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Program Learning Outcomes
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the those describing what the graduates are expected to attain or achieve in their academic and/or professional life after a few years of graduation. In this context, Programme Educational Objectives defined for this programme are as follows:

(Please click on the buttons below to reach the PLOs as “Conjoined” or as “Classified” under the “Knowledge”, “Skills” and “Competencies”.)
(Below, PLOs are shown as key and sub- learning outcomes.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
P1) To have multidimensional knowledge and understanding in the field of architecture. To have the ability to use this knowledge to make the necessary applications in the related field.
P.1.1) To obtain the ability to apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge.
P.1.2) To obtain the ability to apply scientific and technical knowledge.
P.1.3) Being able to distinguish and define the concepts of architectural design idea, context and architectural program.
P.1.4) Being able to understand that architectural design is the materialization of an idea.
P.1.5) Gain the ability to understand contextual factors affecting architecture and the built environment.
P.1.6) To improve visual, verbal presentation and communication skills.
P2) To have the ability to make environmentally sensitive, universal design and planning by considering physical, social and economic factors.
P.2.1) Express the environmental analysis and the organization of space as the components of the architectural design process.
P.2.2) Relate the design process of architectural space with the knowledge on functions and space organization through architectural programming, function and circulation diagrams.
P.2.3) Evaluate the relationships between the data of the natural / built environment, related with the given design problem and architectural program through the basic architectural concepts, such as form, function, structure, construction, context, materials, public-private space and landscape.
P.2.4) Produce architectural solutions by focusing the defined priorities of design on an architectural concept.
P.2.5) Express the original design ideas and architectural solutions, produced at the end of research, analysis, synthesis and repetition processes, integrating through different techniques and scales of architectural expressions.
P.2.6) Acquire high level visual and literary presentation and communication skills.
P3) To have the ability to develop discourse, theory and practice by developing new concepts by having the knowledge of historical, geographical, social and cultural context to design and plan in the field of architecture.
P.3.1) Skills on identifying the architectural problem, collecting the necessary information, merge and evaluation.
P.3.2) Skills on reading the built environment as a physical space, socio-space with its different layers.
P.3.3) Skills on solving limited basic techological problems and representing choice of materials and systems.
P.3.4) Skills on examining the structure of a settlement in the context of morphological relations.
P.3.5) Skills on interpreting the suggested programme in the context of place.
P.3.6) Gain visual and written presentation skills.
P4) To have the knowledge and skills to design by considering environmental data, land conditions and user needs.
P.4.1) Noticing the integration between human and physical environment.
P.4.2) Understanding the main principles of building envelope design and also learning the main principles about building service systems consisting of installation, electric, safety, fire protection systems.
P.4.3) Ability to determine external and internal comfort conditions to ensure indoor comfort conditions.
P.4.4) Understanding the importance of visual, auditory and thermal comfort conditions.
P.4.5) Ability to design details against the negative effects of heat, water and humidity in building construction solutions.
P.4.6) Ability to transfer concepts based on building-environment interaction in terms of natural and artificial lighting to design.
P5) To have the ability to select and apply modern tools and technologies in building design and construction.
P.5.1) Learning structures and properties of materials from production to using them in structures.
P.5.2) Taking right decisions for choosing materials considering the environmental factors and users'requirements
P.5.3) Using the materials in the building at right places.
P.5.4) Acquisition of relevant knowledge, evaluation, recording and implementation skills in architectural processes.
P.5.5) Having knowledge about relevant standards in material selection.
P.5.6) Having knowledge about environmental factors and users'requirements.
P6) To have knowledge in the history of art and architecture on a national and international scale.
P.6.1) To comprehend the historical meaning of architecture, to follow the developments of the periods and to analyze their differences.
P.6.2) To gain a theoretical basis of the concepts and the terminology of art and architectural history.
P.6.3) Recognizing the characteristic periods in the history of architecture and art, and being able to read them through visuals.
P.6.4) Recognizes the architectural heritage created by the Turks in Anatolia, masters the architectural terminology, and can read the structures of the period through visuals.
P.6.5) Gained knowledge about Anatolian Seljuk, Principalities, and Early, Classical, and Late Ottoman periods architecture, at the same time distinguishing the architectural character and typologies of the periods and interpreting the art of the period.
P.6.6) Gains the ability to form a bond by establishing the relationship of spatial design development with cultural, social, political and historical concepts.
P7) To have the knowledge and skills to prepare a restoration project by gaining awareness of the protection of the historical environment.
P.7.1) Recognizes the historic environment and conservation gains consciousness.
P.7.2) Learn the methods of documenting historic structures and technical survey. This technique increases the practical applying a historic building.
P.7.3) After documenting historic buildings will learn the necessary techniques to prepare restitution and restoration projects. It learned that the information gained the ability to practice in a cultural asset.
P.7.4) Organizations related to the protection of cultural heritage, learn the legislative and conservation education. The project makes use of the information gained in the application skills.
P.7.5) Gain cultural heritage and the criteria for their evaluation.
P.7.6) Gain the ability to work in groups.
P8) Understand the main factors related to the cost of building construction and use.
P.8.1) Understanding the general characteristics of the construction industry.
P.8.2) Defining project management concepts.
P.8.3) Recognizing the stakeholders in the building production process, understanding the relationship and coordination problems between them, creating consultants and appropriate teams, and proposing project delivery methods.
P.8.4) Understanding project management processes such as organization, risk, quality, contract, project planning, duration and cost in Construction Management.
P.8.5) Understanding the formation process of construction sites, which are production centers in Construction Management.
P.8.6) Introducing the architect's professional service areas and responsibilities and understanding of ethical issues that contribute to the formation of professional obligations.
P9) To have the knowledge and skills to develop effective work organization and planning consciously in environmental and occupational safety in building construction and production.
P.9.1) Explain the historical development of the building and construction systems.
P.9.2) Students can explain the properties of soils. Students can draw the construction details of the rope scaffolding, the excavations and retaining structures. Students can draw the construction details of foundations, columns, walls and floors.
P.9.3) Recognizing the application principles of wall claddings and materials, floor coverings and materials, ceiling coverings and materials,
P.9.4) Identifying the fundamental detailing principles.
P.9.5) Will be able to classify architectural components such as roofs and staircases.
P.9.6) To transfer the knowledge that is gained during the undergraduate building construction courses to a construction application project , to create a construction application project according to building codes.
P10) Ability to evaluate, select and integrate structural, environmental, security, building envelope and building service systems in building design.
P.10.1) Having knowledge about the relationship between architectural design and building service systems.
P.10.2) Ability to effectively use theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge in the structural and technical main subjects of architecture.
P.10.3) Understanding design and selection criteria for user safety systems in buildings and sub building systems.
P.10.4) Understanding the main principles ofclimatisation and energy use subjects in design of environmental systems.
P.10.5) Having knowledge about energy economy and passive systems.
P.10.6) Ability to analyze design requirements of mechanical systems.
P11) To have knowledge about professional, scientific and ethical responsibilities and their legal consequences.
P.11.1) Will be able to express how ethical values affect the design of the built and natural environment.
P.11.2) To define: Profession Ethics Project, site, time Management Financial organization Legal issues.
P.11.3) Will be able to apply ethical principles in the work stages defined by the architects from the beginning to the end.
P.11.4) Will be able to examine current practices aiming to create new paradigms in contemporary architectural design.
P.11.5) Will be able to discuss the professional codes of conduct and interests of the architect.
P.11.6) Will be able to determine their own ethical position and goals in the profession they will soon enter.
P12) To have the ability to communicate effectively (reading, writing, expressing ideas).
P.12.1) Ability to use communication methods effectively.
P.12.2) Ability to effectively apply the elements required for an effective speech.
P.12.3) Have theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of communication and have knowledge about all dimensions of communication processes.
P.12.4) Having knowledge of theories, methods, strategies and techniques related to the field and being able to express this information through communication tools.
P.12.5) Ability to read critically.
P.12.6) Communicates effectively nationally and internationally by using at least one foreign language, represents academically, and follows academic developments and publications.
P13) To be able to carry out studies related to the field independently or to lead in environments that require solving problems.
P.13.1) Architects gain technical skills and ability to think together about environmental, social and aesthetic issues in their societies through building design and application processes.
P.13.2) Understanding the needs of the customer, owner, user groups, public and social spaces in the design process, and understanding the architect's responsibility and management of the design process in line with these needs.
P.13.3) Ability to adapt the knowledge gained in different professional courses to the current situation.
P.13.4) Ability to produce solutions to problems encountered within the framework of situations and events.
P.13.5) Having knowledge about the management and hierarchy of the architectural office.
P.13.6) Having knowledge about the operation and management of a construction site.
P14) To have the ability to work in a team with different disciplines when necessary.
P.14.1) To gain the practice of working with different disciplines and to gain the ability to understand the processes in design projects and complete them successfully.
P.14.2) The architect's understanding of professional obligations and professional ethics in matters such as social, political, cultural issues and responsibility for architectural design and implementation.
P.14.3) Starting from the design process, financial management, business planning, time management, risk management, recognizing the factors affecting the application and understanding the basic principles of architectural application management.
P.14.4) Having knowledge about customer relations within the architectural design process, relations with auxiliary areas of the design process, and relations with architectural departments of regional or local authorities.
P.14.5) Ability to establish relationships between architectural and engineering projects and the construction site
P.14.6) Having knowledge about working principles and relationships between employees such as architects, foremen and masters in the working environment.
P15) To have the ability to express architectural projects by utilizing various computer technologies with appropriate presentation tools or by writing reports when necessary.
P.15.1) Recognizing the logic of computer aided architectural drawing softwares and using them.
P.15.2) Developing the architectural expression and presentation skills in multimedia.
P.15.3) Providing the understanding that allows self improvement and update of the gained multimedia skills.
P.15.4) Student will be able to develop architectural and interior architectural drawings by using the conventions of technical drawing through CAD.
P.15.5) Student will be able to be able to develop two dimensional drawing by using different software through CAD.
P.15.6) Learning techniques for converting from digital modeling to physical model with 3D printing methods.
P16) To be able to express by establishing a connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the general culture of the individual.
P.16.1) To be able to find the difference between various disciplines.
P.16.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.16.3) To be able to make comparisons between national and international values in art and design.
P.16.4) To be able to organize collaboration with different disciplines.
P.16.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning.
P.16.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches.
P17) Uses a foreign language at the general level A1-A1+ of the European Language Portfolio.
P.17.1) To be able to use basic expressions at a simple level for everyday life.
P.17.2) To be able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.17.3) To be able to introduce oneself in social environments, to ask and answer questions about personal information.
P.17.4) To be able to express his/her own past, his/her immediate environment and events at a basic level in written and oral form.
P.17.5) To be able to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life, to create short and simple notes.
P.17.6) To be able to read short and simple texts, to comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P18) To be able to explain the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey in general terms and to determine its position in world history.
P.18.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire.
P.18.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the National Struggle period.
P.18.3) To be able to convey the founding process of the Republic of Turkey with different perspectives.
P.18.4) To be able to understand the basic motives of Turkey's political, socio-cultural and socio-economic structure.
P.18.5) To be able to present a broad perspective by analyzing Turkey's establishment process and its position in world history.
P.18.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's establishment process and location.
P19) To recognize the civilization to which our nation belongs and to be able to act with professional ethics and to have a sense of social responsibility.
P.19.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility.
P.19.2) To be able to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life.
P.19.3) To be able to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in working life.
P.19.4) To be able to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.19.5) To be able to produce strategies appropriate to professional ethics for the problems they will encounter.
P.19.6) To be able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things.
P20) To be able to become competent in the determination and elimination of expression disorders that may occur in written and oral expression forms of Turkish language and the production of correct sentences and meaningful speech texts and scientific research methods.
P.20.1) To be able to explain meaning and expression disorders.
P.20.2) To be able to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems.
P.20.3) To be able to make original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language by eliminating the problems of pronunciation and pronunciation.
P.20.4) Classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language.
P.20.5) To be able to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of Turkish language.
P.20.6) To be able to have knowledge about scientific research methods (selecting the topic, limiting and scanning the relevant sources), to have an idea about writing the research results and to choose the right source.
P21) Selects and uses appropriate methods and tools with information about OHS in solving the problems encountered to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.21.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole.
P.21.2) To be able to comprehend the interactions between work and human health.
P.21.3) To be able to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations.
P.21.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects.
P.21.5) To be able to explain the measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases.
P.21.6) To be able to explain the precautions to be taken by identifying and analyzing the risk factors in the working environment.
P.21.7) Kaza oluşum teorilerini kavrayabilme ve risk değerlendirmesi standartlarını açıklayabilme
P.21.8) To know the legislation and legal responsibilities related to occupational health and safety.
P22) To enable students to gain competence in solving problems encountered in their academic and professional lives by using information technologies effectively and efficiently.
P.22.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.22.2) Ability to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) effectively and to prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.22.3) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies.
P.22.4) To be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and to be able to apply these principles.
P.22.5) To be able to write simple programs by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.22.6) Understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and evaluate the potential impact of these technologies.
(Below, Programme Learning Outcomes are shown as classified according to the same classification used for the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF-HE); that is knowledge, skills and competencies.)
(In order to see the Sub-Programme Learning Outcomes (SPLOs) affiliated to Key Programme Learning Outcomes (KPLOs), please press + sign.)
Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
P1) To have multidimensional knowledge and understanding in the field of architecture. To have the ability to use this knowledge to make the necessary applications in the related field.
P.1.1) To obtain the ability to apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge.
P.1.2) To obtain the ability to apply scientific and technical knowledge.
P.1.3) Being able to distinguish and define the concepts of architectural design idea, context and architectural program.
P.1.4) Being able to understand that architectural design is the materialization of an idea.
P.1.5) Gain the ability to understand contextual factors affecting architecture and the built environment.
P.1.6) To improve visual, verbal presentation and communication skills.
P2) To have the ability to make environmentally sensitive, universal design and planning by considering physical, social and economic factors.
P.2.1) Express the environmental analysis and the organization of space as the components of the architectural design process.
P.2.2) Relate the design process of architectural space with the knowledge on functions and space organization through architectural programming, function and circulation diagrams.
P.2.3) Evaluate the relationships between the data of the natural / built environment, related with the given design problem and architectural program through the basic architectural concepts, such as form, function, structure, construction, context, materials, public-private space and landscape.
P.2.4) Produce architectural solutions by focusing the defined priorities of design on an architectural concept.
P.2.5) Express the original design ideas and architectural solutions, produced at the end of research, analysis, synthesis and repetition processes, integrating through different techniques and scales of architectural expressions.
P.2.6) Acquire high level visual and literary presentation and communication skills.
P3) To have the ability to develop discourse, theory and practice by developing new concepts by having the knowledge of historical, geographical, social and cultural context to design and plan in the field of architecture.
P.3.1) Skills on identifying the architectural problem, collecting the necessary information, merge and evaluation.
P.3.2) Skills on reading the built environment as a physical space, socio-space with its different layers.
P.3.3) Skills on solving limited basic techological problems and representing choice of materials and systems.
P.3.4) Skills on examining the structure of a settlement in the context of morphological relations.
P.3.5) Skills on interpreting the suggested programme in the context of place.
P.3.6) Gain visual and written presentation skills.
P4) To have the knowledge and skills to design by considering environmental data, land conditions and user needs.
P.4.1) Noticing the integration between human and physical environment.
P.4.2) Understanding the main principles of building envelope design and also learning the main principles about building service systems consisting of installation, electric, safety, fire protection systems.
P.4.3) Ability to determine external and internal comfort conditions to ensure indoor comfort conditions.
P.4.4) Understanding the importance of visual, auditory and thermal comfort conditions.
P.4.5) Ability to design details against the negative effects of heat, water and humidity in building construction solutions.
P.4.6) Ability to transfer concepts based on building-environment interaction in terms of natural and artificial lighting to design.
P6) To have knowledge in the history of art and architecture on a national and international scale.
P.6.1) To comprehend the historical meaning of architecture, to follow the developments of the periods and to analyze their differences.
P.6.2) To gain a theoretical basis of the concepts and the terminology of art and architectural history.
P.6.3) Recognizing the characteristic periods in the history of architecture and art, and being able to read them through visuals.
P.6.4) Recognizes the architectural heritage created by the Turks in Anatolia, masters the architectural terminology, and can read the structures of the period through visuals.
P.6.5) Gained knowledge about Anatolian Seljuk, Principalities, and Early, Classical, and Late Ottoman periods architecture, at the same time distinguishing the architectural character and typologies of the periods and interpreting the art of the period.
P.6.6) Gains the ability to form a bond by establishing the relationship of spatial design development with cultural, social, political and historical concepts.
P7) To have the knowledge and skills to prepare a restoration project by gaining awareness of the protection of the historical environment.
P.7.1) Recognizes the historic environment and conservation gains consciousness.
P.7.2) Learn the methods of documenting historic structures and technical survey. This technique increases the practical applying a historic building.
P.7.3) After documenting historic buildings will learn the necessary techniques to prepare restitution and restoration projects. It learned that the information gained the ability to practice in a cultural asset.
P.7.4) Organizations related to the protection of cultural heritage, learn the legislative and conservation education. The project makes use of the information gained in the application skills.
P.7.5) Gain cultural heritage and the criteria for their evaluation.
P.7.6) Gain the ability to work in groups.
P9) To have the knowledge and skills to develop effective work organization and planning consciously in environmental and occupational safety in building construction and production.
P.9.1) Explain the historical development of the building and construction systems.
P.9.2) Students can explain the properties of soils. Students can draw the construction details of the rope scaffolding, the excavations and retaining structures. Students can draw the construction details of foundations, columns, walls and floors.
P.9.3) Recognizing the application principles of wall claddings and materials, floor coverings and materials, ceiling coverings and materials,
P.9.4) Identifying the fundamental detailing principles.
P.9.5) Will be able to classify architectural components such as roofs and staircases.
P.9.6) To transfer the knowledge that is gained during the undergraduate building construction courses to a construction application project , to create a construction application project according to building codes.
P11) To have knowledge about professional, scientific and ethical responsibilities and their legal consequences.
P.11.1) Will be able to express how ethical values affect the design of the built and natural environment.
P.11.2) To define: Profession Ethics Project, site, time Management Financial organization Legal issues.
P.11.3) Will be able to apply ethical principles in the work stages defined by the architects from the beginning to the end.
P.11.4) Will be able to examine current practices aiming to create new paradigms in contemporary architectural design.
P.11.5) Will be able to discuss the professional codes of conduct and interests of the architect.
P.11.6) Will be able to determine their own ethical position and goals in the profession they will soon enter.
P15) To have the ability to express architectural projects by utilizing various computer technologies with appropriate presentation tools or by writing reports when necessary.
P.15.1) Recognizing the logic of computer aided architectural drawing softwares and using them.
P.15.2) Developing the architectural expression and presentation skills in multimedia.
P.15.3) Providing the understanding that allows self improvement and update of the gained multimedia skills.
P.15.4) Student will be able to develop architectural and interior architectural drawings by using the conventions of technical drawing through CAD.
P.15.5) Student will be able to be able to develop two dimensional drawing by using different software through CAD.
P.15.6) Learning techniques for converting from digital modeling to physical model with 3D printing methods.
P17) Uses a foreign language at the general level A1-A1+ of the European Language Portfolio.
P.17.1) To be able to use basic expressions at a simple level for everyday life.
P.17.2) To be able to comprehend frequently used expressions and sentences in listening and reading texts.
P.17.3) To be able to introduce oneself in social environments, to ask and answer questions about personal information.
P.17.4) To be able to express his/her own past, his/her immediate environment and events at a basic level in written and oral form.
P.17.5) To be able to fill out simple forms encountered in daily life, to create short and simple notes.
P.17.6) To be able to read short and simple texts, to comprehend simple content in written texts such as advertisements and posters.
P18) To be able to explain the process from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey in general terms and to determine its position in world history.
P.18.1) To be able to express the political and social structure of the Ottoman Empire.
P.18.2) To be able to explain the motivational elements of the National Struggle period.
P.18.3) To be able to convey the founding process of the Republic of Turkey with different perspectives.
P.18.4) To be able to understand the basic motives of Turkey's political, socio-cultural and socio-economic structure.
P.18.5) To be able to present a broad perspective by analyzing Turkey's establishment process and its position in world history.
P.18.6) To be able to summarize the historical and social effects of Turkey's establishment process and location.
P19) To recognize the civilization to which our nation belongs and to be able to act with professional ethics and to have a sense of social responsibility.
P.19.1) To be able to have the basic principles of professional ethics and social responsibility.
P.19.2) To be able to reflect the importance of professional ethics and social responsibility in life.
P.19.3) To be able to act in accordance with the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility in working life.
P.19.4) To be able to carefully examine the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility in the field.
P.19.5) To be able to produce strategies appropriate to professional ethics for the problems they will encounter.
P.19.6) To be able to evaluate the effects and consequences of social responsibility with a morality that does not surrender to things.
P20) To be able to become competent in the determination and elimination of expression disorders that may occur in written and oral expression forms of Turkish language and the production of correct sentences and meaningful speech texts and scientific research methods.
P.20.1) To be able to explain meaning and expression disorders.
P.20.2) To be able to distinguish spelling rules, punctuation marks and verbal expression problems.
P.20.3) To be able to make original examples of correct and meaningful topics in the language by eliminating the problems of pronunciation and pronunciation.
P.20.4) Classify spelling and punctuation marks in Turkish language.
P.20.5) To be able to correctly categorize spelling and punctuation marks in written, oral and argumentative expression types of Turkish language.
P.20.6) To be able to have knowledge about scientific research methods (selecting the topic, limiting and scanning the relevant sources), to have an idea about writing the research results and to choose the right source.
P21) Selects and uses appropriate methods and tools with information about OHS in solving the problems encountered to create a healthy and safe working environment.
P.21.1) To be able to explain the concept of occupational health and safety as a whole.
P.21.2) To be able to comprehend the interactions between work and human health.
P.21.3) To be able to define workplace environment factors in work and health relations.
P.21.4) Knowing what work-related diseases are, how they occur and their effects.
P.21.5) To be able to explain the measures to be taken to prevent work-related diseases and occupational diseases.
P.21.6) To be able to explain the precautions to be taken by identifying and analyzing the risk factors in the working environment.
P.21.7) Kaza oluşum teorilerini kavrayabilme ve risk değerlendirmesi standartlarını açıklayabilme
P.21.8) To know the legislation and legal responsibilities related to occupational health and safety.
P22) To enable students to gain competence in solving problems encountered in their academic and professional lives by using information technologies effectively and efficiently.
P.22.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.22.2) Ability to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) effectively and to prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.22.3) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies.
P.22.4) To be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and to be able to apply these principles.
P.22.5) To be able to write simple programs by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.22.6) Understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and evaluate the potential impact of these technologies.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
P1) To have multidimensional knowledge and understanding in the field of architecture. To have the ability to use this knowledge to make the necessary applications in the related field.
P.1.1) To obtain the ability to apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge.
P.1.2) To obtain the ability to apply scientific and technical knowledge.
P.1.3) Being able to distinguish and define the concepts of architectural design idea, context and architectural program.
P.1.4) Being able to understand that architectural design is the materialization of an idea.
P.1.5) Gain the ability to understand contextual factors affecting architecture and the built environment.
P.1.6) To improve visual, verbal presentation and communication skills.
P2) To have the ability to make environmentally sensitive, universal design and planning by considering physical, social and economic factors.
P.2.1) Express the environmental analysis and the organization of space as the components of the architectural design process.
P.2.2) Relate the design process of architectural space with the knowledge on functions and space organization through architectural programming, function and circulation diagrams.
P.2.3) Evaluate the relationships between the data of the natural / built environment, related with the given design problem and architectural program through the basic architectural concepts, such as form, function, structure, construction, context, materials, public-private space and landscape.
P.2.4) Produce architectural solutions by focusing the defined priorities of design on an architectural concept.
P.2.5) Express the original design ideas and architectural solutions, produced at the end of research, analysis, synthesis and repetition processes, integrating through different techniques and scales of architectural expressions.
P.2.6) Acquire high level visual and literary presentation and communication skills.
P4) To have the knowledge and skills to design by considering environmental data, land conditions and user needs.
P.4.1) Noticing the integration between human and physical environment.
P.4.2) Understanding the main principles of building envelope design and also learning the main principles about building service systems consisting of installation, electric, safety, fire protection systems.
P.4.3) Ability to determine external and internal comfort conditions to ensure indoor comfort conditions.
P.4.4) Understanding the importance of visual, auditory and thermal comfort conditions.
P.4.5) Ability to design details against the negative effects of heat, water and humidity in building construction solutions.
P.4.6) Ability to transfer concepts based on building-environment interaction in terms of natural and artificial lighting to design.
P5) To have the ability to select and apply modern tools and technologies in building design and construction.
P.5.1) Learning structures and properties of materials from production to using them in structures.
P.5.2) Taking right decisions for choosing materials considering the environmental factors and users'requirements
P.5.3) Using the materials in the building at right places.
P.5.4) Acquisition of relevant knowledge, evaluation, recording and implementation skills in architectural processes.
P.5.5) Having knowledge about relevant standards in material selection.
P.5.6) Having knowledge about environmental factors and users'requirements.
P7) To have the knowledge and skills to prepare a restoration project by gaining awareness of the protection of the historical environment.
P.7.1) Recognizes the historic environment and conservation gains consciousness.
P.7.2) Learn the methods of documenting historic structures and technical survey. This technique increases the practical applying a historic building.
P.7.3) After documenting historic buildings will learn the necessary techniques to prepare restitution and restoration projects. It learned that the information gained the ability to practice in a cultural asset.
P.7.4) Organizations related to the protection of cultural heritage, learn the legislative and conservation education. The project makes use of the information gained in the application skills.
P.7.5) Gain cultural heritage and the criteria for their evaluation.
P.7.6) Gain the ability to work in groups.
P8) Understand the main factors related to the cost of building construction and use.
P.8.1) Understanding the general characteristics of the construction industry.
P.8.2) Defining project management concepts.
P.8.3) Recognizing the stakeholders in the building production process, understanding the relationship and coordination problems between them, creating consultants and appropriate teams, and proposing project delivery methods.
P.8.4) Understanding project management processes such as organization, risk, quality, contract, project planning, duration and cost in Construction Management.
P.8.5) Understanding the formation process of construction sites, which are production centers in Construction Management.
P.8.6) Introducing the architect's professional service areas and responsibilities and understanding of ethical issues that contribute to the formation of professional obligations.
P9) To have the knowledge and skills to develop effective work organization and planning consciously in environmental and occupational safety in building construction and production.
P.9.1) Explain the historical development of the building and construction systems.
P.9.2) Students can explain the properties of soils. Students can draw the construction details of the rope scaffolding, the excavations and retaining structures. Students can draw the construction details of foundations, columns, walls and floors.
P.9.3) Recognizing the application principles of wall claddings and materials, floor coverings and materials, ceiling coverings and materials,
P.9.4) Identifying the fundamental detailing principles.
P.9.5) Will be able to classify architectural components such as roofs and staircases.
P.9.6) To transfer the knowledge that is gained during the undergraduate building construction courses to a construction application project , to create a construction application project according to building codes.
P10) Ability to evaluate, select and integrate structural, environmental, security, building envelope and building service systems in building design.
P.10.1) Having knowledge about the relationship between architectural design and building service systems.
P.10.2) Ability to effectively use theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge in the structural and technical main subjects of architecture.
P.10.3) Understanding design and selection criteria for user safety systems in buildings and sub building systems.
P.10.4) Understanding the main principles ofclimatisation and energy use subjects in design of environmental systems.
P.10.5) Having knowledge about energy economy and passive systems.
P.10.6) Ability to analyze design requirements of mechanical systems.
P12) To have the ability to communicate effectively (reading, writing, expressing ideas).
P.12.1) Ability to use communication methods effectively.
P.12.2) Ability to effectively apply the elements required for an effective speech.
P.12.3) Have theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of communication and have knowledge about all dimensions of communication processes.
P.12.4) Having knowledge of theories, methods, strategies and techniques related to the field and being able to express this information through communication tools.
P.12.5) Ability to read critically.
P.12.6) Communicates effectively nationally and internationally by using at least one foreign language, represents academically, and follows academic developments and publications.
P13) To be able to carry out studies related to the field independently or to lead in environments that require solving problems.
P.13.1) Architects gain technical skills and ability to think together about environmental, social and aesthetic issues in their societies through building design and application processes.
P.13.2) Understanding the needs of the customer, owner, user groups, public and social spaces in the design process, and understanding the architect's responsibility and management of the design process in line with these needs.
P.13.3) Ability to adapt the knowledge gained in different professional courses to the current situation.
P.13.4) Ability to produce solutions to problems encountered within the framework of situations and events.
P.13.5) Having knowledge about the management and hierarchy of the architectural office.
P.13.6) Having knowledge about the operation and management of a construction site.
P14) To have the ability to work in a team with different disciplines when necessary.
P.14.1) To gain the practice of working with different disciplines and to gain the ability to understand the processes in design projects and complete them successfully.
P.14.2) The architect's understanding of professional obligations and professional ethics in matters such as social, political, cultural issues and responsibility for architectural design and implementation.
P.14.3) Starting from the design process, financial management, business planning, time management, risk management, recognizing the factors affecting the application and understanding the basic principles of architectural application management.
P.14.4) Having knowledge about customer relations within the architectural design process, relations with auxiliary areas of the design process, and relations with architectural departments of regional or local authorities.
P.14.5) Ability to establish relationships between architectural and engineering projects and the construction site
P.14.6) Having knowledge about working principles and relationships between employees such as architects, foremen and masters in the working environment.
P15) To have the ability to express architectural projects by utilizing various computer technologies with appropriate presentation tools or by writing reports when necessary.
P.15.1) Recognizing the logic of computer aided architectural drawing softwares and using them.
P.15.2) Developing the architectural expression and presentation skills in multimedia.
P.15.3) Providing the understanding that allows self improvement and update of the gained multimedia skills.
P.15.4) Student will be able to develop architectural and interior architectural drawings by using the conventions of technical drawing through CAD.
P.15.5) Student will be able to be able to develop two dimensional drawing by using different software through CAD.
P.15.6) Learning techniques for converting from digital modeling to physical model with 3D printing methods.
P22) To enable students to gain competence in solving problems encountered in their academic and professional lives by using information technologies effectively and efficiently.
P.22.1) To be able to define the basic concepts of information technologies and computer systems and explain the relationships between these concepts.
P.22.2) Ability to use basic software applications (e.g. presentation software, etc.) effectively and to prepare professional documents with these tools.
P.22.3) To be able to develop the ability to search for information, access information and share information securely using internet and web technologies.
P.22.4) To be aware of data security, ethics and privacy issues and to be able to apply these principles.
P.22.5) To be able to write simple programs by comprehending computer programming and algorithm logic at a basic level.
P.22.6) Understand the applications of information technologies in different disciplines and evaluate the potential impact of these technologies.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
P3) To have the ability to develop discourse, theory and practice by developing new concepts by having the knowledge of historical, geographical, social and cultural context to design and plan in the field of architecture.
P.3.1) Skills on identifying the architectural problem, collecting the necessary information, merge and evaluation.
P.3.2) Skills on reading the built environment as a physical space, socio-space with its different layers.
P.3.3) Skills on solving limited basic techological problems and representing choice of materials and systems.
P.3.4) Skills on examining the structure of a settlement in the context of morphological relations.
P.3.5) Skills on interpreting the suggested programme in the context of place.
P.3.6) Gain visual and written presentation skills.
P5) To have the ability to select and apply modern tools and technologies in building design and construction.
P.5.1) Learning structures and properties of materials from production to using them in structures.
P.5.2) Taking right decisions for choosing materials considering the environmental factors and users'requirements
P.5.3) Using the materials in the building at right places.
P.5.4) Acquisition of relevant knowledge, evaluation, recording and implementation skills in architectural processes.
P.5.5) Having knowledge about relevant standards in material selection.
P.5.6) Having knowledge about environmental factors and users'requirements.
P8) Understand the main factors related to the cost of building construction and use.
P.8.1) Understanding the general characteristics of the construction industry.
P.8.2) Defining project management concepts.
P.8.3) Recognizing the stakeholders in the building production process, understanding the relationship and coordination problems between them, creating consultants and appropriate teams, and proposing project delivery methods.
P.8.4) Understanding project management processes such as organization, risk, quality, contract, project planning, duration and cost in Construction Management.
P.8.5) Understanding the formation process of construction sites, which are production centers in Construction Management.
P.8.6) Introducing the architect's professional service areas and responsibilities and understanding of ethical issues that contribute to the formation of professional obligations.
P10) Ability to evaluate, select and integrate structural, environmental, security, building envelope and building service systems in building design.
P.10.1) Having knowledge about the relationship between architectural design and building service systems.
P.10.2) Ability to effectively use theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge in the structural and technical main subjects of architecture.
P.10.3) Understanding design and selection criteria for user safety systems in buildings and sub building systems.
P.10.4) Understanding the main principles ofclimatisation and energy use subjects in design of environmental systems.
P.10.5) Having knowledge about energy economy and passive systems.
P.10.6) Ability to analyze design requirements of mechanical systems.
P12) To have the ability to communicate effectively (reading, writing, expressing ideas).
P.12.1) Ability to use communication methods effectively.
P.12.2) Ability to effectively apply the elements required for an effective speech.
P.12.3) Have theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of communication and have knowledge about all dimensions of communication processes.
P.12.4) Having knowledge of theories, methods, strategies and techniques related to the field and being able to express this information through communication tools.
P.12.5) Ability to read critically.
P.12.6) Communicates effectively nationally and internationally by using at least one foreign language, represents academically, and follows academic developments and publications.
P13) To be able to carry out studies related to the field independently or to lead in environments that require solving problems.
P.13.1) Architects gain technical skills and ability to think together about environmental, social and aesthetic issues in their societies through building design and application processes.
P.13.2) Understanding the needs of the customer, owner, user groups, public and social spaces in the design process, and understanding the architect's responsibility and management of the design process in line with these needs.
P.13.3) Ability to adapt the knowledge gained in different professional courses to the current situation.
P.13.4) Ability to produce solutions to problems encountered within the framework of situations and events.
P.13.5) Having knowledge about the management and hierarchy of the architectural office.
P.13.6) Having knowledge about the operation and management of a construction site.
P16) To be able to express by establishing a connection between at least two different courses outside the field that contribute to the general culture of the individual.
P.16.1) To be able to find the difference between various disciplines.
P.16.2) To be able to interpret the concept of lifelong learning.
P.16.3) To be able to make comparisons between national and international values in art and design.
P.16.4) To be able to organize collaboration with different disciplines.
P.16.5) To be able to explain the issues related to lifelong learning.
P.16.6) To be able to design innovative applications of current approaches.