing the basic electrical-electronic manufacturing stages (computer simulation, circuit board design, circuit element selection, soldering, etc.) and gaining experience in applications
P.4.30) Knows the basic electrical-electronics (computer simulation, experimental circuit design, selection of circuit element, soldering, etc.) production process and gains experience in applications
P.4.31) Learns the sampling theorem and pulse modulation types
P.4.32) Learning how to prepare and run an Artificial Neural Networks project