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Course Details
Faculty of Health Sciences
Programme of Audiology
Course Details
Course Code Course Name Year Period Semester T+A+L Credit ECTS
01950100 Diagnostic Audiology 3 Autumn 5 3+0+0 5 5
Course Type Compulsory
Course Cycle Bachelor's (First Cycle) (TQF-HE: Level 6 / QF-EHEA: Level 1 / EQF-LLL: Level 6)
Course Language Turkish
Methods and Techniques -
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Prerequisites -
Coordinator -
Instructor(s) Lect. Muhammed PINAR
Instructor Assistant(s) -
Course Instructor(s)
Name and Surname Room E-Mail Address Internal Meeting Hours
Lect. Muhammed PINAR - [email protected]
Course Content
Using audiological evaluation techniques, making detailed patient evaluation, making diagnosis and deciding the appropriate treatment method, preparing and maintaining the necessary rehabilitation program.
Objectives of the Course
Developing the skills of planning and applying audiological basic assessment methods and techniques, diagnosis and different therapy techniques.
Contribution of the Course to Field Teaching
Basic Vocational Courses
Specialization / Field Courses X
Support Courses
Transferable Skills Courses
Humanities, Communication and Management Skills Courses
Relationships between Course Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Program Learning Outcomes Level
P1 Has the basic and updated theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of audiology. 5
P2 Has the knowledge to comparatively evaluate and interpret the accuracy, reliability and validity of the information he has gained regarding audiology. 2
P4 Takes responsibility by using the undergraduate knowledge acquired in the field of audiology. Has the ability to carry out independent work individually and in groups. 5
P5 Internalizes and generalizes the basic theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the field of audiology and demonstrates what he has learned. 3
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
No Learning Outcomes Outcome Relationship Measurement Method **
O1 Recalls the basic and updated theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of audiology. P.1.1 1
O2 Applies basic and updated theoretical knowledge in the field of audiology. P.1.2 1
O3 Distinguishes the differences between basic and updated theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of audiology. P.1.3 1
O4 Explains the knowledge of comparatively evaluating and interpreting the accuracy, reliability and validity of the information gained about audiology. P.2.1 1
O5 Explains the undergraduate knowledge gained in the field of audiology. P.4.1 1
O6 Distinguishes the differences in the undergraduate knowledge acquired in the field of audiology. P.4.2 1
O7 She/He applies her undergraduate knowledge in the field of audiology to her professional life. P.4.3 1
O8 Interprets the theoretical and practical basic knowledge acquired in the field of audiology. P.5.2 1
O9 Remembers the theoretical and practical basic knowledge acquired in the field of audiology. P.5.3 1
** Written Exam: 1, Oral Exam: 2, Homework: 3, Lab./Exam: 4, Seminar/Presentation: 5, Term Paper: 6, Application: 7
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
Week Topics
1 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
2 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
3 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
4 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
5 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
6 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
7 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
8 Midterm
9 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
10 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
11 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
12 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
13 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
14 Application of theoretical knowledge gained in the field of audiology in clinical setting.
Textbook or Material
Resources 1. Valente, M., Valente, L. M. (2015). Adult Audiology Casebook. 2nd Edition, Thieme.
2. Jerger, J., Mueller H. G. (2014) Audiology: Science to Practice.2nd Edition. Plural Publishing Inc.
3. Hall, J. W. III. (2014) Introduction to Audiology Today. Pearson.
Evaluation Method and Passing Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Practice - -
Course Specific Internship (If Any) - -
Homework - -
Presentation - -
Projects - -
Seminar - -
Midterms 1 40 (%)
Final Exam 1 60 (%)
Total 100 (%)
ECTS / Working Load Table
Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Week Number and Time 12 2 24
Out-of-Class Study Time (Pre-study, Library, Reinforcement) 12 8 96
Midterms 1 15 15
Quiz 0 0 0
Homework 0 0 0
Practice 0 0 0
Laboratory 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Workshop 0 0 0
Presentation/Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
Fieldwork 0 0 0
Final Exam 1 15 15
Other 0 0 0
Total Work Load: 150
Total Work Load / 30 5
Course ECTS Credits: 5
Course - Learning Outcomes Matrix
Relationship Levels
Lowest Low Medium High Highest
1 2 3 4 5
# Learning Outcomes P1 P2 P4 P5
O1 Recalls the basic and updated theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of audiology. 5 - - -
O2 Applies basic and updated theoretical knowledge in the field of audiology. 5 - - -
O3 Distinguishes the differences between basic and updated theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of audiology. 5 - - -
O4 Explains the knowledge of comparatively evaluating and interpreting the accuracy, reliability and validity of the information gained about audiology. - 5 - -
O5 Explains the undergraduate knowledge gained in the field of audiology. - - 5 -
O6 Distinguishes the differences in the undergraduate knowledge acquired in the field of audiology. - - 5 -
O7 She/He applies her undergraduate knowledge in the field of audiology to her professional life. - - 5 -
O8 Interprets the theoretical and practical basic knowledge acquired in the field of audiology. - - - 5
O9 Remembers the theoretical and practical basic knowledge acquired in the field of audiology. - - - 5